choose an option below please. (if you like the system how it is, no votes are needed)
remove the limit of products per day
Atys: Ember, Sieges
raise the limit of products per day
Atys: Crubar, Fyranna, Sieges
3 (1)
remove the limit of products turned in per help
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Arfur, Ember, Sieges, Tuxi
increase the number of products you can turn in
Atys: Alassea, Arfur, Astarth, Cooclaw, Ember, Fyranna, Naema, Sieges, Sliar, Terrorblade
10 (2)
Atys: Fyranna, Irfidel, Seternulon, Sieges
Abstain 5

#16 [fr] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
Icus (atys)
Bitttymacod (atys)
I would like to point out that the Taliari have broken loose with dappers to reward those who do the supply runs around Aeden Aqueous. 10K per station, AND Fame points. AND an end result worth having.

If you speak about NH, the rewards are the same on every nation (based on fame)
If you speak about the kitin camp reconstruction, the reward are the same on every nation (based on citizenship)

I was talking about the supply runs, but they are not based on citizenship. (The New Horizons ones are.) I know this because I am not a citizen and yet I earn fame and dappers. I've only done the supply runs in Aeden Aqueous, so I was not aware of any pay out in other lands. Certainly no one has mentioned it in the Forums (EN).

You got 5200 civ point + 60k dapper when you do the run as a fyros citizen in the desert ; you win half the civ point if you're a neutral (or have a citizenship in any other country). I think the dapper are the same but i'm not so sure.
So yeah, it is based on citizenship and the reward is the same everywhere


#17 [en] 

Dapper are the same.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#18 [en] 

to address the jewels part, that's a seperate issue, this isn't to replace the fact that jewel missions also need work as well. this is to tweak a system to better service all homin that want to put in the work.
Mjollren (atys)
Speaking of the proposed roll-over feature - I'm thinking of a sort of contract between a homin and New Horizons. That is, the homin promises to deliver X products within the next week (35x7); this replaces the daily quota with a weekly quota, you can give them all at once if you're that patient. If you meet the quota you get a bonus on top of the normal payment, and if you miss the deadline you lose a numer of fame points with the nation.

this would be a nice idea, but your still keeping the same daily limit, and the wait to turn in is 24 hours, where the occupations are only 20 hours, so while your waiting every day you gain 324 more products, so you still are not turning in everything you can get in a single 24 hour turn in period, and even with your idea MJ, if i'm getting 324 products a day, for 7 days, turning in 245 doesn't put a dent into the possible 2,268 products you would collect in those 7 days.

bottom line is we can turn in about 8% of what a player can get in one day's time. that needs to change since for the most part products are used for NH more then any other use.

i'd just like to see a little gain in the number we can turn in based on what we can get in a day, 108 is 1/3 of 324, that would still cause them to stack up over time. if there were a few players that did do nothing but occ's for dappers and what not, what could that really hurt in game? would they buy everything on the merchants for say, that's a win for the crafters that put things on the market to sell, would they buy 3 mek's and a mount, sure if they didn't already have them, would they buy an apt, sure if they don't already have them, would they buy a guild hall, sure if the don't already have one, dappers can't be turned in for real life cash, they just get used for the in game fun, why be so greedy with them? (being neutral civ aligned means i only get 80 civ points per product, as well as only getting 5k dappers, so it's only better for you if your aligned, you'll get more as well, win win there as well :)

that's my dappers on that one.

as for the camps missions, not really for my taste in game-play, i like the new horizon's system, you do x work you get x back, just take the limit of the x's is all i ask. and honestly i have enough stuff in my bag that i need that i can't carry things myself, and i won't risk my mount, regardless of the price of them, because "rowdy mek" is my beloved pet, which i only put in danger for the up most important of reasons, while the camps are vital, they're not of the urgency required to need to risk my mount) not only that, the camps will one day be done and that system of pay will expire, and new horizons is here to stay, so let's work on the one we'll have for years to come please.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#19 [en] 

Talk -- you have one misconception. The Camps may NOT get built. There is nothing to guarantee that. If we do not build them they will not get built. At some point it will be too late.

Even if you run a few of the early runs -- do them. You don't have to be able to run all 6. The mounts are pretty damned sturdy. Put on HA and you can blast past almost all the aggro. Just be sure you leave enough room to shed them before you get to the next stop. The only mount I've lost is one I lost when I went AFK in Fount Porch Workshop and Djambi happened by.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#20 [en] 

perhaps i'll give the missions a shot, but still this isn't directly what the thread is about, sure those missions pay faction points and dappers, but if they get built, or don't get built, sooner or later those will end, and it will be back to NH to make dappers again (jeweler's are poor toons)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#21 [en] 

still think much of post #1 applies after all this time ( 7 months stale, lolx)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#22 [en] 

The supply missions are still there. 60K for a couple of hours work if you do the whole run. 10K per station, even if you only do one or two stations. Reliable, unlike NH, do not require running around to get stuff.

In short, I disagree with your evaluation.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#23 [en] 

60k and ~30 minutes (that's in desert, others are longer), less faction points and you risk dying in the high end regions which makes it difficult for newcomers and f2p to run them.

In short, these two devices are different. Improving NH is a valid task despite the existence of camps runs.


#24 [en] 

But you can get 20K in 20 min. and not hit the high level areas at all. You don't have to complete the full set of outposts. You can return to base camp and abandon the mission without losing rewards. With a bit of guidance it's trivial. Plus you don't have to run all the heck over creation to get your supplies to turn into mission results.

New Horizons is not and as far as I can tell was never intended to be a primary source of dappers. It is one of several, and the "improvements" strike me as nothing more than cosmetic.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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