
#1 [en] 

Hello guys,

I would like to express my desire for aggro tribes attacking us on spot if we have bad fame with them. (-50)

I mean, it would make sense to be attacked by a tribe that has -50 fame with you, can this be done? is it a good idea?

I know if you go to their camp you get attacked... but not when you meet up on transit.

I dont know.. but it would seem fair to get attacked or at least maybe only if you're PvP tagged?



#2 [en] 

You're talking about the roaming groups of tribemen (traders, magicians, harvesters etc) ?

On one hand, it seems a natural idea from a roleplay point of view. They are still from a tribe that hates you, so it would seem natural you would be on a "kill on sight" list of sorts.

But on the other hand, seeing how you can get to -60 without lifting a finger directly against a tribe... also considering a roaming group has self desense and preservation as a priority...

I can't decide which is more important. Seeing how Atys is dangerous enough as it is, I'll just abstain.


#3 [en] 

Agree on the abstain part with a slight tendency to disagree. Of course the main tribe is aggro if you enter with an adversary fame already.

Without wanting to hijack the thread: But if we made all members aggro, we should also let the tribes people all interact with the fauna. If does not make sense, Kinchers eat me all the time but a tribe sits down and meditates in their spawn point.

Also to consider: How do you raise your fame if _everyone_ of the tribe kills on sight?

#4 [en] 

Also if we were to expect tribe patrols to aggro on us if we have bad fame, wouldnt they have to come to our aide if we have positive fame?

#5 [en] 

Meh, good fame translates to: not getting attacked :-P


#6 [en] 

Maybe Placio means that if you stroll by, and a Gingo attacks you, then tribes people with whom you're on high fame would come to your aide and fight the Gingo - just as they'd do if the Gingo entered their camp.

#7 [en] 

I have been wanting this a long time too. Roaming tribes attack you if you are bad fame with them, and friendly tribes come to your help if you have good fame with them and you are attacked by aggro.

#8 [en] 

Well, people tend to exploit this and make it easy to well.. get the aggro and bring it to some roaming tribe.. so all I'm saying this should work if you have lets say +80 fame or -80 fame or big numbers not default ones.. which could indicate you actually tried really hard to make it positive or negative.


#9 [en] 

Are you sure -80 is low enough? I have 3 tribes under -80 (-84, -83, -84) without having had any contact with them. I've just done missions for civs and factions. Are you sure 80 isn't too high? I haven't declared and I can only get 2 tribes to 80.

#10 [en] 

None, sometimes fame shown is wrong and will update when you do a mission for that tribe, for example; My fame with cholrogoos showed it was at 0 before i did any missions, I did two missions then my fame with that tribe showed my fame to be -66 :(

That might be slightly off topic, but then again if the shift+f window isnt always accurate... the idea of having wandering tribes aggro on those with negative fame could be very complicated :P

#11 [en] 

Placio (atys)
None, sometimes fame shown is wrong and will update when you do a mission for that tribe, for example; My fame with cholrogoos showed it was at 0 before i did any missions, I did two missions then my fame with that tribe showed my fame to be -66 :(

That might be slightly off topic, but then again if the shift+f window isnt always accurate... the idea of having wandering tribes aggro on those with negative fame could be very complicated :P

On that note: it's right if it's not 0 (usually only the digits after the floating point are off)


#12 [en] 

What a mess during OP battles, when wandering tribes will cross the battlefield...


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#13 [en] 

Good point. It would make sense for them to stay away from open conflicts. But that would have to be part of the enhancement request. Seems there's quite some work involved in balancing this right.

#14 [en] 

Jarnys (atys)
Placio (atys)
None, sometimes fame shown is wrong and will update when you do a mission for that tribe, for example; My fame with cholrogoos showed it was at 0 before i did any missions, I did two missions then my fame with that tribe showed my fame to be -66 :(

That might be slightly off topic, but then again if the shift+f window isnt always accurate... the idea of having wandering tribes aggro on those with negative fame could be very complicated :P

On that note: it's right if it's not 0 (usually only the digits after the floating point are off)

i would have to say that's not always true, i have some fames that show as - and i've never done anything with them, yet they still treat me as though i was + enough to protect me, and at the same time, i've had tribes at 0 that kill me on sight, sad to say the shift+f window lies to you alot.

also, if this were to be done, then when you kill member of tribe x, you should gain fame with tribe y while you loose more fame with tribe x (where x is the direct enemy of tribe y) but since this would involve what i'm sure it alot of work on the dev's part, i doubt it would be soemthing we see in ryzom's lifetime (because we still have bugs now that were here 9 years ago, though that doesn't mean the work isn't still on-going)

Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago) | Reason: wanted to give credit to the dev's for the work they do


Remickla (atys)
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#15 [en] 

my experience agrees with both the last two posters,

at the beginning some, maybe all tribes have some "fake 0" numbers displayed on shift+f so if it SAYS 0 and you get killed on sight because it "really" is -67 there's not very much you can do about it. also if it says -40 or 0 the tribe may still assist you (Because -40 is not kos for the tribe for you) or because that 0 isnt a real 0 (or because it really is 0 and 0 isnt kos)

some tribes will always kill certain alignments, masters of goo have always killed me for being zorai, spared my fyros company but then when the fyros aligned kami, they now kos that person. supposedly there's also a tribe that kills any non-tryker i did not confirm :P

if you did some mission somewhere that slightly affected that tribe then you can see the "real" value not the "fake 0" as i call it, but as a general rule assume they are hostile if it is 0 just in case


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