What do you agree with?
More bosses
Atys: Afriel, Ahti, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Binarabi, Daomei, Gasket, Irfidel, Keldun, Loirinha, Loved, Mainca, Meagon, Ozwomen, Suboxide, Synthax, Talkirc, Tibicenas, Tyrralir, Virg, Zhoi
21 (1)
More boss spawn locations
Atys: Ahti, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Arfur, Binarabi, Crafy, Daomei, Exodus, Gasket, Irfidel, Jarnys, Keldun, Lilsis, Loved, Mainca, Mederi, Mermaidia, Mjollren, Ozwomen, Suboxide, Sygmus, Synthax, Talkirc, Tibicenas, Tyrralir, Virg, Winxy, Zhoi
28 (2)
Widen the period of time bosses can spawn in
Atys: Ahti, Anzhanto, Arfur, Crafy, Irfidel, Jarnys, Keldun, Lilsis, Loved, Meagon, Mederi, Mermaidia, Mjollren, Suboxide, Synthax, Talkirc, Tyrralir, Virg, Zhoi
19 (1)
Bring back Valcorenoch
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Binarabi, Daomei, Gasket, Irfidel, Keldun, Mainca, Meagon, Suboxide, Synthax, Talkirc, Tyrralir, Virg
Put kitin invasions on a lengthy random timer
Atys: Ahti, Aleeskandaro, Crafy, Exodus, Gasket, Irfidel, Loved, Suboxide, Sygmus, Talkirc, Tyrralir, Virg
12 (1)
Atys: Mederi, Suboxide, Turret
Abstain 4

#1 [en] 

My last thread got destroyed by trolling. If you don't have anything productive to say keep it away from this one please. I am trying to put forward ideas that will benefit smaller guilds and prevent time/alt camping. If you have a completely different idea put it forward on another thread. Also making a poll to get an idea of who likes these ideas.

Different bosses. I believe there used to be other bosses but they were removed? Why not add them back into the game or make new ones? Why not have 250 zones with more than 3 bosses but one boss on a long random spawn time? This will mean new and fun bosses to kill and will also mean a lot of new and interesting recipes and gear than can be crafted. Along the same lines Valcorenoch has been sleeping for far too long. Instead of removing content from the game why not add more? Variety is good.

More boss spawns. If the boss spawn site number were increased to 10+ this would mean the boss can pretty much spawn anywhere within a region. This will make camping bosses harder and increase the chance of finding bosses when doing normal activities in regions.

Randomise things- mix them up. Make the bosses respawn time more random. Put Valcorenoch on a random timer even if its for a long time. Put the kitin invasions on random timers.

EDIT: Once again sorry GMs for the multiple ideas but they all are really closely linked.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#2 [en] 

Forgot to put a none of the above in the poll but can't edit. Any idea how to?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#3 [de] 

I do not think that the missing "None" option is a problem. Those who would vote that way may vote "Other" and express their "None" in a short note, the explanation being more interesting than the vote proper. But maybe a CSR can help.

To the alternatives: I would like some additional bosses, but am not sure about balance issues. Also, the regions are already quite full with boss spawn places. As to the spawn locations, a rotation of bosses of same eco and level would be not bad, frustrating attempts to besiege a particular boss to some extent.

Respawn periods seem ok to me as they are. Maybe the earliest respawn might be earlier, that way increasing insecurity about respawn by other, say 12hrs.

Valcorenoch is an event boss. I would love to see him back. But the proposal has to go to the Event Team rather than to the Devs.

The bit with the Kitin invasions I did not understand, kindly explain.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#4 [en] 

The balance issue I'm sure would be decided by the devs if they ever accepted any of these ideas.

The reason why I want wider respawn times is to create uncertainty. If bosses could spawn from anything to 10minutes to 1 week (just an example time) after being killed then people can't time camp. You could be running boss checks at all times.

The kitin invasions are planned events. As such I assume they need event members to direct the kitin's path. However I was hoping the spawns of the matis exterminator and the invasion force could also be put on a randomly long timer (say over 1 or 2 weeks to a month) to spawn them in the city. Would be nice to have random events no one is expecting.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [en] 

Thanks for the explanation.

I am not sure whether one should mix event proposols and development proposals. I would like a CSR or dev to comment on.

An event is something different to changes and/or addenda in the fabric of Atys. They are embedded in roleplay and Lore and designed by event managers. They are meant to be one time though they or elements therefrom may reoccur in the one or the other way. But there is no guarantee that an event opponent may reappear. The PvE bosses, on contrary, are meant to be a permanent resource.

So I think that a "normal PvE boss" is much different from an event boss. Also, the distribution of event gains may be handled differently from usual boss loot. That is a different discussion we already had.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

I assumed the ideas forum could be used for event and normal ideas, but I have no idea- some dev clarification would be nice.

Events don't have to be embedded within roleplay. Kitin invasions for some people are about RP but for others it is simple fun involving kitins attacking homins, albeit more organized and in larger numbers. The fact of the devs putting it on such a long timer would give the appearance there is no guarantee but it happens simply by chance.

Kitin invasions are the one of the rare few things that bring everyone together, something which I would like to see happen more.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#7 [en] 

Umm... How about calling them "skirmishes" instead of "invasions"? It reduces the sense of importance of them and they become just another one of the hazards of Atysian life, albeit one that can have important RP consequences if the Event Team wishes. However, since we are working on closing off the kitins tunnels, it would be hard to justify repeated incursions (another good word) so close to the capital cities without it being a precursor for a major event.

As for new bosses, if there are old ones lying around in the archives, that's one thing, but I think it's pretty clear that making a truly new mob is not (yet?) in the skill set or time usage of the current dev team (however many of them there are). I wonder if the Ryzom Core people are working out any new mobs and their animations. New sup or exe materials would also have to be *very* carefully designed so that 1) they aren't the same as mats already around, and 2) they don't unbalance the crafting.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 [en] 

i like this virg, and agree with so much of it.

a note on exterminators, they once did spawn in the wild, and that was removed, to what end, i can only say because they were known to crash the server (the problem is the massive size of the critters, they don't have to be 80m tall to be hard, they could be just slightly bigger then normal bosses, and still have the insane HP and resists, and still be fun to kill.)

there are many bosses and named listed on the ryzom wiki, but everyone in power is worried about balence, honestly as it stands there's two groups already, the have's and the have not's, so there's no true balence, just something to have everyone fight over, which is fine IF there's a equal chance for everyone to get them (camping toons don't make that equal, because that's just another form of cheating {again camping of bosses only, because the long respawns for them make them harder to get to start with)

the below spoiler is more off topic then on topic, but i left what i was thinking and where this went as i wrote to keep what i was thinking at the time here, but not fill the space with semi-on topic thoughts.

Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#9 [en] 

Virg, great ideas, and great that you keep on driving these. It's hard to keep focussed on the actual ideas.

I'd love to have regular "forced" Kitin skirmishes. Alas, it will be tricky. Allow me to elaborate my opinion on this, again with the danger to derail the thread. Maybe we should split this one into a separate idea thread? Up to you to ask a moderator to move these based on any followup discussions.

Those skirmishes are "forced" in the sense, that currently you can voluntarily choose to hassle Kitins by attacking them at the mounds. If there are scheduled Kitin skirmishes (thank you, Bitty, for that proposal for wording), then how would those look like?

Would it be a group of Kitins spawning somewhere with a boss and lots of minions, and then they'd be left to their own devices? They'd then just be there, remain relatively local.
Or would they spawn somewhere in the wild, then move along a predetermined path, kill every homin on sight, until they reach a town, then wreak havoc?

One of the reasons this idea lends itself to being a scheduled event run by the event team would be that the event team can interactively react on the players: They can adjust the strength of the force to make it hard, but possible for the players present to kill them. If the skirmishes happen automatically, then this is unlikely to be possible (with the given codebase, and the available dev resources). So there's some danger that Kitins accumulate on the bark, making them harder and harder to kill. Maybe this is easy to prevent, by making sure the script would only start a new skirmish once all Kitins of the previous have been dealt with - plus some random timer.

In higher level regions this could be as dangerous and aggressive as you can imagine. In the Q50 regions maybe this could just yield more passive Kitins (no kill on sight). Such as more Kipees. Maybe add Kizoars and Kibans to locations where usually only Kipees roam. So the low level folks would have some area they could clean up without being slaughtered. Here it would be important to me to not make a low level's life harder than it already is, while at the same time making it more interesting by introducing change.

If no one interacts within some real life hours, the Kitins should slowly vanish again, with any bosses vanishing first. Some spawns should not even have "bosses" in the sense that they'd have special loot. Maybe no bosses at all. Just the usual white colouring for aggressive Kitins, and the bigger masses and higher levels would be interesting enough. Some Kitin "cookies" for obtaining the titles should add some additional motivation to roleplay, fun, and general "let's keep our planet tidy".

This would make life on Atys a bit more interactive and changing.

#10 [en] 

i like the idea of random spawns, not wild about the idea that the spawn would disapear, the script could be wrote to check if spawn A has been killed yet prior to spawning B and so on, also the size of the groups would and could be random, the guards of the bosses are always aggro, and are in a follow mode on the boss, thus "pulling" a boss out of a spawn could not be done, you would then be FORCED to kill the entire spawn just to have a try at the boss, adding to the depth and challenge.

i see lot's here that is good, and hope to see more, this is starting to be a very pro-active idea, i hope it will get the player attention it deserves, and then get the dev attention it deserves.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 [en] 

Yep I am referring to old bosses still in the archives instead of new mobs. There are many mobs out there with unique stats that could be used to create new and exciting recipes if there were brought into the game. As an example this is what 2 of the exterminators have done (to a very small extent).

Kitin skirmishes (+1 for the name) could be a smaller invasion force with a smaller exterminator as Talk mentioned that would only drop sup mats, not the "guardian titles". As of yet the rangers haven't closed the tunnels and kitins are always able to dig new ones? If all tunnels are closed then perhaps a predetermined path as Irfidel mentioned? I understand this would less responsive than the kitin invasions however would still be fun!

In terms of these things I have no idea what is possible and what isn't. We can only voice ideas and hope the devs like them :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#12 [en] 

What I'm missing here is the "make more bosses like Clopperketh and Bodokin" for the first you have to kill a specific part of the guards first before the boss is even attackable for the later you have to kill something entirely unrelated before the boss spawns.
More bosses like this would make bosses harder to kill, yes - but IMHO in a good way.


#13 [de] 

+1 to Jarnys' idea!

I also put up a post of ideas in the wrong thead that was hijacked and trolled to death (even though I somehow agree to the sad last post from Talkric), so I'll just cut out the "newer" ideas from it:

* all "Bosses"/Named with choice-loot should be changed to excellent materials at least, otherwise nobody's interested in them. If they had "better" mats, even newbies could have more fun hunting them. I'd also like a mix of excellent-materials with a few supreme-mats :) And yes to see them spawn more often
* Bosses and Named could spawn in regions of their level on other continents too, completely randomly of course
* Herbivore-Named and Bosses could even wander across many regions up to their level (not higher ones though)
* Carnivores and Aggro-Bosses could spawn in secluded corners of regions even above their levels
* in principle the same idea as Virg's "more bosses": sometimes make more than one specimen of the Bosses spawn at the same time (perhaps with different random names?) could be evil fun
* make it possible for groups of Homins to "call" NPC-Bosses (like Pei-Ruz, Sirgio, Lixie and so on) with some sort of process

Valcorenoch is a special-event-mob, and the Goo-event this Boss-Gibbai belonged to was said to return ever since the Server-merge...

Kitin invasions should stay very-special-events in my opinion, and thoughtfully manually controlled by the Event-Team.

But why not make Kitin-skirmishes into Mini-invasions by other mobs than Kitins? I'd like that even more! Especially Non-Aggros, like Yubos, Armas, Bolobi and so on ;) Once a week perhaps?

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#14 [en] 

I heard the Destroyer Gubani eyes get used in some sort of pvp jewels, but don't ask me of the recipe :)

+1 on the invasions by other mobs, this could be worked nicely into dungeons and so on, or at least nice events.


#15 [en] 

Yep some choice mats are useful for certain recipes.

I would enjoy more puzzle bosses such as cratchakin and these puzzles could be created when implementing new bosses. However I assume the extra additional coding to create such a puzzle might increase the time it takes to implement to such an extent that I would just rather have the boss in the game like normal ones.

In terms of other mobs invading nice idea but I would honestly prefer just smashing around some kitins. Other mobs are relatively easy to kill except for a few and would therefore require more dev work changing their stats to something more suitable. You do also see yubo invasions at fun events like Halloween already.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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