What do yu thing of this idea.
This is the best idea since yubodolls were invented.
Atys: Binarabi, Karabas, Libre, Rollocks, Sygmus, Synthax, Tart, Virg, Winxy, Xtarsia
10 (3)
I am too frail and weak to engage in PvP so please don't do this.
Atys: Casy, Mate, Tumbleweed
Atys: Ahti, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Arfur, Arugula, Bambamseven, Bitttymacod, Daomei, Exodus, Irfidel, Jarnys, Markanjio, Meagon, Sharleen, Sorum, Suboxide
Abstain 5
Poll is closed

#16 [en] 


They're not just typical Ryzom responses they're typical in all MMO games that combine PvE players with PvP players.

They are typical because PvP player and PvP player behaviour is typical across the MMO market.

You say high levels won't gank low levels, but that's been proven not to be the case many times over the years in many MMOs. In Ryzom we don't have a level by the characters name, so how who you know who is a low level? Just be their name and if you know they've been in game a long time?

You have to remember that the Ryzom community is made up of PvP and PvE players (plus those that like both) so forcing one play style on the community will never be well received.

You know, we've not to be selfish and unfortunately PvP players tend to be (not all of course) as they want everyone to be targets. PvE players have no interest in killing homins.

So if we imposed PvE only and no PvP, how would you respond Rollocks?

#17 [en] 

I could see a level restriction such as 150+ or 200+ zones (and all PR) for a limited period. This would mean the more junior players wouldn't be involved or griefed, if it came to that. A month is too long. It might be that a week is too long, but I could see a weekend or even a day might spice things up some, particularly during historically quiet periods like THE WHOLE MONTH OF JANUARY :P (no, I'm not sorry for the caps).

Scrapper (until I find a better title)
Something something of Asylum



#18 [en] 

Emilie (atys)
I could see a level restriction such as 150+ or 200+ zones (and all PR) for a limited period. This would mean the more junior players wouldn't be involved or griefed, if it came to that. A month is too long. It might be that a week is too long, but I could see a weekend or even a day might spice things up some, particularly during historically quiet periods like THE WHOLE MONTH OF JANUARY :P (no, I'm not sorry for the caps).

Scrapper (until I find a better title)
Something something of Asylum

Spice things up for some and make the game not worthwhile for others.

#19 [en] 

[quote=Avvy (atys)Spice things up for some and make the game not worthwhile for others.[/quote]

It is already not worthwhile for many, homins are leaving in droves. I hope the last one out remembers to feed the yubos.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#20 [en] 

You already have PvP zones and outpost wars use them.

The only reason I can think of for wanting more is you're not finding enough targets. But the reality is that you won't convert many if any PvE players to PvP because most have tried it already (maybe not in this game) and decided it's not for them.

If people wanted to PvP they would be in the PvP zones already, the fact that they're not should tell you something.

#21 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Off topic

#22 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Off topic and impolite

#23 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Off topic and impolite

#24 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Off topic

#25 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Off topic and impolite

#26 [en] 

Other aspects of my post that you criticized, such as my expectation of "ganking", etc. have been backed up by other players with more experience across multiple games than I have. I just know how fighting works (I do consensual full-contact PvP (with mock weapons) in what passes for another part of my "real" life) and what I experienced in the years when I did participate in Outpost battles.

In PvP, if you have more than a few levels in (whatever battle skill) above another player then the mechanics of the game say that you are going to win, given equal armor and weapons and assuming you don't handicap yourself in some way. The same is true in real life. Sure, anomalies can happen and the weaker fighter win, but it's not the way to bet.
Ryzom should have one week a month or perhaps just a weekend where PvP tags are mandatory. Every homins PvP flag would automatically be turned on and everyone automatically have to engage or be subjected to being attacked as part of PvP. (emphasis added)
How would that keep me out of the game? I would not be able to harvest, train, craft, trek, or gawk at the landscape. That is locking me out of the game as I am playing it whether I can literally log in or not, and your proposal was for at least two days and possibly a week or a month. That is the proposal I initially reacted to, and I feel that I did so in a thoughtful, though mostly negative fashion.

Further, I did make a positive suggestion as an alternative, which you then twisted by adding the thought that the game devs should somehow incentivize PvP. I happen to agree that the current possibilities for purchase with PvP points are limited. So are those available for purchase via National Fame points or Faction Points. In fact the limits are very similar. There was a whole set of threads on this subject some small time ago. However, my suggestion was meant to test the idea that PvP was *fun*. If an activity is *fun* people will do it without further incentive than having *fun*.(*) If the devs can be shown that a large number of people are having *fun*, then it might justify the investment in energy in crafting rewards and incentives.
(*)That statement is based on my observations of my acquaintanceship group and other areas in real life.)

You asked how I knew what new players like. I deal with them on a regular basis, lending a helping hand. The ones I deal with want to learn how to play the game. This is a natural selection process, since no one who wants to train PvP is going to ask me to help them. However, the people whom I have helped have universally said that the reason they are looking at this game is that it is not a PvP fest. I am certain that there are those who want to do PvP -- I see it in the questions in Universe Chat. However, I am not convinced that they are a majority or even a substantial minority of those who stay past a few weeks.

One more question: Given that we do *not* have access to the owners records of number of subscribers and players, on what do you base your assertion that "homins are leaving in droves"? I find that my active contact list has remained pretty constant over the last year. This is a serious question -- people are claiming substantial losses, but I saw well over 80 toons at the battle of the Mara camp in HS earlier today, and only a few of them were Mara. (I.e. this wasn't so much a PvP event as a PvE event with a few bits of PvP thrown in.) There were similar numbers at the Tryker Diamonds in the Sky event and the Matis Gift Outright event (based on /who counts made by friends).

Note: We will never keep all the people who show up in Silan -- that's just not the way the group dynamics of recruitment works. If we were doing well, I would expect that we would hold perhaps 10% of the visitors to Silan. Further, of those who disappear I suspect that many are simply intimidated by the mechanics of the game or disappointed by the lack of instant success, not by the lack of PvP. (This is based on my gut reaction to the questions being asked in Uni.)

Yes, we need to spice the game up. Having interesting events would help, adding rewards for RolePlay (violent OR peaceful), adding rewards for Faction or anti-faction actions probably wouldn't hurt. However, making it difficult for a substantial part of the player base to play the game in peace will not, in my opinion, help in the least.

-- Bittty

Edit: removed personal attacks
GM Tiximei 

Last edited by Tiximei (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#27 [en] 


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ember (9 years ago)

#28 [en] 

Deleted by Tiximei (1 decade ago) | Reason: Not applicable due to moderation

#29 [en] 

From Lacuna "why not organise an event aimed at beginners as well as those that tag"
Thanks Lac - good constructive response with no attack on any homins :)
This happened with the rescue-materials-stolen-by-mauro event on Sunday (heard one homin say it was the best event ever). All homins who took part were tagged and a level 50 homin survived in team very well (nice when just one enchant heal brings a homin back to full hp)
Is it not worth just trialing a happy hour each day, maybe just over a weekend - might not be long enough though to see how many homins look forward to it

Hopefully homins will keep attacking the idea and not the homins suggesting the idea ...

Wish we had input from ex-Aniro homins

And it is about Lore as well really, Mauro tend to go around tagged, not because they are blood thirsty gankers but because of Lore. Other homins tag up - go an attack them in their own city to get pvp points, then refuse to be tagged anywhere else. In some respect we should all be ready to be attacked by our enemies all the time


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#30 [en] 

Rollocks (atys)

Gkr (atys)
No, and no. Sandbox game, it's not about weakness or whatever trolling reasons you throw at people, it's about freedom of choice.

I put Other because the poll is silly.. but it means, No.

Gkr, it is sad to see you making the typical Ryzom response, simply because you disapprove of a suggestion and you resort suggesting person who made it is a troll. No wonder why this game is dying.

Having an option in the poll "I'm too weak" it is trolling... makes the subject not interested in PvP to feel "less".

Well maybe not trolling, but either way, if you get so many negative replies, i think there's something wrong with your post.. well... most definitely something wrong with your post :-)


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