

#26 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [English] | Français
Tunnel of Woe is a kind of kitin outpost. I not sure it's presence can be called "normal", but what I can tell is that it is NOT new at all. I have always seen strong kitins up their, much stronger than the creatures of the rest of the area.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#27 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

Tunnel of woe, Report n°2
Written by : Zendae, 20, Pluvia, AC1 2582

Following kitins attack at last spring (1AC 2582), I warm that there is still suspicious kitin activity around tunnel of woe.

Groups of kitins may be spotted, although in lesser quantity than during the period before the attack.

East of lair : group of lacerating kirostas between lair and ruins of center of research.
quantity : 7
behavior : you may come close to them but beware, do not go right in the middle they will charge you all of a sudden.

South-East of lair group of lacerating kirostas, pretty spread.
quantity : a tenth
behavior : peaceful

South-West of lair group of incensed Kinchers
quantity : 5-6
behavior : peaceful but beware they are mixed with "normal" ones.

West of lair the plain before the ramp to hidden source is filled with a large groupe of lacerating kirostas
quantity : about 15
bahavoir : peaceful

Blind tunnel The blind tunnel, usually filled by only kizoars, has some lacerating kirostas.
quantity : 3
behaviour : peaceful

Roof of the lair The roof is occupied by kirostas and kinchers
quantity of kirostas : 3, agressives
quantity of kinchers : 8

Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 10 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#28 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Tunnel of woe, Report n°3
Written by : Zendae, Floris 24, 2nd AC 2582

Unusual kitin specimens have disapeared from tunnel's neighborhood.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
Last visit Mittwoch 26 Februar 00:58:00 UTC

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