

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

(OOC) Main Post: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/18178/1# 1

(OOC) Summary of my understanding of the event: Zorai are going to Fyrosian lands (Pyr?) via convoy in order to aid the Fyros, who had previously came to the aid of the Zorai via similar means. There is a call to all Zorai and allies to meet at the Zora Stables in order to escort this convoy.

(OOC) Summary of the implications I have seen: Back in the Fyrosian to convoy to Zorai lands, there were actual mats in play. According to all sources I've heard from and read of, NPC guards got actual weapons from the supposed use of the mats. According to some sources, players did too- according to others, players did not. According to most sources, the mat's actual usage has not been traced.

(OOC) Synthesis of all information I can gleam: There are many, many players who would love to RP, but don't because they don't see the game mechanics and/or game-play reasons to do so. To them, if it doesn't affect the actual game, then there are other things they could be doing in game that do affect game that are a better usage of their time.

(OOC) Support for these players is needed: Given the community of Ryzom, we need all the RPers we can get. We cannot afford to be picky in getting them, and we need to spend time with them teaching them proper RP skills and getting them actually involved. If they need an in-game incentive at the start- or even for ever- that's ok. We just need more active RPers.

(OOC) Systematic proposal of a gameplan:

1) Contact Events Team- I am willing to do this, and will get on it immediately. This is needed just to see all the possibilities, really.

2) Plan Supports- Depending upon Events Team's response, we may need players to help get mats, get loot, or do any number of things- it all depends, but I will get back to you on this.

3) Act on the Supports- Make s*** happen guys! We need to actually implement these supports and revitalize the RP in Ryzom. One idea, which I have some support already able to be used to implement, is to have use the mats we get while on the trek (because with any large trek, we'll be getting aggro) to actually craft items for players. This could turn IC too- we could play it off as salvage, or as any number of things.

I hope that this post is well-received. It's my first post on forums, and it definitely won't be my last.



#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Welcome to your first post, and next ones.

Well, I agree, some reward would be appealing.
In my opinion, a good roleplay session - not only talkings - is a reward by itself.
But of course, I have nothing against something else, as long as it is game balanced, and logic in regard to the "work" provided by the character.
I rather let it be a surprise, than have peoples carefully choose the events they go in according to the reward.

By the way , the game can be affected, without a reward being involved. It is the main purpose of most official events : make the story evolve. There are limitations about what can change still *dreams of a full disappearance of the Goo*.

A bit of pragmatism : particular ideas to come may fit best in the Ideas section maybe.


Fey-Lin Liang

#3 Report | Quote[en] 


Hello, Luciel :)
Thank you very much for your interest!

The weapon-exchange between Zorai and Fyros is a mostly political roleplaying-thingie. We had a number of political RP-Assemblies in the desert and the jungle, where the political representatives and also players from the audience talked about this exchange and its organization publicity. Records of these talks have been posted in various forums (though mostly German and French I fear; sorry for that).

Event-team-members were present who played politicial "officials", and the initial idea for the exchange of weapons between Zora and Pyr came from a relatively new English-speaking Event-Team-Member named Arduros who played Celiakos/Senator Lyan Cexus at the local Assembly of Pyr on August 22nd (2013).

The Fyros have organized their part of the deal really quickly; the Akenos from Thesos were involved greatly in this and I know that (Fyros-born Ranger) Daomei has provided 74 burning launchers for Zora all by herself :) The Fyros also managed to avoid being attacked by Marauders who had planned a raid on the convoy but failed to find and reach it in time, because of an "unusual route" that the convoy had taken (that's what I was told).

On the Zorai's side Awakened Astarth from Min-Cho had volunteered to gather the materials and to organize the Zorai-convoy enthusiastically. So we thought we Zorai would be ready to send our convoy just as quickly. Originally representatives from all three jungle-cities had agreed on and publicity proposed a way smaller amount of weapons by the way, but the Akenak suddenly changed that plan on their own, ignoring the data we had given them during the Assembly of Zora and through the forums. And on our side Astarth suddenly went silent for weeks, not informing anyone about his progress or needs.

I heard that the NPC guards did NOT get the weapons that have been crafted, the Event-Team just made it look like that, because the Fyros-guards they added to Zora carry/carried launchers. In fact we hope that the weapons that players crafted will somehow be given to players later on... Well, even finding them at the merchants for a cheap price would be nice I think, at least better than seeing them "vanish". :)

Players - Fyros-patriots namely - got some mats after the exchange Fyros-Trykers, called the "water-road". Akenak Bardor from Thesos was the one who distributed that I heard :) But it's true that lots of players and their characters who were not present at the actual event of the water-road never were informed of what had happened to the materials (sadly nobody cared to note it in the Arispotle-forums)...

Hm, as I see it, many players love "RP", but everyone enjoys different "kinds" of RP... Political Assemblies are appreciated by some, but not by many players for example. The same goes for story-events, player-events, meetings for RP-chats at taverns, guild-RP-stories, etc. Political Assemblies were originally formed for the purpose of initiating events for everyone and cause visible changes on Atys (at least for a while); but things didn't and don't go the way many players want them to. The Event-Team is not almighty, the program doesn't allow every kind of change, and unfortunately there are very few Event-Team-members even in charge...

Another truth is that non-RP-events like the Kitin-attacks were received the best by Ryzom-players up until now. Also the not-really-RP-gathering-events for the Kami-/Karavan-outposts and even for the rangers have been popular - and regarding this one the digging was favouritized before the arduous gathering of loot from animals (the Shalahs aren't done yet after many RL-months have gone). The Ranger-events have become less popular though when players found out that they were not granted any kind of Ranger-titles that they had been hoping for...

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

So in regards to your gameplan:

1) the Event-Team is already informed about all of this. Well, at least some ET-members are...

2) the mats have already been gathered - by me. Including the mats for ammunition it was an ammount of 4050 mats - and 250 more just in case of loss for degrades.

Half of the weapons (50 electric maces) have already been crafted by Awakened Dextrelame, a nice crafter of Feylins Guild Talian Zu. More mats will be crafted into 75 electric bowrifles at arrival in Pyr by Intiate Sari, my guild-member - this saves us a lot of space in the packers ;) Sari has filled her 3 packers with the mats and weapons; they are ready to leave at any time.

I also have 1200 more mats for ammunition that might or might not be delivered as well - if Feylin is willing to lend a fourth packer it will be possible. The guild Guardians of Shadows from Min-Cho has also been involved in the whole organization, and they would have provided a crafter if Talian Zu hadn't been quicker in their reaction and Astarth didn't have technical problems to fight with.

One thing is still unclear: the forge in Pyr has provided additional weapons to those crafted by Fyros. I have asked the Sage Supplice (Event-Team) for dynastic weapons added to those that we have crafted (and will craft in Pyr). We have not heard of the Sages since and we don't know if we will have to transport dynastic weapons IF we will even get them from our officials... This might need a lot of additional packers, and as of now we don't know where to get those...

3) well, there are different kinds of RP in Ryzom. Political Assemblies are RP as well, not only "events" ;) Long-winding talking is considered boring by some players though, also pointless verbal fights have occured and so there are even less and less homins/players present at each political Assembly.

It's a pity because many of us who play political representatives are trying their best to initiate events. As long as I know nearly every player of political representatives has a number of ideas for events in their sleeves, and they often even present them at their nation's Assemblies over and over again in hope that the Event-Team will eventually find the time to help us making them a reality.

No, please don't use up my mats! :D In that case we Zorai won't be able to craft the amount of weapons we need to give to the Fyros... On the other hand your ideas are really nice :) We could gather more materials for different kind of actions - if you can make the (sometimes incredibly lazy, sometimes incredibly helpful) Event-Team let mobs or environment react to what we're doing ;)

One thing we have not considered yet is that the convoy might possibly be raided by Marauders (but some of us hate PvP as players and so will not be willing to deliberately flag themselves/ourselves :p )


#5 Report | Quote[en] 


Been trying to catch you in game, but alas, apparently our schedules are just not meshing right now! I appreciate the background information- that was very helpful and allowed me to get a better understanding of the past events in game, which I really do value. And as to RP- I really am a huge role-player, and enjoy RP for RP's sake alone, or if it changes game play or something like that. I actually plan on being at the Zorai Assembly this Friday.

In regards to the second part of your post, I have contacted the Events Team, too. It seems like they will be supporting "the trek by the two or three Fyros mektoub leaders who already accompanied the trek from Pyr to Zora." Not exactly sure what that means, really, since I wasn't at the Pyr to Zora trek, but I am assuming that means that there will be mektoub packers available to us? Just so you know, Zhoi- the Events Team Senior Manager who contacted me liked your idea of selling crafted items in Fyros. Again, not quite sure what that means- is she referring to the passage you wrote about dynastic weapons and the forge in Pyr? I am not sure if I am not reading this right, or if I am just missing something...

Finally, thank you so much for your extremely detailed and well thought out responses! They were very well thought out, and I hope that I will see you this Friday for the Assembly in Zora!!!

Thanks again,


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

To all who have read the original post:

I have contacted the Events Team, and they've contacted me, and we've gone back and forth a bit... I am to make a list of all participants in the event, and the Events Team is going to be discussing internally the possibility of rewards and, if possible, what type.

I hope to see many of you there!

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