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#105 [en] 

tool crafted with that rite have 100 in game for me.


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The musings of the rambling yubo

#106 [en] 

Misugi (atys)
Thanks Karu!

I updated zyRoom (changelog) with last changes in the API, and I have some remarks about XML :
- Sometimes, body information are wrong, for ex. hairtype=43 and haircolor=7 (instead of 4 and 3 - XSD invalid)
- Some weapons (in my case a long sword) have an empty value in "sapload" (XSD invalid)
- The "range" is missing for melee weapons
- Shields and bucklers have a "color" (?) but not in the game
- The "durability" is 120 on crafted tools (instead of 100)
- The "durability" is missing on NPC tools
* 43 is fyros heavy helmet... should be fixed.

* Missing sapload... found it.

* Melee weapon does not have craft stat 'range'. Sheet info has 'reach' value that is displayed client side. I'll see if I can add it.

* I believe buckler/shield color is handled as armor when crafted and so color is also calculated, but not used. Field is present, so api includes it too.

* I dont have crafted tools. Does it have craftparameters field with durability 0.2? Game takes raw value 100 and does not apply craft parameters, but api does. CGameItem::maxDurability() in server code.

* I bought one of each npc tool (q50) and they all show as hp 100. Can you tell item sheet name?



#107 [fr] 

Sheet info has 'reach' value that is displayed client side
Yes that's right!
Does it have craftparameters field with durability 0.2?
An exemple below of a crafted tool (rubbarn for weapons):
<item id="7317404498765903474" slot="34">
<durability value="120">0.200000</durability>

I bought one of each npc tool (q50) and they all show as hp 100. Can you tell item sheet name?
Oh sorry I confused with a refugee tool.
In fact my remark was about "durability" node (not "hp") that does not exists for npc tools and refugee Tools.
But in this case, it's not a crafted item, so there is no node "craftparameters".
OK, it must be assumed that the durability equals 100.

Last edited by Misugi (1 decade ago)


Misulud productions

#108 [en] 

Is there any way to construct a character portrait image using the API?
I found something API related to this within the BM site but it seems hardly public.

Any help is appreciated. I have something special coming soon.



#109 [de] 

bmsite is using already that kind of you are looking for

http://ballisticmystix.net/api/dressingroom.php?angle=0&race= ma&gender=m&hair=97/3&tattoo=12&eyes=0&head=i gmhu/7&chest=iccalv/7&arms=iccals/7&hands=iccalg/7&am p;feet=iccalb/7&legs=iccacp/7&size=large&morph=1& gabarit=1

all you need is to fit this with the api




<chest ... color="7">AMORID</chest>

(the armorID can end with _1 _2 _3 if there are more than the main quality exist for that. so 1 for low q, 2 for mid q and 3 for high q)

so in the end you need to have to put all image pieces together you need,...gender,hair,tattoo etc

so if you need more help than this, please be a bit more specific. or i dont get it right what you was asking for :D

Last edited by Lilsis (1 decade ago)


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#110 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
Is there any way to construct a character portrait image using the API?
I found something API related to this within the BM site but it seems hardly public.

Any help is appreciated. I have something special coming soon.

There is dressing room url generator in ryzomapi_lite example. You would need to crop portrait from that I'm afraid.



#111 [en] 

Lilsis (atys)
bmsite is using already that kind of you are looking for

http://ballisticmystix.net/api/dressingroom.php?angle=0&race= ma&gender=m&hair=97/3&tattoo=12&eyes=0&head=i gmhu/7&chest=iccalv/7&arms=iccals/7&hands=iccalg/7&am p;feet=iccalb/7&legs=iccacp/7&size=large&morph=1& gabarit=1

all you need is to fit this with the api




<chest ... color="7">AMORID</chest>

(the armorID can end with _1 _2 _3 if there are more than the main quality exist for that. so 1 for low q, 2 for mid q and 3 for high q)

so in the end you need to have to put all image pieces together you need,...gender,hair,tattoo etc

so if you need more help than this, please be a bit more specific. or i dont get it right what you was asking for :D

This is perfect! Many Thanks!



#112 [en] 

Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?



#113 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?

each character has separate keys



#114 [en] 

Karu (atys)
Tgwaste (atys)
Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?

each character has separate keys

Ah, IC. You can login to the api/forums with any toon name you have. Thanks!

P.S. it would be really cool if the API would do some translations for us. IE: Skill strings to full names, items sheets/id to full item names, etc. I know there are other methods out there but they are not convenient especially if you have no idea what a sqlite3DB is. :)

just a suggestion.



#115 [en] 

So, I hate XML but I don't see the API ever giving us a JSON option so if you want to get the API data via JSON you can using Yahoo YQL.

Here is an example getting the time:

wget -qO- "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20fro m%20xml%20where%20url='http://api.ryzom.com/time.php?format= xml'&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=" ;

{"query":{"count":1,"created":" ;2014-06-16T18:05:56Z","lang":"en-US",&q uot;diagnostics":{"publiclyCallable":"true&qu ot;,"url":{"execution-start-time":"0&quo t;,"execution-stop-time":"590","executio n-time":"590","content":"http://api .ryzom.com/time.php?format=xml"},"user-time":" ;591","service-time":"590","build-v ersion":"0.2.2525"},"results":{"sha rd_time":{"version":"1.0","server_t ick":"667794646","jena_year":"2578& quot;,"day_of_jy":"997","month_of_jy&quo t;:"33","cycle":"2","day_of_cy cle":"277","month_of_cycle":"9" ;,"day_of_month":"7","day_of_week": "1","season":"3","day_of_seaso n":"7","time_of_day":"5"," ;txt_en":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3rd AC 2578","txt_fr":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3e CA 2578","txt_de":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3. AZ 2578","cache":{"created":"140294190 2","expire":"1402941962"}}}}}




#116 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
P.S. it would be really cool if the API would do some translations for us. IE: Skill strings to full names, items sheets/id to full item names, etc.
Translations are static and there is 5 different name for each id. It would make response object too complicated (in structure and size) when client side is so much easier.
Tgwaste (atys)
I know there are other methods out there but they are not convenient especially if you have no idea what a sqlite3DB is. :)
What language? In php you can include ryzom_extra.php and use ryzom_translate(id, lang) on the fly. Problem might arise when php has limited memory and you loading many different data files into memory. Then you should consider moving it to sql.



#117 [en] 

Karu (atys)
What language? In php you can include ryzom_extra.php and use ryzom_translate(id, lang) on the fly. Problem might arise when php has limited memory and you loading many different data files into memory. Then you should consider moving it to sql.

Objective C

Last edited by Tgwaste (1 decade ago)



#118 [en] 

I updated my ryzom_extra repository and added json-resources branch for non-php projects to import into format they can use.



#119 [en] 

Karu (atys)
I updated my ryzom_extra repository and added json-resources branch for non-php projects to import into format they can use.

Can you please elaborate on this? Is this just a repo for others contributions or is there something new here? It still looks like a bunch of PHP to me. :)

Ill continue to work through my problems on my own but for someone who's not worked with PHP or Sqlite3 (or whatever odd format the .serial files are in) development is painful.


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