
should camping be allowd, or should some change be made
Atys: Alassea, Alric, Beepe, Bones, Camper, Feylin, Indigo, Kaetemi, Rollocks, Snarfster, Stitch, Sunmonkey, Tinial
13 (4)
Atys: Aikoon, Asmiye, Ataxie, Binarabi, Bucshotz, Cramer, Elikwasa, Elvanae, Evilar, Exodus, Feylin, Grasswind, Irfidel, Lacuna, Lightweight, Loirinha, Lumidragon, Ratastantan, Rikutatis, Shvet, Slorforn, Stitch, Suboxide, Tantalos, Tegus, Thahuliga, Veg, Victoriacamper, Zehrix, Zhoi, Zilon
31 (4)
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Alric, Anzhanto, Arfur, Astarth, Bambamseven, Bitttymacod, Casy, Feylin, Fishgod, Hayt, Ishamael, Jarnys, Kalean, Laofa, Lilsis, Meagon, Ruhen, Stitch, Tantalos, Thahuliga, Victoriacamper, Yuritau
Abstain 11

#1 [en] 

this post is a poll for collection of the opinion of the server's player base.

this is an issue that i'm not wanting to continue to debate as players.

i am making this poll to let everyone have a voice.

with any luck the Dev's will see this post and base their action apon it.

i'm not pointing any fingers at this point, this is to make or not make a change.

i am trying to create peace again, and i'm giving everyone a chance to vote on what they think about camping right or wrong, in favor or not in favor.

i do not vote on my own polls anymore, as that's self serving.

this post is for camping of bosses (2 star supreme loot dropping mobs not to be confused with named exel or choice loot dropping mobs)


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [de] 

Hm, which one is the yes and which one the no? Yes, camping should be banned, no, camping shall not be changed? The question is: should be A or not(A)? A yes would say well, there should be A or not(A), a no would say No, there should not be ( A or not(A)) which leads into self-contradiction. Ok just nitpicking, but kindly precise bit.

I would suggest: "Should boss camping stay allowed (yes), or should there be some change (no)". I think it is meant that way.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#3 [en] 

From an RP stand, camping should be allowed. I can pay anyone to stand on a street corner and report when they see something.

From a meta-gaming standpoint, camping should not be allowed. Boss spawn points are well known and equal opportuity to find a boss means everyone needs to be using similar tactics to find a boss. That means EVERYONE needs an alt camper (the horror) or everyone needs to use a method other than camping.

Personal standpoint. Bosses need to change. Randomize their spawn points more and radically randomize their spawn times. Evil bonus: Cause bosses to despawn and respawn at another random location on a random timer (minimum of 30 minutes before despawn) if they are not engaged. This would mean boss hunts actually required a bit of hunting.


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
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#4 [en] 

this issue is not black on white and i dont think that a poll with just yes or no is enough.

while I agree that f2p alts with the sole purpose of camping is unethical (but still valid on the current rules), I think I still have the right to stay and do whatever I want in the game, as long as Im not harming anyone. Farming, as was stated somehere, is not nice either, but thats something that always can be talked and resolved.

so, if I want to spend my afk time on a boss spawn, I think I should have the right to do it. if I want a sup mat, I leave aside all the game has to offer (grind,bosses,etc) and I stay there until I can find the weather I need. The same think apply to all game mechanics. If you want something that bad, you have the right to look for it. Let me remind you that if I choose a couple spots to camp with paid alts/friends it means Im/we are leaving aside all the rest the game has to offer. Its a gameplay choice, and as long as it doesnt get into the 'farming' issue, I believe its valid.

it saddens me to see the amount of accusations towards SAs without any sign of proof. I, being the only one that admit to everyone that asks that I do camp, was waiting for the concerned people to talk to me. No one did, what leaves me the impression that most just want to see the circle in fire, or dont care enough to think before pointing the finger.

#5 [en] 

why yes/no answers for an either/or question?

A poll might not be the right thing do at this time. The discussion about camping developed two sides now:

One side where a few people are addressing a single guild in multiple threads (not this one despite Dinorath's answer).
And another side where people try to find out what unwanted camping actually is and how it can be prevented.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#6 [en] 

The way the poll was created only 2 options were left "Other" and "Abstain"

But I'm on the side of the people who say "rather fix the reason for the camping then creating complicated rules that will make nobody happy"


#7 [en] 

I would say :
- allowed for main char/account
- forbidden for alts


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#8 [en] 

I see just one reason why camping is not punished anymore, no less than, under certain circumstances, even more ruthless practices such as agro dragging or mektoub killing. The reason is that the CSR don't want to be inflicted in accusations and denials, deciding whether a complaint can be considered proven or not, or whether it is just hostility and slander. Such complaints are possibly the most boring and frustrating stuff a CSR has to deal with. I do not think that many do like camping.

Yet it is virtually impossible to easily say whether a given player is camping a boss spot. Many of these spots are resting points adjacent to high agro regions. They are not seldom the right place to log out or go afk. Therefore an idler is not necessarily a camper.

Personally I am not convinced at all that there is a major boss camping problem at the moment. During my patrols over all of the bark I rarely see idle players at known boss spawns, and those I spot may as well have taken a rest for a while. Moreover, I have sighted bosses lately, even "important" ones (e.g. those of significance for PvP jewels, Eroukan and q250 parry 2 HA).

And I still think that well organized patrolling of boss spawns is ways more efficient than screening tens of boss spawns by a camper per spawn. Such activity had to be coordinated with a large number of players. I simply fail to see that such is going on right now.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [en] 

Dinorath (atys)
while I agree that f2p alts with the sole purpose of camping is unethical (but still valid on the current rules), I think I still have the right to stay and do whatever I want in the game, as long as Im not harming anyone. Farming, as was stated somehere, is not nice either, but thats something that always can be talked and resolved.

so, if I want to spend my afk time on a boss spawn, I think I should have the right to do it. if I want a sup mat, I leave aside all the game has to offer (grind,bosses,etc) and I stay there until I can find the weather I need. The same think apply to all game mechanics. If you want something that bad, you have the right to look for it. Let me remind you that if I choose a couple spots to camp with paid alts/friends it means Im/we are leaving aside all the rest the game has to offer. Its a gameplay choice, and as long as it doesnt get into the 'farming' issue, I believe its valid.
I agree if someone wants to chill by a boss spawn they have every right. What is the distinction between f2p alts and paid alts? You have the right to camp with paid alts simply because they are subbed? I believe camping with any alt regardless of f2p or paid should be banned.
it saddens me to see the amount of accusations towards SAs without any sign of proof. I, being the only one that admit to everyone that asks that I do camp, was waiting for the concerned people to talk to me. No one did, what leaves me the impression that most just want to see the circle in fire, or dont care enough to think before pointing the finger.
I have respect for you and actually send you a tell asking you not to camp.



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#10 [en] 

I voted "Other" because I agree with Daomei's critique of the wording of the poll. You have two questions in the header and choices of yes, no, and other (and abstain). That's not a poll that *has* an answer.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#11 [en] 

I voted other. The reason is if someone is in deep need of boss mats for armor/weapons they can spend their whole time looking/camping for specific boss. But all players should be given a fair chance of searching/hunting bosses.

There must be many multiple/random respawn points and must be random time to respawn a named/boss.

Last edited by Fishgod (1 decade ago)

#12 [en] 

I don't have the time to camp but I feel if someone dedicates that much time tracking and getting an actual group to kill it before others see it up, is fine. That is real dedication and I am impressed as many people do regular boss rounds anyways. What I don't think is awesome is just bashing people on a forum rather than just sending in a ticket or whatever. If your guild isnt doing boss runs then camping really shouldn't be an issue anyways and you are just crying for no reason. How many times have you saw someone camping and you killed the boss before the "camper" could get a team.........? Call me a carebear if you want but we both know that's not the truth.

#13 [en] 

The only and big issue is fair chances to get a boss. If a guild knows a boss spawn time all players of the guild will gather around the spawn point and hit the boss 1 sec after it spawns (add few minutes in it which is meaningless)

And yes other teams wont get a chance to ever hit the boss as most of them will never see it in their Ryzom life considering campers are good in number. It surely doesn't feel good for teams who dedicate their time and tps for searching for bosses. It is killing the real dedicated people's spirit.

The best I would like is: "You want a boss? go and search for it in entire lvl 250 zone.. and yes keep running and wish to find it before others.." not something like: "Hey team!, boss will spawn in next 10 mins lets go and sit at the respawn point".

#14 [en] 

Fishgod: It is not that easy. There are 25 lvl 270 bosses, and 27 lvl 200 ones (about half of them are considered particularly valuable as their mat is important for certain armor and jewelry recipes, mainly for PvP). Once a boss has been killed, it will respawn randomly between 30 and 72 hrs after its demise, on one of usually 3 possible locations. So nobody knows in ahead where a boss might spawn.

And here is the point of camping: homins sitting around the locations to be the first to spot a boss, notify guildies, friends, allies to gather for killing.

Such camping is wasteful in terms of time (the most valuable resource in the game). In some cases it may be done with alts, and is despised particularly when done with makeshift f2p alts.

In the old times camping was forbidden. But as it is not easy to determine who is actually camping or just having a rest, the CSR decided to lift the ban. In my opinion we should fill in the gap with common sense. It means that those wasting their time waiting for a particular boss should not be condemned or harrassed. On the other hand they should be considerate enough not to do it all time holding some boss under siege practically.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#15 [de] 

lol how to answer this poll a good way?
should camping be allowed?
- NO!
or should be some changes made?
- YES!

so i choosed "other" ... xD

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Lilsis (1 decade ago)


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