

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

It's not a stanza - it's a permanent and irreversible increase.

#48 Report | Quote[en] 

At higher dig levels you will empty the node of all mats before time runs out... Although I find that i would probably kil the source dig anyway to save on focus and speed the process up.

#49 Report | Quote[en] 

sometimes I already empty the node, but now I just stop to save focus as I'm only grinding, but when I go dig Exce or Sup I just find the source that has most mats in it, and if I can still empty it I go full Harmfull and CP only against risk, that's how I helped ppl dig back in the days =)

#50 Report | Quote[en] 

What's so bad about the extra extraction time from rite 14?

Peeps have rerolled toons after doing that rite as they got so frustrated while digging .... while sometimes you can get more mats per node, you get less nodes per prospect cause each one takes longer.

For exampe, 5 x 18 being preferred over 4 x 20

Having been warned before hand, I never did it, so can't speak to what options might be available.


#51 Report | Quote[en] 

does that mean that high level diggers just use no extra time stanza at all in their prospection action ?

#52 Report | Quote[en] 

The thread isn't really about digging, but yes, most masters do not use any bonus extraction time. Higher quality extract actions already slow down the source time, so additional time is not needed and in fact is detrimental.

#53 Report | Quote[en] 

does that mean that high level diggers just use no extra time stanza at all in their prospection action ?

Correct. The way I dig, my Focus is about half-gone by the time the spot hits q250. That means I don't have long before I run out; about 30 seconds tops. Since I do not like sitting around regenerating, it's better to just kill the spot before running out of Focus so I can get all that Focus back and move on to the next spot. I average only about 11-12 mats per spot, but at 30-35 seconds a spot that adds up pretty quickly.

But there are occasions where I mess up and just don't kill the spot in time. In those cases, it's nice for the spot to die on it's own sooner rather than later. (It also means that any careplanner who uses Resource Preservation on a spot I dig gets an earful of expletives; don't "heal" something I am trying to kill!) Anything that prolongs the life of the node more than a few seconds after I hit q250 is bad, plain and simple. That rite prolongs the life of a node, therefore it is bad.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#54 Report | Quote[en] 

so, off topic :
I dig q200 with this permanent time bonus from the rite and all the extra time stanzas i have. No problem so far, I need to kill about 5 to 10% of my sources, I would say.
But well, I'll let you know how this evolves while I'm getting nearer 250 :)
Thanks for your answers !

#55 Report | Quote[en] 

does that mean that high level diggers just use no extra time stanza at all in their prospection action ?

Mats Quantity = 0 ... still need moire time ?
Focus Gone ... whaddya do w/ extra time but stand there ?

So once you run outa either, you wanna be outta there. Several ways to do that

You can ignore "Heal Source Life" for example once you get to QL (but this has a downside). I work my dig so that time and source life end within a second or 2 of one another, preferable the former.

You can "Two-Step", using a lower Extraction level for the 1st part of your pull, this serves to drive time bar down faster,

There's more but don't wanna go off topic. If it was an optional thing, I think everyone would do it, it can be useful when ya digging 1.9 mats and only get 1 then. But when using Speed and Rate 6, no fun standing around with life or time left but nothing ya can do but stand there (aside from a kill stanza) until time runs out.

So that's why it's best avoided

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#56 Report | Quote[en] 

At this point, I'm really curious what was the intended use for this stanza, if most of the masters would hate it ...


#57 Report | Quote[en] 

Hopefully one day it will allow us to add a stanza at zero cost, instead of forcing it

This is a good compromise

#58 Report | Quote[en] 

At this point, I'm really curious what was the intended use for this stanza, if most of the masters would hate it ...

We used to have self heal too ... and ya could get 50 levels in an hour kicking Yubos :)

When I started few folks did harvevesting, fewer did rites, and my guess is that it wasn't brought to bear until dev team was cut back and otherwise occupied.


#59 Report | Quote[en] 

If you're going to kill nodes, the extra time doesn't hurt.  It's only when you miss the kill that it's bad.

However, this rite has a little easter egg and it's a goody!  You can dig "pre-popped" nodes (like larvae or flowers) and you get your focus back at the end just as if you had prospected them.  :D


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#60 Report | Quote[en] 

Because this rite is shunned by so many fast diggers, one thing is usually overlooked (or considered less relevant). Once you passed that rite, self-popping nodes will give back your focus like a prospected node. That is convenient in a number of situations, e.g. when digging larvae, pistils etc. Whether or not this tradeoff counts, depends on your digging and occupation techniques. Anyway, once acquired, this "reward" will be permanent.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#61 Report | Quote[en] 

Cheatsheet showing mat locations for missions and Rite for:

"Trykers and Lake Materials (note: most ppl don't do this rite. extraction time bonus is not something most harvesters want.)"

*courtesy of Cookies post content from Mainpixels, and BitttyMacod and old forum post from vonzuben (http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=34527)

Special thanks to Antollo for helping with beng!
Special thanks to Chilindrina for helping find ramp.
Special thanks to GoldCrest for helping find NPC
Special thanks fo that guy in lakes begging with E (sorry!) for helping!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Loved (8 years ago)


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