
#43 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Yes teams led by people who I don't really know or speak to much. The point I'm trying to make is that it wasn't open to everyone to just have a go which in my opinion is a big shame.

There's a lot of bullshit in this thread but the main point you made it yourself, well, you kinda have to do a bit of reverse psychology to get it:

You want people to come to you instead of joining said meetings, and if you dont know about it it's not open for everybody...


I still cant believe people reply to your "assumptions"... ROFL! The moaning season must be open for brits, just move a long, you got nothing but tasteless drama.

Last edited by Exodus (1 decade ago)


#44 [en] 

Emilie (atys)
You were trolled by a master, nothing more, and you don't have a sense of humour to treat it as the good-natured teasing it was. We play Ryzom to have fun. Your reaction to the behaviour of others is entertaining. That's why you get teased.

Stop picking on Daomei, you assholes. Open a ticket if you have any issues with the game.

Last edited by Gkr (1 decade ago)


#45 [en] 

This topic is closed, the subject is beaten to death and the discussion is off on a tangent!


Senior Game Master
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