
#1 [en] 

I was doing those yesterday. Each time you fail to answer correctly to the lore questions, the quest fails and you have to run around those pillars again. The information on lore found on Ryzom wiki is outdated. It means someone changed the lore in quests, but didn't bother to change it on wiki page. The quest becomes annoying.

1. Either change the mechanics of the quest, so that if you answer wrong, you don't have to run around the pillars again from the start. (Right now the whole quest fails if you answer is wrong, which is pointless from gameplay point of view - running around those pillars again and again won't make the player know the lore better, it will just piss him off. You should be able to continue the quest by trying to answer the questions again from the start, without any running around.)

2. Or AT LEAST update the lore on the wiki page. Put the current ruler of Fyros on some visible place and update the timeline. Put those close to each other, so that people who don't care about reading lore have a chance to quickly find this information on Fyros wiki page.

The game is already hard to learn and is very frustrating and punishing sometimes. I can bear dying again and again, but not the stupid pointless running around only because I didn't answer correctly some stupid lore question. Lore is secondary to gameplay, the game shouldn't punish player for not reading and remembering it. Some people don't like to read it at all. I try to read most of it, but I must tell you sincerely - the politics part with all these strange names and who killed who - its dull. Maybe it has some sense for those who play for 10 years, but for new player its just and uninteresting list of names which don't influence the real gameplay in any way.

Last edited by Sekumbe (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

I can tell you that Lore it´s ok, I am a Fyros Role Player. The quest isn´t wrong. I did the quest when I started to discover the Fyros Lore, and take the information from the different wiki and links that exist for this on the internet, and today it is the same. That for your second point.

It is true that having to restart the quest from the beginning must be annoying, and I agree with you on that. I did it in the first try, with the Lore "on my hands", I can imagine your feeling though, so maybe something can be done. This for your first point.

Maybe you don´t like the lore or the names list or whatever, but please, don´t be rude. There are players that like it and other that they don´t like. There is no reason to condemn nothing.

Anyways, player that don´t like to "learn" this kind of things and only want to have the rituals, usually get help from other veteran players. So next time (and this is an advice) ask in UNI chat for help, I´m sure that people will help you with the answers and the quest. Me too, of course.

If you still have problems with the quest, please, send me an ingame mail and I will try to solve your doubts.

Pyr akenos
High Officer of Legions Fyros


Lerya Rechtuch

#3 [en] 

Lerya (atys)
I can tell you that Lore it´s ok, I am a Fyros Role Player. The quest isn´t wrong. I did the quest when I started to discover the Fyros Lore, and take the information from the different wiki and links that exist for this on the internet, and today it is the same. That for your second point.

I'm glad you did the quest taking information from wiki. When was that? In the times when Dexton was still the emperor? Because the official wiki says he is the current emperor of Fyros - which is not true, and you can't answer the first question correctly using wiki. Did you even read my post?

The second question (the year of ascension to throne of the new emperor) is even more stupid. You can figure out from outdated wiki that Dexton had a son, and that is the correct answer. But the year of his ascension? Take a wild guess maybe (of course running around pillars if your answer is wrong ). Maybe you also play for Fyros race? If yes - no running around for you, as you don't have to take the integration test.

The issue is about broken gameplay, and you talk about how wonderful lore is. Maybe you can update the wiki if you know the lore and love it so much, so that others can complete the quest without running around again and again?

#4 [en] 

Well, I told you that I have take that information from more than one place, the Lore isn´t only at Ryzom wiki, and the english wiki page is the worst for the Lore stuff. I only tell you that Lore it´s ok, not a specific place where Lore appears.

And never tell you that I love nothing or that something is wonderful.

But if you are going to keep that rude behavior when I´m trying to help you, I have nothing more talk with you.


Lerya Rechtuch

#5 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
The issue is about broken gameplay, and you talk about how wonderful lore is. Maybe you can update the wiki if you know the lore and love it so much, so that others can complete the quest without running around again and again?
Just because you do not agree the way mission is built, does not mean its broken. I have not done the mission myself, but the way you describe it that answering wrong leading mission failure is expected outcome. I would also expect to do all the previous mission steps to try again. Its the price you pay for multi step missions.



#6 [en] 

Lerya (atys)
Well, I told you that I have take that information from more than one place, the Lore isn´t only at Ryzom wiki, and the english wiki page is the worst for the Lore stuff. I only tell you that Lore it´s ok, not a specific place where Lore appears.

And never tell you that I love nothing or that something is wonderful.

But if you are going to keep that rude behavior when I´m trying to help you, I have nothing more talk with you.

Who said I need your help? My suggestion is quite clear and its not about Lore, its about fixing a small part of gameplay - one particular quest, so please don't derail the thread.

Right now this quest punishes you for not knowing the lore which you can't get from an ingame source - the 'lore' button - as information there is outdated. Its not about me completing it, I already did that. Its about new players who come to Fyros and get stuck with it.

#7 [en] 

Karu (atys)
I have not done the mission myself, but the way you describe it that answering wrong leading mission failure is expected outcome.

The problem is you should have an ingame source of lore information to answer the questions correctly and complete the quest. If you think the quest you didn't even take is ok, cool. I think that's wrong - the quest doesn't work as intended. While Dexton was the empreror, it was right, now that the emperor changed, and you don't have any reliable ingame lore source to know that, the quest becomes broken.

Maybe you should try to complete it, before posting your opinion. Because you really don't understand what you are talking about.

#8 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
I think that's wrong - the quest doesn't work as intended. While Dexton was the empreror, it was right, now that the emperor changed, and you don't have any reliable ingame lore source to know that, the quest becomes broken.
Sekumbe (atys)
Because the official wiki says he is the current emperor of Fyros - which is not true, and you can't answer the first question correctly using wiki.

Now I'm confused. By your words, wiki says that Dexton is emperor. Also by your words you say that using wiki for that question gets mission failure.

Do I understand correctly that ingame mission is updated with correct outcome of ingame events, but (english) lore is left unchanged?



#9 [en] 

Karu (atys)

Now I'm confused. By your words, wiki says that Dexton is emperor. Also by your words you say that using wiki for that question gets mission failure.

Do I understand correctly that ingame mission is updated with correct outcome of ingame events, but (english) lore is left unchanged?

Exactly, the NPC asks you who is the ruler of Fyros and gives you 4 reply options - none of which are Dexton. The lquest uses updated lore - the correct answer is Lykos, the current emperor. The wiki says its still Dexton, and lists Lykos only in timeline as son of Dexton.

The second question is even harder - the year on which Lykos ascended the throne, the correct answer is 16something - the year of Dexton's death. But won't find this out on wiki - because on wiki Dexton is still alive and didn't die, and the timeline doesn't even reach the year 1600.

Go figure out how to complete it. And not every player in universe channel knows this stuff (the exact year). Most of them are vet players who completed the quest long ago. They maybe know that Lykos is the current emperor, but only few know what is the exact year of his ascension.

And now, imagine all this for a player who plays for one week and doesn't know drek about lore. He goes to wiki (either in google, or through ingame lore button) and finds nothing. And now imagine this player doesn't know english well enough.

#10 [en] 

Lore is correct.

We are playing at Jena Year 2576

Dexton died at 2559, so Lykos became Emperor; that means Lykos is actual emperor.

Dexton became emperor at 2502


Lerya Rechtuch

#11 [en] 

Lerya (atys)
Lore is correct.

We are playing at Jena Year 2576

Dexton died at 2559, so Lykos became Emperor; that means Lykos is actual emperor.

Dexton became emperor at 2502

is it the official wiki ingame? no

do you suggest new players should google it? and what exact phrase should he use to get to the page you listed?

the player should be able to find the relevant information ingame, that is the suggestion if you still don't get it

#12 [en] 

You have the same information in the in game app that you have when you push shift+W, is the offical Lore. Yes.


Lerya Rechtuch

#13 [en] 

Lerya (atys)
You have the same information in the in game app that you have when you push shift+W, is the offical Lore. Yes.

You mean this one:


Fyros society is governed by the Akenak, the Senate and the Emperor. The current ruler is Dexton.

#14 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
You mean this one:


Fyros society is governed by the Akenak, the Senate and the Emperor. The current ruler is Dexton.

where is that one? Can you give the link?

Only place I found it using google was which is not official wiki, but player run. Also its not available (by default) from ingame.



#15 [es] 

I cant find that in the Lore. And even in the list of important name of people, available in the same ingame Lore, Dexton doesn't appear as Emperor.

Last edited by Lerya (1 decade ago)


Lerya Rechtuch

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