
#1 [en] 

since campy bosses stired up trouble i read a new idea.

make players have to log off in towns or bad stuff can happen, might make interesting senarios...

might bring a new dimension to the follow command :D

ps. not thought it out much

#2 [en] 

That idea really is something. I like it alot, so you got my support.



#3 [en] 

Great idea to immobilize lower level characters. I remember that it took me days, including several dp and more than one logout for sleep, to reach demon's lap as a lvl 140 max. Was one of the adventures I shall never forget (ofc I was killed, eventually, on my way back).

There was another character who made his way from Pyr to Yrkanis solo, which took even longer for him. He wrote a greatly moving description of his voyage in our forums. Thanks a lot to make such impossible. If not master, stay in cities.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#4 [en] 

Cidre --

While this would most certainly solve the problem of parking alts in OPs/safe spots and logging them out to be logged in to check on things, it would also, as Daomei points out, adversely impact those who are just grinding around and want to log out in a spot near the mats they are using to grind.

For instance if I was grinding high level Forest digging and crafting I would be in Grove of Confusion, which is a long dangerous run from my nearest teleport in KoD (I'm neutral). I would want to hang out for several real-life days digging and crafting until I had broken several tools (or someone dangled a juicy boss-hunt in front of me).

This is not a hypothetical. I have two guildies who did exactly that.

Possible modifications:

1) If any toon skill is at the lower end of the region it is parked in, then it doesn't get moved. It won't stop all camping, but it will mean that the campers will have to get their alts to level 201 in order to camp the q250 areas.
2) Instead of being moved to the cities (or being killed) move the toon to the center of the nearest friendly tribe camp. This might not help because I don't know if some of those are already camped.

Just some extra thoughts.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

interestings :o}

first trek poker guy did was solo undersping nekkid at 1am :o)

might be missing the point a bit ;o)
not about camping or treking
smiley face makes it ok
more about folks dont really sleep on park benches and in teh woods so why should homintos do :o}
why not increase the difficulty :o} bigger challenges :D

oh well, tree falling in woods
saved by making a camp fire :o}

#6 [en] 

Cidre I like the direction of your idea but fully support the "nay sayers" as well on their critique thereof.

How about this as something that'd allow both versions:

No matter where you log out you're "hiding" so the aggro range of any mob is reduced to eg. 1/10th of normal.
If a mob still finds and attacjs you you can either be in luck (protected by NPCs or maybe other homins) or you will be slaughtered by the mob. If you get slaughtered your body will show up for as long as you're being hit or if you're dead as long as it usually takes to auto-respawn - during this time others will be able to heal you.
During your logout all your stats (hp, stam, sap, focus) will be added together for HP + HP reg increasing the chance of survival a fair bit.

So if you select the right spot you're able to log out in the middle of nowhere as well while being close to the original idea of cidre it would involve the need for a lot of additional resources for the AI on the server though.


#7 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Great idea to immobilize lower level characters. I remember that it took me days, including several dp and more than one logout for sleep, to reach demon's lap as a lvl 140 max. Was one of the adventures I shall never forget (ofc I was killed, eventually, on my way back).

There was another character who made his way from Pyr to Yrkanis solo, which took even longer for him. He wrote a greatly moving description of his voyage in our forums. Thanks a lot to make such impossible. If not master, stay in cities.

I do a lot of solo trekking at low level (best when not able to kill anything). It's why I laughed at your comment in another thread about innocent solo trekkers being mistaken for campers.

Soloed Matis to Pyr on quite a few occasions with different low level characters. Once did it with a character that had just got off of the boat from Silan. Another of my low level trekking character ressed a high level in the middle of HS, took ages to res him. Point being what Cidre proposed would not normally have had any effect on that activity.

Low level solo trekking is why I don't want KPs back in PR because as a trekker that can't kill anything you have to sometimes wait long periods of time for an opening to appear (not boss spots).

What Cidre proposed would be inconvenient for a lot of people. WoW logs off inactive players back to the login screen after so many minutes. But not sure if that's even a good idea in Ryzom or would help on the camping front.

But to be fair to Cidre, he did suggest he hadn't thought it through fully and in effect was just bouncing an idea around on the forum.

Last edited by Avvy (1 decade ago)

#8 [en] 

Just thought of another reason some people might not like the idea.

As what effect would it have when people log off to extend the timer on death.

Which, I think is a bad practice anyway as people are circumventing the game mechanics.

Edit: Of course this one would be fairly easy to fix. If someone logs off whilst dead, the next time they log on they will be at the nearest respawn point with their much earned dp in hand.

Last edited by Avvy (1 decade ago)

#9 [en] 

Now, what about crashes?

What happens if you're in the middle of a trek and you crash for some reason? You're saying that you want them to be separated from their team and stuck in some aggro or some point away from their team?


#10 [en] 

Toak (atys)
Now, what about crashes?

What happens if you're in the middle of a trek and you crash for some reason? You're saying that you want them to be separated from their team and stuck in some aggro or some point away from their team?

Well crashing is not logging out dead, it's not even logging out.

I don't see why the system wouldn't recognise that fact. Although if that is the case people could force a disconnect to get around the issue.

And anyway I would think hardly anyone if anyone crashes whilst dead. If they're gonna crash it's more likely when they go to respawn in which case it wouldn't matter anyway.

#11 [en] 

Avvy (atys)
And anyway I would think hardly anyone if anyone crashes whilst dead. If they're gonna crash it's more likely when they go to respawn in which case it wouldn't matter anyway.

Normally I'd agree with you, but dying while my system is under heavy load tends to sometimes crash the game. (large screenshot below)

And no, crashing while dead should not send you anywhere. The server knows roughly when a client has stopped sending data, so the timer until respawn can be computed with some accuracy and resumed when you log back in. Fix the bugs (i.e. timer reseting), don't pass the problems downstream.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Mjollren (1 decade ago)


#12 [en] 

Now, what about crashes?
Well crashing is not logging out dead, it's not even logging out.
Rubbish, crashing is logging out under a number of conditions. It takes a certain time that disconnect is treated like a quit immediately, but then it is. And on reconnect, a connection still existing is terminated immediately.

As to your previous comment, I ignored it as the other comments of your crowd, if you wanted to say something significant, I apologize. I have often been cowering in a more or less safe corner for an hour or more before agro changed place and I could move on. Strange you pretend to be a solo trekker and do not understand that.

Minor edits
GM Tiximei

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tiximei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#13 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Rubbish, crashing is logging out under a number of conditions. It takes a certain time that disconnect is treated like a quit immediately, but then it is. And on reconnect, a connection still existing is terminated immediately.

As to your previous comment, I ignored it as the other comments of your crowd, if you wanted to say something significant, I apologize. I have often been cowering in a more or less safe corner for an hour or more before agro changed place and I could move on. Strange you pretend to be a solo trekker and do not understand that.

Well I don't tend to crash very often, last time was the other day whilst killing a plant, but that wasn't the game it was my broadband connection.

My crowd? No idea what you mean by that.

I don't pretend to be anything, I do solo trek at low level and high in the past. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Fixed quote (;

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tiximei (1 decade ago)

#14 [en] 

Avvy, I am extremely grateful to the devs and Ryzom Core Project folks for their excellent work. Client crashes have significantly diminished during the last years, the Windows client in particular, while the Linux/Unix one was more robust all time. When I started the game over three years ago, the windows client failed over memory leaks every hour nearly, sometimes bit later, sometimes earlier. Now it is indeed possible to play for a day without issues.

But crashes are not gone, of course. And they tend to occur under every kind of high load , more often, than under calm everydays' chores. Unfortunately, entering new regions, facing much agro which begins to hack on the herbies in the environs etc. are typical conditions in which a crash is more likely.

And there are crashes the devs are powerless about. The connection policies do not allow a reconnect of an already established session, that leads to the not so elegant termination by a segmentation violation in the client code. Everytime you draw the network cable, routes go crazy, your provider goofs up or else, this will end in a crash.

So crash is our fate, just lean back an ma..oops meditate


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#15 [en] 

Well Daomei I've seen a lot in this game too. Started playing it in Oct 2004 played on and off ever since. Longest break was probably the last one, which was sometime before the last server merge.

In those early days, I used to crash a lot in the waters of the Lakes, but most of that was due to my PC as others didn't have the same problems or at least not as much as me. Luckily it was only in the lakes a new PC got rid of that problem.

Had please waits and lag spikes it seems since forever, although a lot less now than in the past. Although we get a series of them at 3 am (GMT) for some odd reason.

Whatever problems you had with the server merge I didn't see.

In the past I used to play all day without issues, even 2005 we used to team hunt all through the night without problems.

Since I've been back this time the game has not crashed once on me when it was the game's fault that is.

Although I nearly didn't come back to the game after reading the forums with the kind of bickering that goes on here.

Last edited by Avvy (1 decade ago)

Last visit Monday, 17 February 11:05:29 UTC

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