
#1 [en] 

Having died twice this morning in FD from a KP that lacked a Great Kiro I would like to suggest that all KP are made invisible to /tar command.

We would die more. It would make homins paranoid. Uhmmmmm we would die.


#2 [en] 

Target macro for kp? I had respect for you lacuna.. but now.. i dont know anymore :(

#3 [en] 


Last edited by Lacuna (1 decade ago)


#4 [en] 

I will tell you a little secret, dear Lacuna :-)

Somebody - i wont say who - has been targetting and killing "Great Kirosta" in KP on purpose to screw up everybody's KP-Macro :-) my tip .. try targetting the killer, i.e. switch every now and again :-)

Sera :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#5 [en] 

Heh I guessed as much (hope they keep on doing it), and good advice, but then I need macro to remind me to use my second kp macro, or you can come and keep me company. I know a good spot to eat nutella and throw stones at lumpers.


#6 [en] 

No offence meant :p i was mearly making light of your personas expertise in the roots relying on a macro to navigate around the KP

Guess i'll get my coat :(

As for the idea itself, no complaints from me, i dont have a KP macro anyways :D

Regarding the person killing just the greats, that is some well executed trolling. Though i doubt any homin should really be helping the kitin in any way!

#7 [en] 

OK sorry, I read it the wrong way, then.


#8 [en] 

My macro targets all 4 components, false positives when you see them all in Sys Info but it's not a patrol are virtually none.

Now, if someone killed all but one, and the one that is left still has KP superpowers.. that would be some masterful trolling.


#9 [en] 

The KP macro I use is very effective:

No target
Target Great Kiro
Type: /em virg spots a $t$ nearby.
No target
Target Lacerating Kiro
Type: /em virg spots a $t$ nearby.
No target

etc etc.

This will then flick through each member that is possible in a KP and post in around chat if there is a kiro of that kind. If there is no target the /em comment is not made.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#10 [en] 

Sounds overly complicated to my taste, but I do not criticize a working solution. There is more than one way to skin a vorax.

My KP scan is dead simple, in sequence /tar "gruesome kirosta", /tar "lacerating kirosta", /tar "killer kirosta", /tar "great kirosta", my sys info is always open, in a distinct window right of my name and stats, so it always shows when I hit the macro key. Even if only one kiro is alive, I shall get the message and be alerted, false positives if any (don't know any) do not move. And I have the KP motion pattern in my blood.

So have fun with KP


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 [en] 

i really just wish they were named differently, there seem to be a bunch of stationary kiro near some of my favorite mats.

#12 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
And I have the KP motion pattern in my blood.

So have fun with KP



#13 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Sounds overly complicated to my taste, but I do not criticize a working solution. There is more than one way to skin a vorax.

My KP scan is dead simple, in sequence /tar "gruesome kirosta", /tar "lacerating kirosta", /tar "killer kirosta", /tar "great kirosta", my sys info is always open, in a distinct window right of my name and stats, so it always shows when I hit the macro key. Even if only one kiro is alive, I shall get the message and be alerted, false positives if any (don't know any) do not move. And I have the KP motion pattern in my blood.

So have fun with KP




#14 [en] 

Either KP become weak or we are easily avoiding them..
+1 for Ninja KP
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