Web Apps


#103 [fr] 

Thanks Karu!

I updated zyRoom (changelog) with last changes in the API, and I have some remarks about XML :
- Sometimes, body information are wrong, for ex. hairtype=43 and haircolor=7 (instead of 4 and 3 - XSD invalid)
- Some weapons (in my case a long sword) have an empty value in "sapload" (XSD invalid)
- The "range" is missing for melee weapons
- Shields and bucklers have a "color" (?) but not in the game
- The "durability" is 120 on crafted tools (instead of 100)
- The "durability" is missing on NPC tools

Last edited by Misugi (1 decade ago)


Misulud productions

#104 [de] 

Misugi (atys)
Thanks Karu!

- The "durability" is 120 on crafted tools (instead of 100)

durability of 120 instead of just 100 could be due to encyclopedia rite fyros 2, I would guess


Leader and slave driver of
Keepers of Darkness

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#105 [en] 

tool crafted with that rite have 100 in game for me.


Les rĂªveries du yubo flaneur
The musings of the rambling yubo

#106 [en] 

Misugi (atys)
Thanks Karu!

I updated zyRoom (changelog) with last changes in the API, and I have some remarks about XML :
- Sometimes, body information are wrong, for ex. hairtype=43 and haircolor=7 (instead of 4 and 3 - XSD invalid)
- Some weapons (in my case a long sword) have an empty value in "sapload" (XSD invalid)
- The "range" is missing for melee weapons
- Shields and bucklers have a "color" (?) but not in the game
- The "durability" is 120 on crafted tools (instead of 100)
- The "durability" is missing on NPC tools
* 43 is fyros heavy helmet... should be fixed.

* Missing sapload... found it.

* Melee weapon does not have craft stat 'range'. Sheet info has 'reach' value that is displayed client side. I'll see if I can add it.

* I believe buckler/shield color is handled as armor when crafted and so color is also calculated, but not used. Field is present, so api includes it too.

* I dont have crafted tools. Does it have craftparameters field with durability 0.2? Game takes raw value 100 and does not apply craft parameters, but api does. CGameItem::maxDurability() in server code.

* I bought one of each npc tool (q50) and they all show as hp 100. Can you tell item sheet name?



#107 [fr] 

Sheet info has 'reach' value that is displayed client side
Yes that's right!
Does it have craftparameters field with durability 0.2?
An exemple below of a crafted tool (rubbarn for weapons):
<item id="7317404498765903474" slot="34">
<durability value="120">0.200000</durability>

I bought one of each npc tool (q50) and they all show as hp 100. Can you tell item sheet name?
Oh sorry I confused with a refugee tool.
In fact my remark was about "durability" node (not "hp") that does not exists for npc tools and refugee Tools.
But in this case, it's not a crafted item, so there is no node "craftparameters".
OK, it must be assumed that the durability equals 100.

Last edited by Misugi (1 decade ago)


Misulud productions

#108 [en] 

Is there any way to construct a character portrait image using the API?
I found something API related to this within the BM site but it seems hardly public.

Any help is appreciated. I have something special coming soon.



#109 [de] 

bmsite is using already that kind of you are looking for

http://ballisticmystix.net/api/dressingroom.php?angle=0&race= ma&gender=m&hair=97/3&tattoo=12&eyes=0&head=i gmhu/7&chest=iccalv/7&arms=iccals/7&hands=iccalg/7&am p;feet=iccalb/7&legs=iccacp/7&size=large&morph=1& gabarit=1

all you need is to fit this with the api




<chest ... color="7">AMORID</chest>

(the armorID can end with _1 _2 _3 if there are more than the main quality exist for that. so 1 for low q, 2 for mid q and 3 for high q)

so in the end you need to have to put all image pieces together you need,...gender,hair,tattoo etc

so if you need more help than this, please be a bit more specific. or i dont get it right what you was asking for :D

Last edited by Lilsis (1 decade ago)


Leader and slave driver of
Keepers of Darkness

You can steal my status, my ideas and my work, BUT I lick every single before I post them!

#110 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
Is there any way to construct a character portrait image using the API?
I found something API related to this within the BM site but it seems hardly public.

Any help is appreciated. I have something special coming soon.

There is dressing room url generator in ryzomapi_lite example. You would need to crop portrait from that I'm afraid.



#111 [en] 

Lilsis (atys)
bmsite is using already that kind of you are looking for

http://ballisticmystix.net/api/dressingroom.php?angle=0&race= ma&gender=m&hair=97/3&tattoo=12&eyes=0&head=i gmhu/7&chest=iccalv/7&arms=iccals/7&hands=iccalg/7&am p;feet=iccalb/7&legs=iccacp/7&size=large&morph=1& gabarit=1

all you need is to fit this with the api




<chest ... color="7">AMORID</chest>

(the armorID can end with _1 _2 _3 if there are more than the main quality exist for that. so 1 for low q, 2 for mid q and 3 for high q)

so in the end you need to have to put all image pieces together you need,...gender,hair,tattoo etc

so if you need more help than this, please be a bit more specific. or i dont get it right what you was asking for :D

This is perfect! Many Thanks!



#112 [en] 

Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?



#113 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?

each character has separate keys



#114 [en] 

Karu (atys)
Tgwaste (atys)
Do API keys only display data for the first character in an account? (slot0). How do you display data for slots 1 -> 4 ?

each character has separate keys

Ah, IC. You can login to the api/forums with any toon name you have. Thanks!

P.S. it would be really cool if the API would do some translations for us. IE: Skill strings to full names, items sheets/id to full item names, etc. I know there are other methods out there but they are not convenient especially if you have no idea what a sqlite3DB is. :)

just a suggestion.



#115 [en] 

So, I hate XML but I don't see the API ever giving us a JSON option so if you want to get the API data via JSON you can using Yahoo YQL.

Here is an example getting the time:

wget -qO- "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20fro m%20xml%20where%20url='http://api.ryzom.com/time.php?format= xml'&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=" ;

{"query":{"count":1,"created":" ;2014-06-16T18:05:56Z","lang":"en-US",&q uot;diagnostics":{"publiclyCallable":"true&qu ot;,"url":{"execution-start-time":"0&quo t;,"execution-stop-time":"590","executio n-time":"590","content":"http://api .ryzom.com/time.php?format=xml"},"user-time":" ;591","service-time":"590","build-v ersion":"0.2.2525"},"results":{"sha rd_time":{"version":"1.0","server_t ick":"667794646","jena_year":"2578& quot;,"day_of_jy":"997","month_of_jy&quo t;:"33","cycle":"2","day_of_cy cle":"277","month_of_cycle":"9" ;,"day_of_month":"7","day_of_week": "1","season":"3","day_of_seaso n":"7","time_of_day":"5"," ;txt_en":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3rd AC 2578","txt_fr":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3e CA 2578","txt_de":"5h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 3. AZ 2578","cache":{"created":"140294190 2","expire":"1402941962"}}}}}




#116 [en] 

Tgwaste (atys)
P.S. it would be really cool if the API would do some translations for us. IE: Skill strings to full names, items sheets/id to full item names, etc.
Translations are static and there is 5 different name for each id. It would make response object too complicated (in structure and size) when client side is so much easier.
Tgwaste (atys)
I know there are other methods out there but they are not convenient especially if you have no idea what a sqlite3DB is. :)
What language? In php you can include ryzom_extra.php and use ryzom_translate(id, lang) on the fly. Problem might arise when php has limited memory and you loading many different data files into memory. Then you should consider moving it to sql.



#117 [en] 

Karu (atys)
What language? In php you can include ryzom_extra.php and use ryzom_translate(id, lang) on the fly. Problem might arise when php has limited memory and you loading many different data files into memory. Then you should consider moving it to sql.

Objective C

Last edited by Tgwaste (1 decade ago)


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