
#1 [en] 

Would like it if you could receive pvp points during OP battles and in pvp zones such as nexus for obvious reasons.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

i agree, since i only do pvp at OP wars, i don't get any points and......

system is flawed anyway, i recently was doing some friendly pvp with a friend, he's karavan, i'm kami, we should get points for pvp kills right? you'd think so, but wait, we're both zorai toons, and got 0 points after we both died at each others hands many times, so now i say this: pvp points are worthless because it's so hard to get any (i just wanted to change the 0 to a 1 because i don't want to have a 0 "score" anywhere)

so there needs to be a CLEAR and EASY TO UNDERSTAND explanation on how to get pvp points and what the methods are, otherwise the only way i see to do it is to:
a) pvp all the time (i WILL NOT DO THAT)
b) make an alt to just kill.
c) not care and request that ALL pvp outside of op wars be removed from the game (not something i will do because i know players that like to pvp, and i don't want to take away from the fun they have)

i plan to make alts to test how the points are awarded and what it takes to get them, because while i don't pvp, i know others do, and i've heard more then one say they don't have any pvp points after 100's of fights, and if that's true, what use is there to tag up if you can't get a reward of some sort.

i leave this post with the hope that someone OFFICAL will answer this in a CLEAR AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND way.


Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

The way I understand it Talk is that your fame is always compared to your opponent. You can either get a +1, 0 or -1 depending on both your fames.

For example you and your friend are both +25 zorai so therefore you get a +1.
I assume you also match in fyros (both +25) this means you also get a +1
You are kami and he is anti kami (below -25) meaning you get a -1.
You are anti-kara (below -25) and he is kara meaning you get a -1.

Therefore your overall score is 0 and you don't get any points. I agree the system is flawed however that's for another post and I would other things be worked on instead of that.

This post is merely just trying to open up more people to the pvp reward system :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [en] 

Quoting Casy:
How PvP points currently work is:
1. Every fame above 25 is considered pro-faction, every fame below -25 is considered anti-faction
2. All 6 fame states (pro, anti or neutral) of both parties of a tagged pvp battle are compared:
(A) Every match (both pro or both anti) gives -1,
(B) every enemy-match (one pro and one anti) gives +1,
(C) anything else is disregarded.
The result is capped to the range between 0 and +3 and then used as a multiplier for pvp-points.
("Improve PvP Points Calculation" thread, in this section).

I would agree on awarding pvp points during an outpost war, since that is definitely pvp play. Maybe an overall cap to ensure no crazy amounts of points are amasseed. But +1 to the base idea.

Last edited by Mjollren (1 decade ago)


#5 [en] 

ok, to be on topic, we could award points each round won, giving the winning side (all players with that tag) x number of points, regardless of what they do (think about the healer) it doesn't have to be a large amount, say 200 points to every player on that side. (very fair and even to all, and i've checked with some of my ALWAYS pvp tagged friends to make sure)

how's that fit with the rest of you?


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#6 [en] 

personally i feel that i should get points for any activity versus another player

they are called player versus player points
not faction vs faction points 
not kami vs kara points
not pvp points only if you are not inside a pvp zone or op points

and certainly pvp points does not say you cant get points for killing someone in your own faction

heres why i list that last one:
if someone in your own guild or your own faction is being a jackass and you tag up and kill them that has alot of valid roleplay value, and hell why shouldnt you get points for it?

sure it might cause more random kiling but hey if you are tagged then anyone anywhere can kill you anyway regardless of what faction you are right? i can go to an op war as a kara with a kara title defending kamis and the mechanics allow it

if you choose to tag or choose to go into pvp designated zones or have pvp tags due to op battle (op tags or whatever) then all of that should give pvp points

- i suggest this because it will cause more interest in pvp

now now before all the hardcore "pvp is evil" players say a word i say this
it is in the game, it does have its place, it can be alot of fun
yes it can be abused and it can be used to harass or pick on someone

but honestly if you are gonna say to someone who doesnt like to dig, hey you should dig! its part of the game! you should dabble in all things not just killing stuff, to get the most out of the world... then.... it could be reasonably argued that everyone should at least get their feet wet in pvp a little bit just to see what its like

i had loads of fun at op battle last time, great fight, and on sns some time ago there was a huge turn out from all three factions it was fun to run around, really heart pounding

did i hold any grudges? no. do i think pvp is evil, no, but, i do think some people use it as a reason to be annoying and actually in some cases that sort of thing would be against the rules 

and for anyone reading who does not know, there is no DP for pvp related deaths, i died a bunch of times and no DP so hey, if you want to just try it out go ahead.

the truth of the matter is that the strongest thing on atys is homins, not kamis not karas not marauder npc bosses not 270 bosses, no, all of these things are weaker than homins, and certainly not the puny kitins. not even the 290 black and red totally awesome gibbai holds a candle to a group of masters. not a kitin exterminator class mob, not the queen in demons lap

everything in atys trembles before homins so one day your skills will be so high you will have no other challange sufficient for them, than other homins. i dont play the end-game i dont play the high-level game, i dont even have a melee master yet. i dont have a badass pvp jewel set, i dont have boosted gear besides +24 dodge daggers made from easy to get dig mats

but i respect everyone and i respect that some players greatly enjoy pvp, and i dont think its fair to judge them especially if you havent tried their style of gameplay. in fact they're probably all very good at pve anyway since the game forces you to be good at pve if you want to gain levels, get gear etc for pvp

pvp points for any player versus player activity
op wars
pvp zones in prime roots
tagging up
regardless of faction regardless of civilisation

NOTE:  i am not saying make it the same amount of points =) revise the point system give more points for certain activities, to promote faction battles perhaps. maybe more points for kami vs kara than kara vs kara, maybe more points for matis vs fyros than matis vs tryker

but if you are gonna tell me that i cant get any pvp points for killing talkirc then that's just nonsense because it was hard to kill him :P


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#7 [en] 

Eruv (atys)
but honestly if you are gonna say to someone who doesnt like to dig, hey you should dig! its part of the game! you should dabble in all things not just killing stuff, to get the most out of the world... then.... it could be reasonably argued that everyone should at least get their feet wet in pvp a little bit just to see what its like

Digging is part of the game? Nobody ever told me that, I tought it was just a time waster like looking at those strange termite hills that are poping everywhere that I can't kill. Where can I find a pick? Oh wait that would mean my white pants would get dirty. I'll pass!


#8 [en] 

Well said as usual Eruv.

#9 [en] 

If pvp point were awarded at OP battles and not the other way around....would be harder to farm them. Seems to me there are many valid points here. Like Talkirc, my pvp happens inside of OP battles strictly atm. I have seen hours of pvp, and yet have no pvp points.
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