
#17 [en] 

UPDATE: i found out exactly what the problem was...the the settings there is a slider that you can use to choose the number of tracks that the world plays at any given time, and i had to cut it down to was at some insane number like maybe if i had a proprietary sound driver for this PC in linux format, then it would not shutter as much, now the problem is gone, but a better driver would certainly enable better handling of the sound without cutting it down to bare minimum...

the ticket i opened up is here for the devs so they can point people to it later if they need to: oblem-maybe-sound-effect

Last edited by Grimoire (1 decade ago)

#18 [en] 

in windows os it's limited to 32 max (for me at least, with a top of the line soundblaster card)


Remickla (atys)
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#19 [en] 

32 is the max limit in my linux version of the client as well

#20 [en] 

thanks for the info i will check in a few minutes when i log on to see what my linux settings are for sound, perhaps i only turned down the graphics and forgot to turn off the sound but usually i  just turn it OFF since it does seem to prevent certain crashes)

i dont suppose you have any idea how to fix some of the other linux problems? i will be making a forum post shortly linking to all the linux posts i can find i look forward to your reply in that thread


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