Mutual GNU / Linux


#1 [en] 

I'm running Linux Mint 13 32 bit, it's basically Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a different desktop environment.

As stated, playing the game as installed via Desura the login launcher always defaults to 1024x768 and the graphics setting as "Custom" yet I haven't set any graphics options as the button for that doesn't do anything when clicked, so I end up setting it to high and the resolution to my screen's native resolution of 1920x1200.

There any way to tweak the settings and have it remember them?

#2 [en] 

I think the resolution setting in the welcome screen is a known bug. If I follow the news correctly, it has been fixed in Ryzom Core. Try compiling the client on your own? inux


#3 [en] 

Zelaria (atys)
There any way to tweak the settings and have it remember them?
Login window is always 1024x768 windowed, but you can set game resolution from ingame configuration panel (I think hotkey is U)



#4 [en] 

im running the same version of linux (x64 though) and i notice that too, but my native is 1440x900, and it looks great in game...i just set the settings in game instead of worry about fiddling with the settings on the welcome screen...the only gripe i have about that is the welcome screen tries to move to my secondary monitor every time so i have to move it back over...and i have not figured out yet how to force any windows to open on my main monitor instead of trying to open on the secondary...

i would try to install the client outside of desura...i downloaded them directly...i have not had much luck with desura on this machine...

Last edited by Grimoire (1 decade ago)

Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:46:39 UTC

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