
#18 [en] 

Avvy, you seem not to understand one thing: Sure it would be possible for me and you to make a low level char and solo trek it around the world, even with few dp, and in relatively short time.

But it is either arrogant or blind to believe that new players, burdened with every kind of impressions of a complex world, needing to understand basic mechanics, can do that. I recall that it took me some time even to reach Fourways in one piece for the egg for the emperor mission.

And the only way to explore for a new player is patience and much time, to learn the movements and behavior of the mobs. It is definitely not cowering in cities or under a tp (Btw. HS kara tp is excellent to idle, as the kirostas sometimes love to kill yelks beneath it).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#19 [en] 

Daomei, why do you always try to turn this into some sort of fight?

Your posting is much better in bosses poll part 2. (at least the first two, not read any others if there are any).

First off, I've not read his account and was not getting at him. But the advice to get the tps (and portals) is a good one, with tps and portals it can be done in stages.

Actually solo trekking low level around the world is not easy, Yrk to Pyr is probably the easiest stage. Can depend on the time of year.

Only things you really need, is a knowledge of which mobs are aggro, keep a constant eye on the map and compass as well as your surrounding. Not much time to to look at the scenery whilst travelling. But a new player would learn all that by just doing it and if they pick up dp it's not really a problem. Plants can be a problem as it can be hard to spot aggro via the compass and dead mobs as they may contain aggro.

But anyone trying it for the first time should try it in stages and tps are good stopping points.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Avvy (1 decade ago)

#20 [en] 

As for the kara HS tp, why would you stop there when the portal is almost next to it?

#21 [en] 

Avvy, I apologize if you have taken it as an attack, it was not meant that way, but should show you that less experienced players have issues you seem not to see or to belittle. If you have taken offense from, sorry.

I can imagine that it would have deeply disappointed me would I have been forcibly relocated from regions I ventured into. And what may seem irrelevant, even ridiculous for you may be a great adventure for young players. This is true in particular for exploring regions which are ways above their level. Therefore I consider that proposal devastating. That is not personal against anybody.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#22 [en] 

Avvy, of course I was using the portal as a respawn point. But I remember that it took me a full night just to get to the outpost north of the ramp in Hidden Source. So I logged off at the outpost to continue a couple of days later. Like Daomei said: Relocating a young and trying homin to a different place, just to try to fix a camping issue would be devastating to the motivation of casual players and/or young homins.

Later I retried that particular trek, and I still do it albeit rarely, trying to avoid the use of invul and speed. These hard challenges are what makes Ryzom fun to play for a long time. If the challenges are made impossible to casual players just to fix the symptom of an issue might adversely affect player numbers to great extent. The reason is that the complex ideas proposed here, make it even harder for newbies to understand the game mechanics and to find their first challenges.

My fear is that any change that reduces the ability to do voluntary challenges for young homins, will reduce Ryzom to a grinding game to them, surely driving new players out of the game.

I cannot much say to the actual camping issue, because I haven't even started to hunt bosses regularly. Since this is a high level activity my hope is that the players who are affected are mature enough to get this resolved, if need be without dev interaction, by talking to each other.
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