Do you like megacorp and want to know more?
Yes, bring on the events with megacorp
Atys: Aikoon, Alassea, Aleeskandaro, Alric, Anzhanto, Arfur, Arugula, Binarabi, Falloutdclinux, Fitis, Gidget, Gilgameesh, Grasswind, Indigo, Iwakura, Jarnys, Jezabel, Mainca, Marikka, Naema, Neela, Ozwomen, Pirozhki, Placio, Sassafras, Shackra, Sherkalyn, Shvet, Stiene, Suboxide, Tearofserenity, Tgwaste, Uatu, Vircano, Virg, Xoep, Zam, Zopheira
38 (7)
No, I don't like chance and rather have the same old
Atys: Casy, Corwin, Lilsis, Markanjio, Petulka, Zoumpaf
6 (1)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Keldun, Neeis, Nokkuya, Redishwolf
Abstain 9

#16 [en] 

Bingfa (atys)
I consider the alternatives an insult of a sane mind and refuse to vote.

Spoken like an insane person.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#17 [en] 

Yes gilga and sherk this thing happend on atys within lore and it opens questions to all of us I like your ideas about it and I really think this should be continued.

True bitty I guess my poll might sound a bit manupilative I guess can't change it anymore but after all this years I've been playing it's been same old same old the whole time some kittin to kill then to goo mobs and so on so when you see something new happening on atys then you are really happy. I know some ppl that signed up again for this new episode of the game that after seeing the notice board posted by tamarea are already talking about chanceling their account again since it looks like we gonna go back to same old ignoring what happend.

Yes I like bina's idea aswell if you are scared of it then do like you are scared of it and start a movement against it


#18 [en] 

Roleplay wise, all we know is some big chunk of metal crashed from the sky and we got these Tricorder thingies and were able to boost and charge them up then scan for frequencys, (If we even know what frequencys are!)

So, yes, there is a little room for role play here, but we know nothing about the Web site or megacorp yet or even this new chat system,correct? Since there is no computers on Atys we cannot log on to it. In real life we all know about it, but not on Atys yet. However, something here has happened on Atys, so they have to develop it more i think. There is apparently other intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. If we can even deduce that from this crash.

#19 [en] 

You know... at least there is _some_ kind of activity going on. :)



#20 [en] 

I would prefer it if the transducer could open up the megacorp webpage and therefore incorporate the megacorp website into gameplay.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#21 [en] 

There ya go Virg, +1 !

#22 [en] 

Naema (atys)
Roleplay wise, all we know is some big chunk of metal crashed from the sky and we got these Tricorder thingies and were able to boost and charge them up then scan for frequencys, (If we even know what frequencys are!)

So, yes, there is a little room for role play here, but we know nothing about the Web site or megacorp yet or even this new chat system,correct? Since there is no computers on Atys we cannot log on to it. In real life we all know about it, but not on Atys yet. However, something here has happened on Atys, so they have to develop it more i think. There is apparently other intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. If we can even deduce that from this crash.

Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.

So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.

Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

So, now Gilgameesh know that a counterpart of himself exists somewhere and that without that counterpart, he could not exists at all in Atys.

Event team now, cannot close the event and just forget it, leaving a chat system somewhere, a window that open a rift between Atys and another reality, where our counterparts live.

If they do that I will start rolling on floor heavily laughing.

I think the event team was a bit superficial in doing this event, not considering all the conseguences, at least for people that still consider MMORPG exactly what they should be: RPG games.

Of course you can just forget everything and continue as usual, but, really, given I have read now the notice board, this is an incredibly poor event design.

They can fix it, of course: go further in the story ad find something logical that can add a real meaning to the event.

Anyway, they got something right: the mail sent to me was very intriguing at the point I have resubbed just to see (and participate to) the event. Unfortunately for me there is no reason to continue subbing. I really don't wanna redo everything already done since 2004, just to get some stuff already got in the past.
Since the merge, Atys is dead for me (this is only my personal feeling, nothing against the only game i always deeply loved, despite all the mistakes done in the years).

Unless the devs/event team really start doing interesting events (real events, that involve everyone) and something that moves this stagnant world a bit forward.

In this case I could (but i'm sure a lot would) really return full time into this crazy plant.


Legion of Atys

#23 [en] 

+1 Gilgameesh :)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#24 [en] 

i can only reply with a +1 i guess to gilgameesh but this +1 should count as a +2 a +3 a +4 a+5 a+9999999...99999

really ryzom says it's an adapting world on it's front page there are alot of gilgameshes around who resubbed or used a f2p alt atm because of the dissapointments they had in the past.

Can you really ignore ppl like gilgamesh is my question? They are some of the most repsected ppl in this game roleplay and non roleplay at the same time. Ryzom says on it' website to be proud of homins being able to write their own content and history.
So let homins embrace this new histroy we where given and bring back some old homins that where respected into the community and let them bring in some of their frieds aswell they met in other newer games.


#25 [fr] 

Gilgameesh (atys)
Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.
So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.
Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

The first part of your sentence is true, not the second.
You've found an artifact and feed it with the help of a big machine. Once synchronized, the artifact gave you a bunch of letters with "" inside.

And that's all for the roleplay homin part. Nothing else. What means the word 'login' for a homin ? Nothing. What is a website for a homin ? Nothing. The strange artifact give you a strange sentence and you have questions but no response for now.

The other part of the event (the website) is for the real player, not for the homin. It's a mix of RP and HRP event. This event break the fourth wall

Your homin can't acces the website because your are on atys and you doesn't have a computer. The artifact doesn't have a keyboard, just one button. Nowhere it is written that the artifact can display the website and let you enter a login/password (that your homin doesn't know). And the website is written in a language that the homin certainely doesn't know.

I think that the RP part of this event is just the first stone of a long RP path to the truth. The homin will have other RP events where he will discover some parts of what the player can read actually on

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Jezabel (1 decade ago)

#26 [en] 

Suboxide (atys)
embrace this new history

How can history be new? Is this some sort of doublespeak? While were at it lets get some new antique light colored black armor.

Have you drank the C-60 laced kool-aid??

Last edited by Rollocks (1 decade ago)


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#27 [en] 

Jezabel (atys)
Gilgameesh (atys)
Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.
So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.
Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

The first part of your sentence is true, not the second.
You've found an artifact and feed it with the help of a big machine. Once synchronized, the artifact gave you a bunch of letters with "" inside.

And that's all for the roleplay homin part. Nothing else. What means the word 'login' for a homin ? Nothing. What is a website for a homin ? Nothing. The strange artifact give you a strange sentence and you have questions but no response for now.

The other part of the event (the website) is for the real player, not for the homin. It's a mix of RP and HRP event. This event break the fourth wall

Your homin can't acces the website because your are on atys and you doesn't have a computer. The artifact doesn't have a keyboard, just one button. Nowhere it is written that the artifact can display the website and let you enter a login/password (that your homin doesn't know). And the website is written in a language that the homin certainely doesn't know.

I think that the RP part of this event is just the first stone of a long RP path to the truth. The homin will have other RP events where he will discover some parts of what the player can read actually on

I'm sorry, but you fail in logic, imho.

If the sentence from the artifact was just a "bunch of letters" Gilgameesh could not in any way log in the website of Megacorp. Instead, Gilgameesh without any doubt, logged in that site. With some help from somewhere....

How he could understand that "bunch of letters" at the point to login into and chat with all other homins in Atys?

Homins doesn't have computers? True.
Gilgameesh logged into a place and have spoken with every homin in Atys? True.

Solve this puzzle.

More... even if the artifact contains "bunch of words"... who built it? who knows the existance of and the meaning of that strange words? who built the request for charging the battery? the artifact exists in the Atys universe. Or not?
How Gilgameesh could understand what was "recharging battery" and "search for frequencies"? But he did both.

You cannot say, rping, that homins cannot understand the artifact and its words, because they did!

But your last statement in reality confirm my assumption: when you write "the homin will have other RP events where he will discover some parts of what the player can read on megacorp site" you are implying that the homin will be aware of the player, in other words.... its counterpart. That's exactly what i assumed in my previous post. Actually it's the only logical explanation to this event.

And the fourth wall you linked is exactly that: fictional character that aknowledge the reader/player.

The big mistake is to mention from an artifact fallen from the Atys sky. You can't mix IC and OOC without falling in logic. They must be strictly separated.

If the event team wanted to introduce a new chat system, just use the Ryzom facebook group, that's fully OOC. If you use an ingame event, you have to rely with all the necessary logic, otherwise the event is, back to the point, non-sense.

Edit: a simple solution would have been to have really the artifact words totally encrypted, and give hints only thru facebook group. In this way, the player would have understood what to do, without Gilgameesh understanding anything.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gilgameesh (1 decade ago)


Legion of Atys

#28 [en] 

The C60 is used to create nanites which will destroy us and our world. (OOC: Not to mention the damage the nefarious javascript code that is run when log into will cause.)


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#29 [fr] 

I agree with Jezabel on all points.
Tamarea answered to our question concerning our homins and what they know atm, it is a good thing and now we have to wait till saturday to get more information from event team.

I have a few questions for all those want to include the whole thing in roleplay :

1) Maybe you can consider that there is a screen on the artifact but can you tell me how Gilgameesh (or any other homin) got the personal logs (ID + password of an account) of his player please ?

2) How can you explain all the discussions you had on UNI (or other chans) since the event knowing that all channels except "arounds(*)" are considered as OOC ?

Thanks in advance for your answers :)

(*) idk what is its name in EN, we call it "alentours" in FR
#Edit : sorry i edit my first phrase, the post was from Jezabel, not Icus.

Last edited by Mermaidia (1 decade ago)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#30 [en] 

Jezabel (atys)
Gilgameesh (atys)
Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.
So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.
Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

The first part of your sentence is true, not the second.
You've found an artifact and feed it with the help of a big machine. Once synchronized, the artifact gave you a bunch of letters with "" inside.

And that's all for the roleplay homin part. Nothing else. What means the word 'login' for a homin ? Nothing. What is a website for a homin ? Nothing. The strange artifact give you a strange sentence and you have questions but no response for now.

The other part of the event (the website) is for the real player, not for the homin. It's a mix of RP and HRP event. This event break the fourth wall

Your homin can't acces the website because your are on atys and you doesn't have a computer. The artifact doesn't have a keyboard, just one button. Nowhere it is written that the artifact can display the website and let you enter a login/password (that your homin doesn't know). And the website is written in a language that the homin certainely doesn't know.

I think that the RP part of this event is just the first stone of a long RP path to the truth. The homin will have other RP events where he will discover some parts of what the player can read actually on

Did you actually look close to the machine it has a display on it (opening it in gimp might help you see it)
secondly we got 3 comunity's here that still aren't merged into one wich i think is impossible and over 50 diferent idea's of what roleplay is so don't tell ppl what you think roleplay is and tell them what they do is wrong pls since we all roleplay differently. If you really want a debate of what roleplay is search these forums or make a new post and get your trolling on.


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