
#1 [en] 

I looking at melee weapons:
Choice Lor-Jak pike with adversary Dodge modifier:
Adv. Dodge Modifier = +18
Choice Lor-Flence sword with adversary Parry modifier:
Adv. Parry Modifier = -19

These weapons are either misnamed, or the benefical values, either positive and negative are wrong. These values are totally misleading. Please fix this naming scheme.

Values for the weapon holder seem intuitive; positive adds and negative subtracts. Values for the adversary seem unclear, as in this example.


When I dig alone -- I prefer to be by myself

#2 [en] 

Info taken from the "Crafting Ranges" thread:
2H sword:
Damage: 26+Quality for 0% precraft, double that much for 100% precraft
2H sword: 15 to 30 hpm
Modifiers for 2H sword:
Dodge: -20 to 0
Parry: 0 to +20
weight: 12 to 6 kg
dodge: -20 to 0
parry: 0 to +20
adv dodge: +30 to +10 (formerly +20 to 0)
adv parry: 0 to -30 (formerly 0 to -20)

Damage: 0.80 x (26+Quality) for 0% precraft, double that much for 100% precraft
Speed: 16 to 33 hpm
10% Less damage Taken
odge: -20 to 0
Parry: -10 to +10
weight: 12 to 6 kg
adv dodge: +30 to +10 (formerly +20 to 0)
adv parry: 0 to -20

The meaning of the values is the same regardless: negative for adv. dodge means they will dodge less, negative for you means you'll dodge less.

Neither pike nor sword could lower the adversary's chance to dodge, as you can see above. They can, however, lower their chance to parry.

Maybe it's confusing.. but I don't see how you could explain this better.

Last edited by Mjollren (1 decade ago)


#3 [en] 

the "names" belog to the precraft stat.
Its named as highest precraft stat is

Last edited by Nathanel (1 decade ago)

#4 [en] 

Mjollren and Nathanel,
Thanks for your reply, I see that this varies with the type of weapon. I am holding a dagger with an adversary dodge modifer of -14. Could it be that some weapons actually add to an adversary's ability to dodge your own attack?


When I dig alone -- I prefer to be by myself

#5 [en] 

Yes, I gave you a link to Freddy's thread, you could also check there :)

Two-handed weapons are slow and bulky, therefore improving the chance of an adversary dodge; one-handed weapons seems to lower that chance, if they're any good. At least that's the general impression I get from looking at the ranges.


#6 [en] 

All weapons either add or subtract from your opponents dodge/parry. 2h weapons in general take away an opponents parry and add to their dodge. 1h weapons in general are the opposite but some can be made differently.

If you are trying to hit a tank in parry mode you will want 2h weapons whereas if you are after someone dodging 1h weapons are usually the better choice.



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