should exterminator token drop be increased to a much larger amount?
Atys: Mjollren
yes so we can all have a chance at getting a title 0
Atys: Angrod, Bitttymacod, Casy, Djin, Irfidel, Mainca, Virg, Zilon
no becasue i already have the title
Atys: Jarnys
you mean i can get a title with this piece of the exterminator?
Atys: Loirinha
i've got a bunch of pieces, want some?
Atys: Stitch
1 (1)
Atys: Arfur, Daomei, Ember, Jarnys, Laksmie, Lorik, Tiiaal, Winnyy, Yenno
Abstain 3

#1 [en] 

first here's the link to something interesting:ï_Exterminator

there you will learn that once the exterminators could be found in the wild (very nice) and now are only part of events such as kitin invasions (still nice, but not as often as in the wild would have been i'm guessing)

now i posted the link because it clearly says "They were extremely powerful and required usually dozens of homins to bring down." though recently i have been told they only drop 10 tokens for the title, how do you fairly split 10 tokens to 150 players, covering 2 dozen guilds? even if you just gave one token to each guild there still would not be enough.

i would like to propose that the drop be increased to something more logical to the number of people attending the event, at every invasion i've seen thus far i've seen many players there, so how about dropping more tokens for the title, not the mat's (don't care about those since sup bosses are Q270 and the exterminators only drop Q250 mats {}) though i'm sure it would be nice if everyone could get a few mat's as well, perhaps a way to register for the title token and requiring that you take part in the event from start to finish and help in some way on the exterminator it's self.

like so many of my ideas, i'm sure someone will have a million reasons to not like this one, but i would bet that they all have titles already or don't really care about the title at all. and on top of that, it's just (as someone said to me today after the event) a way to crumble my cookie and make me try to share it.

oh ya, and if there's someone that wants to sell a piece, drop talkbak a tell with a price, i might have enough to buy it, though i could just wait 10 years to get a piece (at 10 pieces a drop it'll take that long to get one, i fear.)

bottom line, they don't spawn often, and someone that does as much as they can to help during an event get's nothing out of it is really just a slap in the face for even being there. a healer like rosina has no chance to get anything with the current drop system, let's turn ryzom into a game folks, let's have enough drops that everyone that takes part can get a piece of the reward as well as the action. i mean isn't there enough hard parts to ryzom or are we forbidden to get a cookie?

vote how you want to vote. like it don't like it, just keep in mind if you have the title already you should consider the ppl that don't, since they might play for years and not get one.


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 


Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ember (10 years ago)

#3 [en] 

I voted other. I am not sure whether the drop of tokens should be increased. The guardian titles are meant to be rare and should not be increased in an inflationary way. I think the problem is in looting and distribution. I already criticized the corrupt customs to distribute loot only among "big guilds". Obviously the playerhood fails to distribute in a fair way.

Therefore, better the way of granting these rewards might be changed. giving the top rewards to players with outstanding merits during the events, no matter whether they were healing, tanking, or nuking, and best relative to their ability, so that a low level players get a chance as well.

Such rewards should be granted by the event team and not be left to players and guilds who - sadly - obviously are failing to distribute event achievements fairly.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#4 [en] 

I don't think that we need to change the drop of this token.

That is if it will be available in the same way as it was in the past events (regular spawn during bigger, but not gigantic, invasion)

That way the 150 people "just" need to kill the exterminators 15 times for everyone to get one (actually less because a lot of old players have the titles already)

Though in general I'm not against changing the method of drop for big bosses (the ones that need more than one team) though that might need a lot of work by the devs.


#5 [en] 

please make one note, i do not know nor am i conserned with how the drop is currently distributied, i have no way of knowing forsure myself if or how it is distributed. that part i would only know for sure is if i was the one looting and distributing.

further more on main topic, and things said thus far that caught my attention:

first off, yes there are a lot of kitin running around in the larger events, which are nice indeed, but i would be happy with less kitins if there was a spawn of an exterminator with each wave, then for the sake of rp, the story could be written of this that the kitin's of the deep tried harder to defeat the homin's of atys. the events would undoubtably take a little longer to do, but the odd's of all persons playing the even to get the title would be much better.

second off, i'm in favor of a reward based on merits of the toon's actions, that's got a plus to it, but the real challenge will be on the lvl's of the players, sure a 200+ toon in a few skills will do find healing and rezing at the front, but how do you include a fair way for the new toon in the game that's just trying their best with the less then 50 skills set? that would be alot of work to include for this idea/option, and i even feel it would be so much as to make it very very hard to do in any short amount of time.

finally, and again, i do not have any real idea about distrabution people do, that's not my point here, my point here is to find a way to increase the drop #'s of the title tokens (so there's more reason to do something with them, and less reason to hoard them, we're all taking part in the event to protect atys, we should all have a chance to have a title that says that.)

sorry if this came out wrong, i'm not complaining that i didn't get a piece of the title action. i just think it's hard for the person distributing to be fair with so little, so if they get more to start with, there will be less reason for anyone to say they didn't get some, thus my idea to increase the drop amount would cure all this and then some.

(best idea for this, when the exterminator is dead everyone invloved in the killing regardless of how (elem, heal, melee) get's a piece placed in their inventory, that way everyone that is involved get's a piece, and for those that have the title, it can be a gift they will bestow on someone that was absent from the event if they want to.)

thanks everyone sorry to talk so much, lolx


Remickla (atys)
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#6 [en] 

Having helped take down exterminator Kitins -- they are hard, but "dozens" might be 3 dozens, not 150 homins.  Three or four teams operating together could take down an exterminator.  It wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible either. There's a big difference between 30-40 players per kill and 150 per kill.

So I voted no.

I must say I like the idea of Event Team observers voting on titles based on observation rather than just basing it on distribution of tokens.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 [en] 

ture bitty they might only need 3 dozen, but there are always far more then 3 dozen at an even, which is where i got the magic number of 150, i have my graphic's cranked to the max for ryzom and can see many things on the screen at one time, and an event like this always pushes it to the limit of how many homin's i can see at one time (check ryzom fb for pictures ppl load and try to count the number of toons there) so sure there are many options about this, sure the title is something special, but would be relaly be any less special if more people had it? simple answer is it's only as special as you the player make it, so after this i'll be mum on the thread, i'll let you all discuss it (btw took talkirc 2 years to get his first guardian title, rosina would have been 1 year and a few months, had she gotten it today)

but what the heck, there goes the cookie again, lolx.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#8 [en] 

Don't take this wrongly, TalkIRC: There are a lot of players, longer on Atys than you that also don't have the title. Some titles are supposed to be rare.

That said, I also don't agree with the distribution. Daomei opened a thread on that topic. Here I'd only like to say that I don't think increasing the drop count will help as long as the single homin who looted the dead Terminator can do whatever him/her pleases to do with the loot. It could all rot away in a packer if the homin is so inclined. It could go to the four alts. The long time friend who's come over fresh from Silan, is level 15 and a half and dies for good next Frutor. I'm being ridiculous here on purpose.

#9 [en] 

I would increase the drops, but also increase the amount of tokens you must hold before you get the title. The "old" tokens could be increased in value, to compensate for the change.

With light bosses like Pei, it still sort-of makes sense to just distribute via /random 20. With bosses where dozens of people are present, having a small quantity of tokens leads to very difficult distribution.


#10 [en] 

Hello all would just like to put my opinions across. I think most would agree as it currently stands it s not "fair". People like me who heal any and everyone just feel like canon fodder and rely on generosity of others.

I do not want to devalue what the titles mean but could we not possibly have 1 token automatically put into our inventory that are untradable to others if we perform an act within the alloted event area be that heal or damage dealing, limited to 1 token per event or part thereof. It does not demean the title but as it stands 10 into 150 or so just does not work out no matter who does the sharing

#11 [en] 

Laksmie (atys)
Hello all would just like to put my opinions across. I think most would agree as it currently stands it s not "fair". People like me who heal any and everyone just feel like canon fodder and rely on generosity of others.

I do not want to devalue what the titles mean but could we not possibly have 1 token automatically put into our inventory that are untradable to others if we perform an act within the alloted event area be that heal or damage dealing, limited to 1 token per event or part thereof. It does not demean the title but as it stands 10 into 150 or so just does not work out no matter who does the sharing

this is more like what i'm heading to, and if we want to combat those of you that say that the title is to be "rare" then i'm more then happy to include the part Mj offered that it takes more then one token to get the title, so those of you that need a "rare" title can still claim that, because if it takes say 2 or more tokens to get said title, then it would require a player attending and partaking in more then one event to get the "rare" title.

i'm still wondering about the most RARE title ryzom would ever have being created to start with:

Grand Game Master

for players with all 63 branches of the skill tree completed to 250, that's a worthy rare title, one that i would respect 100% because i don't know many that could have that title, though i've seen many "atys guardian" and various of the other guardian title's, so i guess the titles are only rare if you don't always partake in the events and have them.

i feel that event related titles should be viewed as less rare and a sign that the player with that title likes to play ryzom enough to partake in events and be a part of the game, not someone that's had the luck of getting it. (i have been lucky and am very grateful to have the only guardian title i wanted for my toon, since he's zorai and recently got the title related to that event.) but i'm speaking for other's that might not have been so lucky, i'm thinking of others that may want what i have, not what i can keep to myself to make myself look better then anyone, i'm more then happy to share: i wouldn't mind if every had the zorai guardian title, then i would know that everyone's helped to defend my homeland at least once.

but i'm all for the idea's like these:

everyone get's a token placed into inventory for taking part in the event (with option to require more then one token for the title)

more tokens dropped per kill (so to make distributing them less of a problem for the looter in question, because with only 10 tokens, the looter can't make everyone happy, or even come close to it)

(new idea a guild mate brought to my attention) let the CSR's distribute the tokes based on what they see the players doing durring the event, so that none of the player base can say it wasn't fair, after all csr's have nothing to gain or loose by this. (though i imagine this could be hard to do, but maybe not)

those are a few i'm really in favor of, but bottom line is that it seams that many people agree that some type of change, perhaps none we've discussed here, needs to be made to this system.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#12 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
best idea for this, when the exterminator is dead everyone invloved in the killing regardless of how (elem, heal, melee) get's a piece placed in their inventory, that way everyone that is involved get's a piece

+1 on this idea. I have no clue how hard this would be to code, but it would be fair at least. If rewards for taking part in these events is uncertain, it may put people off participating.


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