did you have fun at the event in HS? Would you like to have more events like it?
Yes, I came to the event and it was awesome!
Atys: Arugula, Casy, Ember, Mermaidia, Placio, Sharleen, Synthax, Virg
I didn't come to the event, but like the idea of PvP based events
Atys: Arfur, Daomei, Jarnys, Rollocks
No, I came to the event and didn't like it
Atys: Elikwasa
I didn't come to the event and I don't want to participate in events that require PvP tagging
Atys: Meagon
Atys: Bitttymacod, Exodus, Mjollren, Suboxide
Abstain 3
Poll is closed

#20 [en] 

got a point there maybe a csr can split this up to events (ooc) but pls do leave a link in the topic to that forum otherwise I see this derailing again and ppl won't know what happend at the first event they organized this way


#21 [en] 

Suboxide: I fail to see things derailing, here. It is still all related to the event, and no hostile attitude of any participant. The attitude of the eclaireurs is understandable, but also there is valid reason to doubt its efficiency and roleplay-wise consistency.

When discussing
- whether tagged PvP events should take place (seems most agree)
- how they be set up, single nation, race, religion, or else
- whether neutral non-tagged observers/participants are accepted/tolerated
- how the opposing parties should be formed (single leagues or not)
- how some balance of the battling parties can be guaranteed (or not)

these are all topics covered by the subject, and contributions having been made. I would welcome further views about all that, not taking offense by anybody or starting fights.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#22 [en] 

true but the RP consequences (or however that word is written) should be in event (ooc) thats what makes this forum bussiness such a minefield.

off topic => ps. I'm planning on testing a pvp type capture the flag kind of event this weekend and I'm still looking for some ppl or guilds that want to help testing if intrested send me an ingame mail with times you have 6+ ppl online in guild or friends up for it


#23 [fr] 

Mjollren (atys)
Ask Icus, would he go help any tribe in the forest?
There is one (i always forget the name) which really don't like the Kingdom, so i might help them if they attack it (and kill them after of course)
Daomei (atys)
IIf only patriots would have been admitted, it would have been the place to exclude undesired participants, kindly thanking for their offer, and sending them away.

If the event team had the balls to refuse people because of their (or their non-) affiliations with a certain nation/faction, it would be a great thing. Sadly, they don't.
Daomei (atys)
When a nation calls to the arms, anybody refusing to join a unit due to the religion of comrades in arms would be treated as a defector and punished for refusal to obey orders. Same goes when refusing to fight alongside to allies of different race or nation.
It's not because you don't have any conviction that Mermaidia can't have some.
Mermaidia (atys)
And i am sure we are all agree on the point that this event was pretty awesome.
Though i agree with your post, i must make an objection on this point ; a (clearly) one-sided battle with 30 min of boring trek (seriously, what was the purpose of doing pyr => thesos and thesos => pyr ?), almost no interaction between the NPC & player (well the most interactive thing was Icaphotis saying to the Eclaireurs to come into the league) and not even some character/global lore explained.


#24 [en] 

Now I agree the discussion is derailing into personal insults, lamentably. I won't comment directly to avoid escalation.

In fact, the way to set up an event is up to the event team. One may criticize its decisions and propose better ways, in oneself's opinion. Noteably that is possible without insulting other players or participants in discussion. It is undoutbtedly more productive, then. The event was felt a success and fun by most contributors so far. If 3/4 of them would have been sent away at the beginning, would that be the case, as well?

Denying others their conviction is also not a productive contribution, and not even RP. Convictions may differ, especially in RP, and all may have their value and dignity. Wholesale insults, btw, are a blatant offense of honor, truth, justice, and discipline, principles of my homeland I am holding dear.

I did not take part in the march to HS, as explained, for a couple of reasons, yet one may doubt whether the long way from Pyr to HS was worth while. It may have given the opponent opportunities of skirmishing, opportunities not taken due to the imbalance of strength of both sides. This may not have been fully foreseeable by the event team, like in all events, PvE or PvP.

Would be a good idea pinpointing how to set up successful events in the future. This one, some critical comments notwithstanding, seems to have been one.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#25 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Roleplaywise, it makes no sense, either. Fyros patriots as well as subjects of the Empire may be of Kami or Karavan religion, neutral, or even anti-religious. When a nation calls to the arms, anybody refusing to join a unit due to the religion of comrades in arms would be treated as a defector and punished for refusal to obey orders. Same goes when refusing to fight alongside to allies of different race or nation.

If you read the fyros lore you would not make such an ignorant statement:
"To the Kamis we owe, if not our faith, our loyalty."
"Matis: The Matis are our inherent enemy not to be trusted. We do not adhere to the Matis sense of justice which centers around the monarchy and Jena Law. Even in these times of peace we must stand vigil lest they team up against us."
"The Karavan: They are against us digging down for the truth. They are not to be trusted."

If roleplayers will not trust the karavan or matis then they will not league with them. No order was given to league with matis or karavan so by not leaguing, no order was ignored. As for people who are fyros and karavan- I do not see these people as trustworthy regardless of their fyros fame; I have fought against such a person at many OP wars.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#26 [en] 

Sadly again personal attacks. I have read the Lore, not only the Fyros one, and in more than one language version. Insults like the blame of ignorance are not productive. If the four sniplets cited out of context were binding for every patriot or even every Fyros, the imperial general would have been to blame, calling neutral and possibly even Karavan worshipping patriots equally, and admitting non patriots, even non desert dwellers, to the forces, Trykers among them like Zorai and Matis. How many homins would have been able to take part if only patriots, or even only Kami aligned patriots would have been admitted?


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#27 [en] 

It was a fyros/marauder event, not everyone vs the marauders. I am only arguing from the role-players point of view as I do not share this view. Not productive? This topic has way since past that even when Mermaidia tried to drag it back on topic which you promptly ignored. Threads when you are involved seem to boil down to comments getting edited, topics getting closed and ending up in arguments which really annoys the hell out of me.

Moving back to the topic: I sadly missed the event but I did take part in the event before hand where the marauders stole the mats which I loved. From what I heard about reclaiming the mats it was a huge success and a great way to give people a taste of PvP whilst developing the story line at the same time. +1 For all future events like this, great job and thank you to the higher-powers that be.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#28 [fr] 

Virg (atys)
It was a fyros/marauder event, not everyone vs the marauders.

I repeat again, and again... during the trykers Event, i saw Zorais peoples, fyros peoples, etc... But nobody cried about RP... And it was probably the same case during the others events.


Tribu Talodi - Fabricant de calumets

#29 [en] 

People are entitiled to their roleplaying views. Who are you to judge someone for following the lore?

EDIT: If you have issues with roleplaying people you should take it up in the roleplay forums.

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#30 [fr] 

I'm a roleplayer since a long time ago, don't worry. you probably don't understood what i want to said cause of my bad english speaking, sorry.

It's just these arguments using RP, i think they are used in a bad way. If some peoples are mad about this event, it's not cause of RP things, it's essentially cause of GP and event gestion.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Synthax (1 decade ago)


Tribu Talodi - Fabricant de calumets
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