
#1 [en] 

I am writing this is reference to three occasions where aspects of the game have been closed to everyone bar a few selective people.

Firstly there was an interactive mini game that could be played with the kitin mounds. Only a few people could actually activate this. Assuming the dev time that went into this why was it only available to a select few?

Secondly a recent event with the applying of termites (or potions- not really sure) to the kitin mounds. I believe only 1 person could actually do this.

Thirdly access to I understand if someone was enabled early access for beta testing. However with a leaderboard of "top donations" why should said-person be allowed to top the leaderboard just because they were enabled early access.

In each of these examples similar people appear. Since when did this ryzom favorites club come into existence?

There are many decent ideas which people have worked hard to promote on the ideas forum. Funnily enough it seems the "favorite club" are the ones always trying to tear down these ideas (maybe they don't want dev attention being taken away from them??). Such ideas have been backed up with many polls and +1s over the years and yet nothing is done. So I have an idea for you devs:

Stop putting valuable time into creating things only a set few people can actually use. Either open up these activities for all or don't do them at all.

As for the early access to megacorp. If you are going to allow people early-bird tickets why let them benefit from it? Why was no one else given such an opportunity. Of course I am speculating that being top of the leader board is a benefit however many people having raced hard to be there.



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#2 [en] 

yup why should some ppl have gotten early access days before this should have been wiped before event. Or atleast remove the top leader board since it's a laugh (actually it's to cry for) of how ryzom is ran at this time favoriting ppl. If this leaderboard has actually nothing to do with the game or a reward (even a name on top is considered a reward for alot) then it should just be taken down. If the top 4 do get a reward then it's just favoritism since 3 ppl on uni have said they got access to it days before event.

About these events for just some ppl virg I understand you till some point since well different factions/civilisations do get different events but those are events not something like game content (termites) wish was given to 1 person?, are you sure only 1 person since thats kind of sad if they did


#3 [en] 

One event was only activated for 1 person. I asked if I could play the mini game with some friends and was told that only ~5 people could actually start the minigame. As to why 5 people were selected out and not everyone was given a chance I have no idea.

I was told in the recent kitin mounds that only 1 person (or maybe 2) could use the "potions" on the mound.

Why so much dev time is devoted to a task only 1 person can do when there are many ideas on the forums which have been openly supported by many I have no idea.

I just hope by posting this the favorites club will be removed and dev time can be devoted to the many, not the few.



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#4 [en] 

yup don't understand it either and meenwhile there is a whole faction missing 90% ingame stuff and not exotic but really basic stuff.

But yeah there seems to be one group getting in on all the stuff and this early beta test just one of them.

I guess stuff needs to be tested and csr choose ppl they 'trust', but afterwards letting those ppl keep their points so they know for sure they will be in the top 4 is just sad and a stab in the back of all those who fought trough all the lag last night not knowing what was gonna happen.

Atleast removing this leader board or making the names of those early beta testers public would be nice. I have had uni off most of the day but atleast 3 ppl have said this morning  they got the access early and one of them messed up by donating over double of what anyone could have gathered in a night.
So can't denie it if it was really a bug some ppl had (unlickly seeing it's the same person everytime that has his name popup) then atleast I would like to meassures taken. Since event is death otherwise.


#5 [en] 

Because the termit stuff is developped by the event team (in fact, one member of the event team in particular). And he develop things he wants for the event he want to do. Since he's in charge of the ranger, he developped the termit thing. And it's limited to some people because there was some RP reason for that. It's easy as that.


#6 [en] 

So what RP reason was it based upon that some people should get the opportunity and others shouldn't? Is it because all "rangers" got the opportunity? Oh wait no, only a few did. Are they are higher rank within the rangers? Oh ops- there aren't any rangers yet. Is it because they are favored?

If this event team member is creating all these things himself, there is no one else's input or time going into it and there is a solid reason for only involving a single person, then I guess that's his prerogative. However does this mean I can become an event team member and create things just for one of my friends in this game under the pretense of roleplay? Is it right to single out one person and give them opportunities no one else can ever get?

If there is dev input and time going into this then I do have a massive issue. The great thing about this game is you can do anything. If you can't do something as a kara, you can change to a marauder for example and do it then. Yes the choice of your faction should alter what you can and can't do however these "events" were not open to all the "rangers" they were just open to one "ranger" (on one occasion) and several "rangers" (on another occasion).

(I am assuming that this event team member is a volunteer and if not then I have an even bigger issue with this favorites club).



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#7 [en] 

Every aspirant ranger (cause there isn't ranger atm, you're right) was able to participate in the termit stuff, if they asked. In the end there was 8~10 people involved (not only one as you might think), and every people who asked were given the stuff.
And yeah, there is a very good RP reason for the termit access to be controled. If you do experiment you don't want them to be destroyed by everybody, and if you try to destroy the mound (which has been done in lake / desert), you want it to be done. Since not everybody is a termit expert, it seems obvious to restrain the access only to the expert to make sure there is nothing done wrong and the mound can be destroyed.


#8 [en] 

Not sure what you are talking about there.

Ok, never heard about the mount mini game, so can't say much about it, but did it maybe have something to do with the termite/plant events?

The termite events are mostly Ranger RP. Everyone had the oportunety to join as they were announced on the callender beforehand.

Also from the reports you can tell there was some sort of repetitive actions needed both in the study and in the applications of the termites, somewhat similar to building the observation camps.

Also keep in mind that RP events can be somewhat different. At times, parts aren't developed beforehand but controlled live.

And how do you now that the other rangers didn't get the opportunity? Do you know any that were denied? Sure at times it seems Daomei and Bitty are the only ones participating, but is that because the others couldn't, or is it because the others wouldn't?

At least the Rangers are increadibly public about it, you barely hear anything from the Trytonists, except some rumors that they are skeeming a lot in the shadows.

As for MegaCorp, sure there would have been beta testers, as there surely should have been beta testers, which obviously can't be everyone.
They may or may not have an advantage, but what does that have to do with the leaderboard?
I was one of the first to synchronize and I have slighty more CR60 stored than anyone has donated so far.
There is no favoritism here, anyone had the same chance after the crash landing.


The only sane man is the one who considers himself to be insane. Im sane, btw. }¦-)>

#9 [en] 

Last freak-out was about alt-scouting, where no one proved anything tangible, but instead went off "could"s building up an analogy to Christmas trees. The forum circle... I mean discussion went on and on and on to no end while the rest of the people were busy scouting for and killing the real bosses. Was fun to read for a bit, at least.

((and btw, I was beginning to buy the story so I was running around spamming /who while scouting. The *only* situation I could call somewhat fishy is 3 Ocyketh spawns camped by Dinorath, Yorran and a suspicious-looking alt. That's all, in more than a week of reading daily about supposed campers.))

So yeah.. let's read names and data this time, shall we? I find it hard to believe a cabale of In-The-Know players are here to steal our cookies. As Keldun says, ranger meetings were public; I was part of a beta test of the potions, when 4-5 teams of up to 8 people were attempting to figure the potions' effects -- on mounds located in Almati Woods. Those who put in the effort back then have every right to be selected now during events concerning those potions.

Oh, and if you think someone exploited a bug I believe you should be filing a ticket instead of harassing them all over Uni chat. But that's just me.


#10 [en] 

keldum slightly more is not like the 1k (2-3h ahead of those syncronizing) lilsis has or like daomei that has atleast over 4k more then all the rest. I got slightly more saved up aswell but not hours more then others


#11 [en] 

and atleast 2 other homins Karu and Darrel said on uni today they got a head start dechyphering 2nd doc before event even started those haven't gone over the max donation limit atm but there you got atleast 4 names that got way more C60 stuff then the rest. If they wanna do a leaderboard maybe they should keep it all cheat protected or atleast make it look like it's not a setup where the top 4 is know beforehand


#12 [en] 

Ok when I wrote that Lilsi hadn't updated her donation.
However you can't really call it a setup. because as the others seemingly chose to deciver documents, they took themself out of the leaderboard.


The only sane man is the one who considers himself to be insane. Im sane, btw. }¦-)>

#13 [en] 

Every aspirant ranger (cause there isn't ranger atm, you're right) was able to participate in the termit stuff, if they asked. In the end there was 8~10 people involved (not only one as you might think), and every people who asked were given the stuff.
For the mini-game there was more people however when I asked the one about the recent mound she said she was the only one who could. So that makes one person.
And yeah, there is a very good RP reason for the termit access to be controled. If you do experiment you don't want them to be destroyed by everybody, and if you try to destroy the mound (which has been done in lake / desert), you want it to be done. Since not everybody is a termit expert, it seems obvious to restrain the access only to the expert to make sure there is nothing done wrong and the mound can be destroyed.
Oh so the people who carried it out were termiite experts were they? Ah sorry I clearly didn't see their qualifications. It was a mini-game that was introduced and to start with people knew nothing. They worked it out and built up with experience- a chance only a select few were offered.

I asked to be able to join in both of these things and was told only a select few could. I stopped going to the meetings I will happily admit for a few reasons- the main one being RP isn't for me. The last meeting I went to there were a lot more than 8 aspiring rangers. Every single event is announced on the forums and is put in the calendar- except these ones. This was given to just a few people and many weren't even aware it was happening.
As for MegaCorp, sure there would have been beta testers, as there surely should have been beta testers, which obviously can't be everyone.
They may or may not have an advantage, but what does that have to do with the leaderboard?
Daomei openly admitted being allowed in before the event. The point is that there is a leaderboard of top donations. People tend to want to be top of leaderboards as there are usually prizes or just for the fame. People who were beta testing should have had their c60 wiped but this clearly was not the case as soon by some having tons more c60 than anyone else. This is a distinct advantage which no one can compete with seeing as everyone gets the same c60 per hour.
Last freak-out was about alt-scouting, where no one proved anything tangible
If many people saying that they had seen camping alts wasn't enough for you then I'm sorry you have no trust.
I was part of a beta test of the potions, when 4-5 teams of up to 8 people were attempting to figure the potions' effects -- on mounds located in Almati Woods.
Yes teams led by people who I don't really know or speak to much. The point I'm trying to make is that it wasn't open to everyone to just have a go which in my opinion is a big shame.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#14 [en] 

Virg --

The reason that the termite tests in Almati were limited was precisely because the tests had to be controlled in order for the the secrets of the termites to be worked out. The final five termite experts were chosen from those players who put in the *days* (IRL) of work needed to figure out the pattern. All ranger aspirants were encouraged to help figure it out -- only a few did. The experts became experts by actually figuring out how to use the potions, it was not granted by the event team. These experts were all able to work on the destruction of the kitin Mounds using the termites. Of them, Daomei and Geyos were the only ones that I know of who actually did the work. They had help from other people (including myself) in controlling the multiple expressions of that destruction in terms of attacks of termite predators and kitins.

Yes, it was based in RP. The whole "Ranger Faction" is based in RP. Yes it was difficult. From my conversations with Wilk Potskin it is intended to be difficult -- very difficult. Furthermore it is all in beta, even the termite mounds and Kitin Mounds during the destruction event had to be continually adjusted by the event team because they were ... buggy. The termite experiments were limited to the Ranger aspirants -- that seems to me to be reasonable because they were part of the development of an active Ranger faction.

Keldun, I was not one of the people who was chosen to be a "termite expert," though I was one of those who made observations on the Almati mounds. I have reported extensively on the whole matter because I am supporting the RP of the Ranger Faction. Daomei does the same, for the same reasons. If you read my accounts of the meetings you will see that lot of other people participate -- I just do most of the writing. Given the moderately large numbers of reads per post on my forum threads, it would seem that at least a few people read them.

I have no idea what is going on with MegaCorp because I have been absent all weekend, so I won't comment on that.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

Virg --
The reason that the termite tests in Almati were limited was precisely because the tests had to be controlled in order for the the secrets of the termites to be worked out. The final five termite experts were chosen from those players who put in the *days* (IRL) of work needed to figure out the pattern. All ranger aspirants were encouraged to help figure it out -- only a few did. The experts became experts by actually figuring out how to use the potions, it was not granted by the event team. These experts were all able to work on the destruction of the kitin Mounds using the termites. Of them, Daomei and Geyos were the only ones that I know of who actually did the work. They had help from other people (including myself) in controlling the multiple expressions of that destruction in terms of attacks of termite predators and kitins.

I don't dispute the fact that the select few had put in hard work. However they were originally given the basis to do the hard work. When I asked if in the early days of the termite mounds if I could attempt the solve the puzzle with my friends I was given a very blunt "only a few people can activate it". The said person involved didn't offer to activate the mini-game for me so I inquired as to who these others were and I very rarely spoke to any of these people. This put me off attempting the mini game itself.
The termite experiments were limited to the Ranger aspirants -- that seems to me to be reasonable because they were part of the development of an active Ranger faction.

I completely disagree with this. There were many people who wanted to be a ranger when they were first announced, and many who still think of it. Many have sadly been put off by the complete overtake of the rangers by RPers. Just because people don't attend meetings doesn't mean they don't aspire to be rangers. Many people actually actively hunt kitins and dig kitin larva in nests. Were these people given a chance to partake in the initial phases of the termite mounds? No, not at all. Were announcements made that people could apply to be an activator of this mini game? No, not at all.

The point I am making is that only a select few were given the chance to excel to begin with. Big surprise when some of these people excelled and put in the hard work. If everyone was given an equal opportunity at the start this wouldn't be an issue (except for the megacorp of course).



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
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