
#1 [en] 

Title says it all, really.

There are often situations where using a lower item than q60 is actually desired, due to not needing the full effect of q60, and the shorter time to consume, shorter cooldown, etc.

Of course, one could use q50 components to obtain q30 items, but this seems both wasteful and frankly un-necessary. A master digger is able to gather all qualities below his maximum, why would one (for example) have to visit Loria in order to obtain some q20 waters? Let us be able to gather components of all grades below the character's current one.

Just a thought.


#2 [en] 


Last edited by Ember (10 years ago)

#3 [en] 

This makes sense in terms of normal digging, but that is built into the actual game code. It is clear from the way that the missions are done that they are done with the ARCC tool, which is the same one that does the New Horizons missions and transport.

In the cartographer occupation, for instance, you tour the same four spots in Maiden Grove again and again, but you get different levels of observations depending on your level in the occupation. The same goes for scrollmaker. You can zap the same Amoeba Shon when you are level 4 and get a q50 pigment, and if you are level 5 get a q60 pigment. Clearly there is an entry in a database that tells the ARCC tool your level and adjusts the results of the operation.

I cannot be sure, but I suspect that it might be difficult to communicate to the program the concept, "Yes, I know I'm level 5 but I want to pretend I'm level 1" without having the program reset you to level 1 (which I suspect very strongly that you don't want to happen). This is different from the use of the occupation workplace, where the only thing necessary is to test "if q(material) .ge. q(result) then proceed". This is not to say that it is impossible; coders live for that challenge when they don't have other things to do, but it might not be worth the bother to change a working system (usually) and change it to a system that might (or might not) work.

I've only done scrollmaker and cartographer so I don't know the difficulty levels of other occupations, but I've seen the locations for water carrier in Loria and they didn't seem all that difficult.

-- Bittty (not a dev)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [en] 

Well, the way I figured this could be done is via the mission - i.e. add missions for all grades up to the one you're at, and then generate components according to the mission you actually took. Not sure if that's feasible via ARCC.


#5 [en] 

Interesting idea for a workaround. Still not sure how one would make sure that you didn't get permanently assigned to the lower level, but who knows. Hope someone is watching.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [en] 

i believe the current level of your occupation is controlled by an item in your bag that's not normally seen, it's an "item" that triggers the different grade your on, currently you can only have 1 of these in your bag for each occupation, and you can only have 3 of these tokens active at one time, and to do what your asking would require that the entire system be reworked, while i agree with what your idea is, and very much like it, i highly doubt this will be something that's easy to do, or likely to be done, because it would require each of the "invisible" tokens be in your bag for each grade you have completed as well as the grade your currently working, these tokens enable you to have the 3 active occupations, and i believe that to fix this option you would likewise have to change the number of active occupations you could have in your bag. because each grade for each occupation get's a different "Q" token, so if like me your grade 2 in florist, right now you get one Q20 token, then larvester get's a Q30 token, and mag cart get's a Q20 token, each tell the system your current grade and weather or not your actively doing that occ, so to have each grade for these i would need to be able to have 2 active tokens for florist, 3 active tokens for larvester, and 2 active tokens for mag cart, which would total 7 (4 more then the current system would allow to be active at one time).

please keep in mind i'm not 100% sure about this being correct, but since the chances of a dev or csr being able to confirm or deny my statement isn't likely (and i'm fairly sure it's correct) that we'll ever know for sure, but i for one think that the 3 active occ limit should be removed all together, and the ability to do what we're all looking for here is a valid idea, worth consideration, though many ideas that seam valid are not considered (eg. bulk upgrades for apt's and GH's)

just my two dappers and i hope this shed's a little light on the whole idea.


Remickla (atys)
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#7 [en] 

Slight nudge for this topic :)

The token system as described by TalkIRC should be tweak-able to allow homins to collect occ items at any arbitrary grade below their highest without much effort. For instance: just add a webig window that asks what grade will the components be, after you take the mission. Probably the variable that controls your components' q should be changed to reflect your temporary choice instead of your token's value.

Really sucks to run around Loria collecting waters that hold the same value with q10 waters, in the eyes of the transporter.


#8 [en] 

i agree mj, there should be no limit on which grade you collect. as long as you are collecting at or below your grade.

still in favor of some type of change.


Remickla (atys)
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