did you have fun at the event in HS? Would you like to have more events like it?
Yes, I came to the event and it was awesome!
Atys: Arugula, Casy, Ember, Mermaidia, Placio, Sharleen, Synthax, Virg
I didn't come to the event, but like the idea of PvP based events
Atys: Arfur, Daomei, Jarnys, Rollocks
No, I came to the event and didn't like it
Atys: Elikwasa
I didn't come to the event and I don't want to participate in events that require PvP tagging
Atys: Meagon
Atys: Bitttymacod, Exodus, Mjollren, Suboxide
Abstain 3
Poll is closed

#1 [en] 

the Event today at the marauder camp in HS was so much fun! can we please have more like it?!


#2 [en] 

+1 for my own poll :p


#3 [en] 

I don't see any real issues with PvP events as long as you are able to choose if to flag for PvP and if that's not the case limit it to one region (short event) unless PvP regions anyway.

But there would still need to be some PvE events as well.

Question is could the events team cope and how long are people willing to wait for events.

#4 [en] 

+1 if the event team can find a way to make both sides equal out a bit if not and these events turn into pvp-point grinds then I can see ppl loosing intrest soon.


#5 [en] 

I much appreciate this successful event and hope for more of this kind as well as of other events.

Avvy, please mind that in January, 5 to 6 events have taken or are taking place, each of them requiring time to design, test, implement. In addition, the texts created had to be translated into at least 3 further languages, translations to be checked and approved before publishing.

That is a damn lot, and thanks to the event team (player volunteers) to have made that possible, short after the Atysmas event series.

Me, I hope as well for further successful events, of this or other kind.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

I came to the event and observed it. I followed along the whole time but did not attack either the player-Marauders or the NPC guards. I did kill a fair number of torbaks and cuttlers. I chose Other in the poll, not because the event wasn't fun, but because the fact that it was fun did not have much to do with the PvP aspect as far as I was concerned.

It was a good event, with no negative chatter in Region or Around. I don't know what the league chatter was like because I wasn't in league, but people seemed to be having fun.

However, Aru, I wouldn't have characterized it as a PvP-centric event. Yes, most of the people in the event were tagged up, and there clearly was PvP fighting going on, but the majority of the fighting that I saw was PvE. I would have characterized it as an "event with PvP content." It could have been played out even if no player Marauders had showed up at all.

I appreciated that tagging up was voluntary and that all involved had fun. Clearly having more events like this that allow for a PvP aspect is a good idea. The trick is how to balance things.

P.S. there will be a chronicle of the event through my eyes, together with lumios, published at a later date.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 [en] 

Actually there were some harsh words spoken.. mainly about some kami deciding not to league with karavans that came to help, which made picking targets with front targeting a bit difficult. Both sides have valid points.

Also, some old complaints were uttered in region at some later point, frustration with the marauder camp guards attacking marauders and other stuff I can't remember. It was in French and probably aimed at the animators rather than other players though.


#8 [en] 

Thanks, Mjollren. The problem with the Akimoskain attacking the wrong players is known and definitely frustrating for marauder players. It has been reported some time ago and will hopefully be fixed soon. I hope it has not spoiled fun for marauder players too much, and it surely cannot be attributed to the event guides.

A kami/karavan split during this event is lamentable, and a breach of the roleplay setting. According to the treaty of the four nations a nation is not a religiously bound entity. The barkers, whom the army gathered by the empire went to revenge, are a karavan aligned Fyros tribe. So there was no point to exclude karavan followers.

Seems, anyway, that most had fun.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [en] 

Well I fell asleep in my couch before the event started so I wasn't there either (while my char was sitting there at the campfire in the town => got like 20+ angry tells when I got up telling me I had to tag up and that I was cheating and such, no idea how a toon just sitting there afk is cheating but that's somthing for another time).
The buggy guards has been a problem for 3 years (or longer I'm loosing track of time in this game) and back then when we first build the town it was also promised to be fixed soon so it really depends on what you call soon. It's strange marauders can att 'new' guards (haven't been in a town in a long time but i rember 'old' guards that attacked marauders but we couldn't att back not sure that got fixed yet or not) in other towns and nothing bad happens but in our own town all hell breaks out when somebody attacks a guard


#10 [en] 

About the roleplay setting... 

Lykos and his Akenak must be really desperate that he needs the help of matis and other peoples to get his stuff back.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#11 [fr] 

Casy (atys)
About the roleplay setting... 

Lykos and his Akenak must be really desperate that he needs the help of matis and other peoples to get his stuff back.

Did you read the Daomei's and Mjollren's posts ?

I think no....


Tribu Talodi - Fabricant de calumets

#12 [de] 

I did. The treaty of the four nations is not about forcing fyros to accept outside help. It's not about fyros loving matis. It's not about everyone must stick together.

But of course, if the Fyros can't manage on their own, they are free to ask the matis for help. Has nothing to do with the treaty though :-)

Edit just to do a short reply: The Barkers didn't ask for help by Karavaneers. It was a marauder/fyros event. The materials belonged to the fyros. The barkers dug them to help Fyros, not Karavan.

Last edited by Casy (1 decade ago)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#13 [fr] 

Casy (atys)
I did. The treaty of the four nations is not about forcing fyros to accept outside help. It's not about fyros loving matis. It's not about everyone must stick together.

But of course, if the Fyros can't manage on their own, they are free to ask the matis for help. Has nothing to do with the treaty though :-)

I'm still thinking you didn't read their posts...

Marauders fought versus the Barkers Tribe some times ago.
Daomei spoke about The Barkers : a Fyros AND Karavan tribe, so friendly with other Karavans people (Matis for example). These Barkers may calls their Karavan's friends... I don't understand why are you speaking about the treaty. The treaty doesn't concern tribes...

Mjollren spoke about somes Kami Fyros homins (90% was Eclaireurs d'Atys members), they wasn't in league cause they didn't want to fight "with" karavan...

I think you're trying to use RP arguments cause you are a bit mad about this unfair battle. Yes it was (unfair), but please stop with RP arguments, not credible atm.

Edit : Oh, and it's strange, there was Zorais at Tryker's event, but nobody cried... Maybe cause was there wasn't pvp...

Last edited by Synthax (1 decade ago)


Tribu Talodi - Fabricant de calumets

#14 [en] 

Please do not argue once more, you are going off the topic... The question is about our feeling with the past event and asking more pvp events only.
And i am sure we are all agree on the point that this event was pretty awesome. No matter how we have chosen to participate.

The event was first a calling to patriotic guilds but sometimes things didn't go as expected, especially on events, and we all have to deal with. How many times do the event team had to improvise by the past ? Plus, I am sure they love it ! :p
And, yes we were out of the league and assumed consequences as coping with more attacks than expected but we had fun too, that is the only thing to remember :)
Maybe those who were not comfortable with our choice should learn to check their targets, not only spamming their space bar ;)

Now topic is closed and please focus on the poll :)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#15 [en] 

don't know you but you seem to have quite alot of power closing a topic because you say so while ppl express their concerns about how such events in the future should be held.


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