
#1 [en] 

since L.O.R.D didnt really take off, but avvy made a nice post how about another idea..

so occupations did they make an impact?
how about a repair profession? and ye get little hp equip vouchers as rewards +5, 10 etc...

#2 [en] 

nice idea, but let's take it to a more realistic game point, let's just have a repair skill or repair merchant, and for 100 dappers times the QL of the item you can have said item fully restored to like new hp (-1 hp is like new).

so the merchant i speak of would do a Q250 item to 99% of new (-1hp) for 25,000 dappers. this would make that really awesome armor you love last as long as you play the game, no more fighting over this boss mat, or this sup dug mat, and we could finally have some harmony on atys. (i dream of a utopia atys)

but i'm all for this idea, would be nice to get a little more life out of our gear, then we'll have ppl camping the occ to keep the awesome gear, and no campers at the bosses so others can try to get some awesome gear too :)


Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

Yeah, let's give everyone a Pei set, no one should be bothered to actually work for their items. Nevermind that giving everyone supreme items (or the ability to keep them forever once they acquire them, which is the same) will simply make supreme the average, the "meh" thing to have. Effectively kills the economy, and in fact the accumulation of good stuff has killed the economy before. We're on the same path, by the way, more than one person/guild has guild halls (plural) of good items.

Meanwhile, real games make you work like mad for the best items, raiding for weeks before you have a reasonable expectation for top gear. Let those interested in actually playing a game have their fun too, by giving them something to do, a goal to work for, etc. Not a single imposed goal, mind you. And if people log into Ryzom to see the scenery and chat, they don't care about items anyway, right? ;)


#4 [en] 

ok maybe that came out wrong, let me try again.

other games you can fix gear you get, and if we could fix the gear we work so hard for, we would be able to keep the reward of our efforts, furthermore, it would force the dev's to actally add new content, because you made a point i was thinking MJ, if we all have sup gear, the dev's have to actally add something new to make that gear not so awesome, otherwise like so many things about ryzom stagnation is the norm to expect. (this is a counter idea to the greed of the groups with (plural) guild halls worth of awesome stuff, while so many just do without or only wish they had it. though greed is the driving force of man, never the bettering of life for everyone.)

also, the ideal of a merchant selling better gear then they do, and better mat's then they do, would IMPROVE the econ because there'd be something WORTH spending dappers on. (i do buy good crafted gear mind you, to encourage the crafters that mad them, but let's face it, when is the last time you saw sup gear on sale, almost never? (good sup gear, not something that was thrown together with mat's that are not all that useful just to get the "sup" in the name)

also it's not anything we're ever going to really get, because the status quo is that ryzom is flawless as it is will always block any progress. (9 years old and still the same mat's in game as the day it was released, one new mat would throw the entire game into a new world for crafters, maybe in 2020 we'll get a new mat or two, as for everyone having sup gear, guess then it would require that people learn to play better, because we'd all be equal in terms of gears, thus it would become a matter of play skill vs gear.)

sorry don't mean to rant, just seams like any idea anyone has is always shot down if it goes against the current stagnation of things. (face it, ryzom's newest addition is NH, and that's already "old")


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

But surely, as has been said many times, if you have used an item enough for it to break, you have outgrown it and levelled up enough to need higher quality gear.  

Coming from Silan many cycles past, my favourite item was the Fire & Wrath sword - I kept using it long after I should have replaced it.  In the end my strength was too much and it broke.  I was heartbroken but I learned a valuable lesson.  

However much effort goes into crafting our gear, however hard it was to get the mats, there will come a time when we need something better.  For that we need better mats and for that we need to keep exploring, training and searching for the next level.  (Respectully) That is not stagnation.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 [en] 

until you are a master in a melee skill, at which point you can no longer "outgrow" your gear, and that's when it is the hardest to get. there's not a way to outgrow Q250 gear, that's the best there is.


Remickla (atys)
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#7 [en] 

The idea of repair has be uttered not seldom, and has some attractivity. The baseline is that the original mats have to be provided again, together with additional effort. Cidre's idea may point in the same direction.

Some polemics ignored, I agree to Mjollren in pointing to the core of the problem. One would not repair the grind stuff made from everydays' material, but only the extraordinary pieces, such as the rubbarn weapon or armour, the armilo digging suit, the NPC gear, all that. There would be a considerable risk that this way the demand for maximum grad mats would be further reduced, at an intake of about 52,000 superior mats per month (and excellent nearly unlimited for practical purposes).

If one needs exactly the same materials for repair, no harm would be done. Yet I fail to see a majjor advantage over simply rebuilding. In addition, the repairer would have to know the original recipe which is not obvious. For the more sophisticated recipes, that would mean that only the original crafter or her guild could do the repair. And I see lots of technical issues how to make sure that a repair is done with the correct recipe. And for some special stuff such as NPC armor or Sage mission gains, no recipe does and can exist at all. So I remain reserved about the idea.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#8 [en] 

for myself, i never said a word about needing mat's to do the repair, i said dappers and the repair is done by an NPC, and the -1hp from max of an item would prevent someone from repairing something just to sell it because they got something better. IF we could repair items this way, eventually the demand for the uber mat's would lessen, and those that would otherwise never have the chance to kill __________ boss could do so, and that would also allow them the chance to have the same "uber" gear, and if we're all in similar uber gear, then it becomes a game about who's got the best skills and knowladge on how to use said skills, there's honestly NO downside to it, because as long as you have the mats (and in some cases even if you don't) you can get items made for you by someone for free, so the whole idea of the econ taking a hit because of it is a joke, if anything there would finally be another GOOD dapper sink for high lvl players that otherwise have nothing to spend those dappers on.

i feel like the persons that think it would be bad are just worried that they wouldn't have as much advantage over someone else if they both had the same gear (roughly), leading me to consider just how good a player are they if that's the case. (in all honesty the best players don't care what gear they have, and will still win against someone that has better gear, test the players skills, not the gear he/she has.)

(and we can limit repairs to items that players can Craft only, nothing special like NPC armor that's dropped, or jewels that are dropped by some mobs would be repairable)

p.s. with these 10's of thousands of mats you claim are looted and dug each month, why don't we see people selling any of them, answer is easy, they hoard them because they know one day they'll have to recraft that uber gear, thus the econ suffers yet again because no one's selling the uber gear or uber mats, repair could help, why would anyone need 20 GH's worth of sup mat's if they can just fix the special gear they've already made and love. (everyone's thinking like a modern corp, make it cheep and crappy so it will brake and they'll have to buy another one.)


Remickla (atys)
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#9 [en] 

While I would like to repair gear it just doesn't seem right.
=> We got a nice balance atm with crafters and such that it works.
=> Great PVP gear and boosted stuff is hard to get and with repairing it would just make it more easy
> fun for new players > yes
> fun for lazy ppl like me > yes
> fun for ppl that work for it and put in the time > no
==> This is ryzom you can get great stuff cheap already but the just a bit better gear you need to work for, why take that away from the homins putting the work in


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