
#1 [en] 

During the time before the second swarming, homins were granted great powers which included naming mounts and packers. Everyone loved the idea and it was wonderful to be quite honest. The RP addition of naming your meks was something I looked forward too. Then I and a number of others realized that it would be very simple to name all your meks the same as your own name. /tar Anzhanto would now target whichever of my meks was closest during an OP war.

I have a simple solution to allow mektoubs to be named again and also prevent this obvious cheat: Have the command which renames mektoubs add either a space or . or other character to the beginning and end of the player assigned name.

Name a mektoub as "Anzhanto" and it would actually become " Anzhanto " or ".Anzhanto." the first name, with the space, might still be picked up with /tar but the second, with the period, certainly would not.

Please consider returning the naming of mektoubs using this simple fix to the possible naming cheat.

Sincerely, the man behind the mask


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info

#2 [en] 

do you really want more of this?


#3 [en] 

true sub, but that's only a ticket away because that's a clear violation of the ToS and CoC for naming.

anzh, no one i know of would name there mek after themselves, just for that very reason, also, putting your name on it could cause ppl to try to gas your mek to "get even", but also keep in mind that while you CAN name them, it doesn't mean you HAVE to name them.

this is optional content, and options are good.

it's just another promise from pre-merger we're still waiting for a year later :)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#4 [en] 

Talkirc, to be honest, I find it difficult if you would point people to clear violations of the code of conduct about Mektoub namings, when you carry the name that you chose. You can file a ticket to support to get your name changed at any time.
Rule #11

Imagine players trying to immerse in a science/fantasy world and reading real world names.

Back to topic:
Since players cannot really change their own names, it's a rather static problem. If players can freely name their mektoubs, it's a very dynamic issue. People could name their mektoubs just for a few minutes to insult or at least offend others, then name them back. Our friendly volunteers should not have to spend the time to fix these issues.

At the time of the server merge we had plenty of violations to that regard. Maybe it was because of the uniqueness of the situation. But maybe it was just normal human behaviour.

So while I am sad and disappointed that I cannot have this creative freedom, I can understand the reason why, and have to agree with Suboxide on this one.

Before we can have this, we'd need at least a very well implemented automatic name checker. It would have to filter out all the ovious things that could go wrong. Maybe even do a quick google search on the name to see if it has more than a million hits - in which case it's probably a trademark or real world name violation.

#5 [en] 

Irfidel (atys)
Back to topic:
Since players cannot really change their own names, it's a rather static problem. If players can freely name their mektoubs, it's a very dynamic issue. People could name their mektoubs just for a few minutes to insult or at least offend others, then name them back. Our friendly volunteers should not have to spend the time to fix these issues.

We have cool down timers for power stanzas and missions, add a cooldown timer to mektoub names of 1 week. Abusers of mek names get a week suspension and can then reset their own mektoubs. Repeat abusers lose their mektoubs along with the suspension. Multiple repeats, well other homins have gone down that road and been lost forever. Add this information as a notice when players change their mektoub names.


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info

#6 [en] 

woops had to edit this after i re-read last post, but will keep my original txt as well, but i like that idea, and you'll see it here in as well, or at least something along those lines.

what i first said before i reread the previous post:

ok i'll counter that:

let's say it cost's dappers to name a mek, and the name is static for that pet slot from that point on as long as that mek is alive.

or, you can name the mek only when bought new (although we'd all have to rebuy current mek's)

or, you fill out a request ticket to name a mek, and this can allow name's to be filtered before they are applied (i admit that's more work for the csr's but this was promised and hasn't been given back yet)

a 30 day cool down between naming could help as well, can't change the name to "xbox" and then change it right back, thus you get warned for a violation, and so many of those turns into a ban.

i'm always baffled as to why everyone is always against optional content that players want or like (this is one of many things)

everyone's just too happy with the current status quo of the game, and that's why we're loosing more players then we're getting, i see the same names all the time, and rarely see a new name that sticks around very long.

we're a game, the ESRB rating is "T" for teen, suggestive themes and violence. (taken directly from the esrb page)

so let's consider that as well, in a US movie rated pg-13 you get partial nuditiy, strong language, and many other things i won't go into, but the point is, we're not "hello kitty" so in all honest are you really going to tell me it hurts someone to see the word "ass" (note that i refrain from harsh language as much as possible to be considerate of others, but that doesn't mean that i have to because of the rating of the game. and as long as i don't call someone directly an "ass" but say something like "pei LA npc boss in HoP is a pain in my ass" i've not violated any codes that i know of.)

so as you can see, if we really want to sit and "split hairs" i am more then happy to do so, it just amazes me again that everyone want's to prevent a good feature because a very small number of players "MAY" abuse it, while the rest of us will use it correctly, basically your saying that because of a small few every one else should suffer? that's like saying because a small number of people do RP that it should be removed because most don't use it. (bet that line right there upsets the RP players because it's a little too close to home)

bottom line is this was a promised feature that would be back for us to use after the merger, and with no official good reason to not allow it beyond the claim that players will abuse it just isn't good enough, also a thought.

there are plenty of options, and the best of them to prevent abuse is to make the name change a one time thing, i think the serious players that want to name their pet's will do so, and those that just want to be rude, disrespectful, or down right devious won't waste the effort because once the name change is done, it's done.

i want names for my mek's like "gear" "mat's" "digger" "speedy" "armor" "weapon" "jewels" "ammo" ect, and if i want to rp does that mean i can't be talkirc, nope, that's just a id tag, same with mek's.

can we all get on the same page that the bulk of players that want this shouldn't be punished because a small number might abuse it.

when anyone looks at the bigger picture of what your saying, your telling us all that because 1 in 100 will use it wrong, it's a bad thing, guess the ways of the one out way the desires of the many. (gonna gripe because i like star trek and twisted a quote? don't waste my time with it please, i'll drag up freedom of speech and the fact that it's not word for word, and so many other good valid arguments about the truth to the statements use, and that while Spock said something similar, it doesn't mean no one can ever say it again, because if that was the case, the human race could never say a single word because the guy that made it first 1000's of years ago owns it.)

i'm just so sick of everyone crying about this and that, can you please grow up a little and try to act like a mature adult about things? (sarcastic statement, or is it?)

Última edición por Talkirc (1 década hace) | Razón: colored txt is the edit


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#7 [en] 

The biggest problem really is that I've seen csr ask in uni from who a certain mek is that is bloking an entrance and warning that they will move it if that homin not steps up.
=> This might sound as not to the point but how will a csr know it's my mounts i name to harras a player only when he passes at the stables I get them out the moment he is gone i put them back. If they can't find out who's mount it is thats bloking something how in hells name will they find the owner of a ticket of mounts in the stables?

I think a rename tab would be nice so you can atleast order your inventory but a full fledged rename of the mounts is just gonna be kind of gamebreaking at some points and loads of extra work for the small csr force. You choose your name 1 time and that's it, if I can buy 3mounts a day give bad name parade a bit then free and buy new one with new name somewhere else it's gonna be a hell of alot of tickets for csr's to go trough with them just replying we cannot find this mount. Even if it's with cooldowns of 30days and such (I can make f2p as many as i want and buy a mount)

ps. I use the word mount here but half the time I just mean packers


#8 [en] 

Here's the only way I see mek names working (and making work easier for CSR as well)

1) Setting the name is only possible while the mektoub has the default name or via CSR (name change like player)
2) The Mektoub gets a, for lack of a better word, title like "Mektoub of Suboxides" (prevent the damn confusing Suboxides Jarnys' ending with the of thingy)

This way Talkirc could get his
Mektoub of Talkirc

And Anzhanto his
Mektoub of Anzhanto

Just like I'm right now
Fyros Guardian

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jarnys (1 década hace)


#9 [en] 

TalkIrc, this is not about "whining about new content" or even trying to prevent it. First of all, I'm voicing my opinion just like you do and I expect you to respect my (different) opinion just like I respect yours.

Secondly, I'm all for personal names of Mektoubs. But like several people have suggested this has to be done in a way that we don't introduce more work for CSRs.

Also, for all new content, all changes, we should try to make it fit into the world of Atys. Honestly I would not be happy about seeing Mektoubs named "Gear", "Mats", "Tools", etc. What's the next step? Renaming all NPCs into "Tryker 1", Tryker 2" just because some people cannot tell the difference between all the "Be's" and "Mac's"?

If you don't roleplay that's fine with me, of course.  I don't want to tell others how they have to play the game. Ryzom is special because people (those who choose to) have a good chance of immersing themselves into a world because of all the little details. And because of that Winchgate renewed rule #11 in the code of conduct. Here it is:

"11. You may not use common words and phrases unpertaining to Ryzom universe as names (e.g.: cell phone, VCR, truck). "

I think that's pretty expressive and self-explanatory. I don't want to see such Mektoubs, it would actively lessen my Ryzom gaming experience. It's enough to see enough real life character names already. So unless we've got a fully automated filtering of such names, I'm against reintroducing free Mektoub naming.

The ideas presented here such as Dapper costs, cool down timers, or one-time names are good and should be implemented on top of any name filters _if_ it ever comes to free Mektoub naming.

#10 [en] 

After reading Irfidels comment I should add as well that I wouldn't like names like "Gear" for the mektoubs.
I would even go as far as that the names should adhere to the same rules that character names do (except that I'd allow some special chars like umlauts, ligatures, space and apostrophe) so even if there's one "Gear" there wouldn't be a second one ;-)

None-Fitting names would only be a problem once with my suggestion above though (no re-rename unless by CSR)


#11 [en] 

Well, the one-time naming wouldn't be a hindrance on mounts. They are simply too cheap to prevent abuse by quick naming and discharge. So maybe the naming should only be allowed for packers - which are expensive enough to not change them at a whim just to change the name.

#12 [en] 

good enough for me, mount is unique in that way.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#13 [en] 

Naming Meks the way it was done in the past is open to abuse as we have all seen.  

The only solution to this is to have the name passed by the same mechanism that uses the same database as the one for Character's names.  This is pretty quick when you are creating a character.

Title would be nice too so you would have
'Mek's name' 
'Arfur's Mount'  or 'Arfur's Packer1' etc.

Should be simple to do, and the easier it is to implement the more likely it is to happen.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#14 [en] 

Back on this topic (I wasn't here in 2013)

Since it is RP content, why not set this in some specific Profile info fields ?
This way it would be submitted to validation the same way as the Bio (Birthday, Parents, etc.)

Then make a link from the Mektoub Profile tab (the one you get by right-clicking "Info" on the mek), to display there the field "Mektoub name" and his owner.

So when I see a field of cows I just see cows ("Mektoub mount", "Mektoub packer"), but having a closer look (right-click "Info") I can distinguish that this particular cow is the Robert local farmer's one ("Owner"), which is called Blanchette ("Mektoub name").

About duplicata... well, thousands of dogs are called Rex, so what ? :-)

#15 [en] 

Meh, people already can and do RP that their Meks have names, just because there is no game mechanic for players to enact those names doesn't mean they aren't named.
Last visit martes 11 marzo 05:13:06 UTC

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