
#32 [en] 

Salazar (atys)
From what I heard, MegaCorp was mentioned in the Ryzom "bible", so those players who have actually read it - and there seem to be plenty - have obviously researched for it, and I think there even were links posted somewhere on the Ryzom forums for those who have no idea what's all about.
Where?? Let me read this!

Sorry. It was sent to me years ago (to many players, I understand), but I deleted it unread. What is the point of going on with the game if you know all the facts?


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#33 [de] 

Virg (atys)
No you would have not had a head start. I tried like many other people to log in unsuccessfully. It would appear (correct me if im wrong Daomei) that Daomei found a way past the security or an area with no security. I can see why people would call you a hacker if this is the case. As in essence thats kind of what you did. Firstdo found an area with no security also- and he got banned for it.

I correct you. You are wrong. I did neither search nor find a way past the security nor an area with no security. I just entered in my firefox browser, entered my name Daomei and my Ryzom password. Then I was logged, no circumvention of security, nothing. And in the afternoon of that day some other players who had visited the site had a short chat about, nothing unusual.

Maybe access was blocked at different times. I have visited that site only once before the event. I mastered 4 combat skills during that week, and had some RL, additionally. I was not particularly interested in the site, just followed the teaser.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#34 [en] 

The website was announced on Facebook even before game forums, and I tried the address from the screenshot right then, also retried at different times after. Every time I got an error message.

We would need proof that Daomei (or others) have cheated when accessing the website early, but it's undeniable she has stumbled upon a rare glitch / bug / whatever you call it.


#35 [de] 

Mj: Thanks for the info. It seems that me and a few others stepped in a small and obviously unintentional slot of accessibility of the site. But that was all.

Had I received a message "go hunting yubos", I would have shrugged and hunted my next few thousand .. ok not yubos, but similar, just great hornchers. I did not receive it. I went back hunting, though.

Edit: And just something else: this world is full of bugs. That is because the developers and event managers are hand-tailoring the development of the world all time, designing unique events shaping the history of the living planet. On this course errors occur, bugs and glitches, due to rapid prototyping and unterstaffing.

But that is also what makes this world unique.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#36 [en] 

Virg --

As Salazar has pointed out, there is no way to become a Ranger the way that one can become a Kami or Karavan follower or become the subject or citizen of any of the Nations or even become a Marauder. Therefore, to become a Ranger (or rather to aspire to be a Ranger), you must roleplay it. Period. There is no other way to do it -- yet. This doesn't mean that you have to write long, formal third-person narratives about what you are doing, but it does mean that you have to use your imagination and pretend things, because the game mechanics don't support Rangers -- yet.

Wilk (specifically the event team person behind Wilk) is working on setting things up to make it possible for there to be a mechanic to become a Ranger. The first thing he had to do (reading between the lines of things he has said) was to convince the rest of the event team that there was actually a demand on the part of people who would undertake work without immediate in-game reward. That has been established. Eventually there will be mechanics that will allow homins (players) to first become Patrollers, and then to undertake a rite to become a Ranger.

The scripts and files that he set up to do the termite mounds first in Almati, and then in the Lakes and the Desert and in Hidden Source were buggy and dependent upon a long cycle time. They were not "mini games" the way that harvesting is, debugged and available in multiple instances that are independent and capable of being played by multiple players all at once. There were only a few instances of the the termite mounds and they were as much a test of the ARCC and WebIG interfaces as they were learning for the Rangers. The destruction of the Mounds in Lakes and Desert involved a grand total of 6 instances that could be affected by players. Anyone who wanted could have come and helped participate in them. You didn't have to be able to use a potion to do so. I did and I was never one of the "favorites" allowed to use potions. Even though that was supposed to be a major event and polished, at least two major bugs were discovered, one of them having the potential to disrupt normal gameplay in a major way. The only thing that I can see is that this is all beta-testing of new scripts and ideas to bring the Rangers to fruition as a new pseudo-Faction (the only true Factions being Kara and Kami).

You also seem to have a very limited idea of what a Ranger is. All homins should (and usually do) fight kitins -- that does not make them Rangers. Digging kitin larvae is lucrative in terms of crafting -- again, that doesn't make the digger a Ranger. The Rangers were established in JY 2483 "to fight the kitin threat." As Wilk pointed out in the first meetings, "fighting the kitin threat" does not mean just killing kitins. Homins have done that on a massive scale and it is not sufficient. The Rangers ' mission has evolved beyond simple killing of kitins to actually studying them and beyond simple considerations of kitins alone as threats to hominity to study of the Goo and encouragement of equality between the Nations and all homins. Hence the requirement to have positive fame with all Nations and both Factions. Hence the Ranger camp set up in Silan to help the continuing flow of Refugees from the Roots to the New Lands and there are representatives of the Nations who are not Rangers.

As for the missions of the Rangers, they do not claim exclusivity. Ser Erminantius, for instance, is studying the kitins, and the Sages have long studied the Goo, sometimes to the detriment of their health. Neither Erminantius nor the Sages are Rangers.

Ranger aspirants identified themselves and proved their commitment by doing things (which included harvest missions and combat missions) and by adjusting their fame and giving up adherence to Nation and Faction. If "mini-games" relevant to the Rangers are limited to people who have done these things ... I don't see the problem. There are many things that I cannot do as a Ranger aspirant. Ryzom is about making choices with consequences. Sometimes that means running into Void or Wastelands rather than using a teleport. Other times it means not playing a "mini-game."

-- Bittty

((By the way, in my opinion harvesting and crafting are both "mini-games" within Ryzom, just the way that missions are. Anything that involves learning a way to do things is a "mini-game". Sneaking through PR naked is a "mini-game", and so is PvP.))

((By the way, Salazar, as far as we have been told by Wilk, PvP is not inherently forbidden. My own commitment and that of Phaedreas Tears to no PvP is personal to us, not part of our Ranger orientation. However, I am not at all sure that tagging up is possible if you are not an adherent of one of the Nations, Factions or Mara. If it is possible, someone will enlighten me, I'm sure. I also don't see how it could be made to fit the roleplay except perhaps in the case of fighting Marauders. Even there...))


Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#37 [en] 

Salazar (atys)
Oh my, that bloody termite project is running for at least a year now, and the RP forum is plastered with contributions by various players regarding it one way or the other, namely Bittty, Daomei, Feylin, and Zhoi. The Trykers and Fyros were involved, giving their blessing, while the Zorai and Matis opposed the project. It was dragged through countless meetings of four player parliaments and every Ranger meeting since the (as it feels) beginning of time. True, those who neither attend any meeting and keep away from forum postings probably have never ever heard of it.
Please read the fact I am talking about the begging in the part you are replying to. Therefore for you to reply with an account of what is currently happening is irrelevant.
That is most likely true. Yet you see enough events where people complain afterwards that they didn't know about it.
When something is completely unannounced then people can complain. When an event is put into the calender then people don't really have an excuse. The ranger events are hidden from public eye.
You did not say that you were told that by Daomei until now. As far as I'm concerned, I guess it uses all the technical aspects of a mini game. I never bothered to find out, but had a look at the termite mounds once or twice.
The issue here is I am speaking from experience. This is something I have looked into with a great deal of depth. You are just voicing opinions as facts which are unfounded. If you would like to make a point at least make sure you actually know what you are talking about before attempting to do so.

Once again you associate rangers with RP. You make a huge mistake in thinking that a prerequisite of the ranger faction is that you have to RP. You make such bold claims- please tell me where you are getting your information from?
I do associate aspects of the Rangers with RP, indeed - as I do aspects of the fractions, or of the nations, as strictly RP.
You did not answer my question which is were does it say rangers have a requirement to RP? I am trying to put forward a serious discussion here. You are talking here-say on things you might "believe" to be true. Please come back after having done some actual looking into the issue at hand. You are wasting my time trying to flaunt your beliefs as factual.
The ryzom bible.
Now i understand what you are referring to. A plan of the lore to come was leaked to the ryzom community several years ago.

Daomei if you just simply logged on what was all the sorting through the old ryzom server that you mentioned to do with? I checked many times to see if megacorp was open but it wasn't. It would seem highly unusual that the devs would just open megacorp to all before the event as it would in fact destroy the purpose of the event.

Going on my personal experience of trying to login to no avail- and on others the only difference would be what you did with the OVH SAS. I know absolutely nothing about computer technicalities so hopefully you can clear up what you were actually doing on there.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#38 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
Virg --
As Salazar has pointed out, there is no way to become a Ranger the way that one can become a Kami or Karavan follower or become the subject or citizen of any of the Nations or even become a Marauder. Therefore, to become a Ranger (or rather to aspire to be a Ranger), you must roleplay it. Period. There is no other way to do it -- yet. This doesn't mean that you have to write long, formal third-person narratives about what you are doing, but it does mean that you have to use your imagination and pretend things, because the game mechanics don't support Rangers -- yet.

I carefully said earlier that some people dont enjoy "talking- roleplay". I made references to people invading kitin nests and killing kitins. This is in itself a form of roleplay is it not? The point I am making is that some people do as such roleplay. The rangers however have closed themselves off from everyone who doesn't attend meetings. If everyone was given the chance to participate in the beginning on the termite mounds things would be different. Everyone would have been given an equal opportunity and people who excelled at the practice could be allowed to continue.

Instead what actually happened was just a few people were given the chance. These people got better unsurprisingly (they were the only ones who could actually get better). This has caused a massive rift between RP-talking rangers and others.
You also seem to have a very limited idea of what a Ranger is. All homins should (and usually do) fight kitins -- that does not make them Rangers. Digging kitin larvae is lucrative in terms of crafting -- again, that doesn't make the digger a Ranger

Firstly digging kitin larvae is not lucrative. Kitin larvae is a distinctly average mat and comes at an extremely low yield (2-4 per nest). My idea of what a ranger is is as you put someone who "fights the kitin threat".

This is getting slightly off topic into what makes a ranger however I will raise a few points to you:
So far how well have the rangers done in fighting off the kitin threat with rotoa trees? Have they made things worse? Do you intend to seal the kitins off? Do you not foresee another great swarming eventually? What about the kitins that aren't on the other side of the "barrier" when you block the other kitins out? Will these need killing?

Yes more is needed than just simple killing I do not dispute this. However you will not be able to remove every kitin from our lands without killing any. Killing kitins is needed. Pure and simple.

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#39 [en] 

Virg ---
The scripts and files that he set up to do the termite mounds first in Almati, and then in the Lakes and the Desert and in Hidden Source were buggy and dependent upon a long cycle time. They were not "mini games" the way that harvesting is, debugged and available in multiple instances that are independent and capable of being played by multiple players all at once. There were only a few instances of the the termite mounds and they were as much a test of the ARCC and WebIG interfaces as they were learning for the Rangers.
How many times to I have to say that it simply was not possible for there to be open access to the termite mounds! They weren't even beta scripts .. they were alpha 0.9 (to use a metaphor, not a technical description). They were buggy and needed constant tweaking from the event team side even with the small population of "operators".

The Ranger aspirant role has been open for any to play it. However, there were requirements, and they were set up early on:
Ranger aspirants identified themselves and proved their commitment by doing things (which included harvest missions and combat missions) and by adjusting their fame and giving up adherence to Nation and Faction.
The requirements were clearly set forth in the reports of the early meetings and reiterated when the exploration of the Dark Mines in Kitin Lair was temporarily opened up. As for "talk roleplay", I know of plenty of Ranger aspirants who have never attended a meeting, but who have undertaken to act, for instance in the killing of white kitins during the infestations, patrols of danger areas, etc. They didn't get to play with the termites either.

This is getting slightly off topic into what makes a ranger however I will raise a few points to you:
So far how well have the rangers done in fighting off the kitin threat with rotoa trees? Have they made things worse? Do you intend to seal the kitins off? Do you not foresee another great swarming eventually? What about the kitins that aren't on the other side of the "barrier" when you block the other kitins out? Will these need killing?

The planting of Rotoa had NOTHING to do with the Rangers except as a reaction of the Matis against the use of termites. Some of us have been keeping an eye on the results, but the success or failure of the rotoa plantings (and it is not clear yet whether they will eventually succeed or fail) rests in the hands of the Matis researchers, especially Cuiccio Pirella. Whether the planting "made things worse" has yet to be determined.

As for your other questions -- The white kitins on the surface in Forest and Jungle will need killing, no question about it, once the tunnels are sealed by the rotoa. I have already done some killing from time to time. The destruction of the tunnels and the Mounds in the Lakes and Desert by the Ranger operated manipulation of the termites seems to have been complete with no residual populations of white kitins on the surface once the Mounds were destroyed.

The danger of yet another Swarming is always present -- that is one of the reasons why we have the Observation Camps and why they need to be supplied. They are our early warning system. We do not know enough yet to determine exactly what causes the Swarms. Until we do, and until we know far more about kitins it will not be possible to "remove every kitin from our lands". We do not even know enough to know if that is desirable.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#40 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Daomei if you just simply logged on what was all the sorting through the old ryzom server that you mentioned to do with? I checked many times to see if megacorp was open but it wasn't. It would seem highly unusual that the devs would just open megacorp to all before the event as it would in fact destroy the purpose of the event.

Going on my personal experience of trying to login to no avail- and on others the only difference would be what you did with the OVH SAS. I know absolutely nothing about computer technicalities so hopefully you can clear up what you were actually doing on there.

Promised myself not to fall into your elaborated trolling nest, but here I am..

You always make assumptions, bad ones too.. really bad ones, crappy ones, terrible ones etc.

Let me clear it for you, dear "computer illiterate":

whois domain: ---------> get dns ip (mapping from dns to ip)
whois ip: xx.xx.xx.xx and the final result:

Organization OVH SAS
ISP OVH Systems


It does sound like mega haxoring... but it's really not... and you should really let CSRs deal with this... really... seriously, honestly, truly etc. (ie. open a ticket and explain to support the issue you have)

Your dearest,


Last edited by Exodus (1 decade ago)


#41 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)

((By the way, Salazar, as far as we have been told by Wilk, PvP is not inherently forbidden. My own commitment and that of Phaedreas Tears to no PvP is personal to us, not part of our Ranger orientation. However, I am not at all sure that tagging up is possible if you are not an adherent of one of the Nations, Factions or Mara. If it is possible, someone will enlighten me, I'm sure. I also don't see how it could be made to fit the roleplay except perhaps in the case of fighting Marauders. Even there...))


I recently killed a ranger, he tagged for a boss.. man that was fun!

Last edited by Gkr (1 decade ago)


#42 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
Last freak-out was about alt-scouting, where no one proved anything tangible, but instead went off "could"s building up an analogy to Christmas trees. The forum circle... I mean discussion went on and on and on to no end while the rest of the people were busy scouting for and killing the real bosses. Was fun to read for a bit, at least.

((and btw, I was beginning to buy the story so I was running around spamming /who while scouting. The *only* situation I could call somewhat fishy is 3 Ocyketh spawns camped by Dinorath, Yorran and a suspicious-looking alt. That's all, in more than a week of reading daily about supposed campers.))

So yeah.. let's read names and data this time, shall we? I find it hard to believe a cabale of In-The-Know players are here to steal our cookies. As Keldun says, ranger meetings were public; I was part of a beta test of the potions, when 4-5 teams of up to 8 people were attempting to figure the potions' effects -- on mounds located in Almati Woods. Those who put in the effort back then have every right to be selected now during events concerning those potions.

Oh, and if you think someone exploited a bug I believe you should be filing a ticket instead of harassing them all over Uni chat. But that's just me.



#43 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Yes teams led by people who I don't really know or speak to much. The point I'm trying to make is that it wasn't open to everyone to just have a go which in my opinion is a big shame.

There's a lot of bullshit in this thread but the main point you made it yourself, well, you kinda have to do a bit of reverse psychology to get it:

You want people to come to you instead of joining said meetings, and if you dont know about it it's not open for everybody...


I still cant believe people reply to your "assumptions"... ROFL! The moaning season must be open for brits, just move a long, you got nothing but tasteless drama.

Last edited by Gkr (1 decade ago)


#44 [en] 

Emilie (atys)
You were trolled by a master, nothing more, and you don't have a sense of humour to treat it as the good-natured teasing it was. We play Ryzom to have fun. Your reaction to the behaviour of others is entertaining. That's why you get teased.

Stop picking on Daomei, you assholes. Open a ticket if you have any issues with the game.

Last edited by Gkr (1 decade ago)


#45 [en] 

This topic is closed, the subject is beaten to death and the discussion is off on a tangent!


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team


This topic is locked

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