
#1 [en] 

This post is to post a few ideas that could help improve and add more content to the ryzom point system.
I will add a short summary at the bottom so if you don't want to read my "persuasive" waffle just scroll down :P

The only way you can obtain faction (faction=kami, kara, fyros etc) points only through NH missions or the temple building event (which has finished). There was previously the "tour of the camps" missions but they have stopped. In terms of showing off that you are a member of a particular civilization without actually telling people there is only a title. The four race plans are worn by all races and mixmatched. I believe more content could be added (with little work) to help reward people for being famous with a particular faction.

Each faction has its special items; Electric maces, burning axes etc etc. but to obtain these things you can just merely ask in uni and most likely receive a free one in a few minutes. My suggestion is that citizens with 100 civ fame should be able to purchase the special racial weapons, for example: Mabreka's electric mace. So this would add 4 main racial weapons to give homins a chance to show off.

In terms of purchasing these new weapons I believe the tour of the camps should be brought back and perhaps the missions given to you by overseers and other high up people could not only aid fame and give dappers but also perhaps reward civilization points.

Also whilst on the subject of points and giving more ways in which they should be obtainable I also think PvP points should be obtained by fighting in the selected PR zones and also during OP wars. Why limit these points to just tagged fighting? I won't talk about more PvP rewards as I have done before and the devs said they were considering it. Also appreciate the time they are taking to consider this as they must be putting a lot of thought into it with the length of time it is taking.

The summary:

1) 1 main racial item with the special skins we have seen. Burning axe, Electric mace, Waving spear (i think), Living pike

2) These items to be purchased with faction points and only for those who have 100 fame. (Not cheap)

3) Faction points to be more readily obtained from missions and re-introducing the tour of the camps run.

4) PvP points to be obtained in PR zones and OP wars.

A little extra idea for a bit more flare even though I have no idea how hard it would be to implement this:
The main racial weapons would do drain damage of their particular specialty. So for example the matis pike would not only do weapon damage but also inflict drain poison damage at the same time.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 


#3 [en] 

Good ideas, some comments

ad 1), 2) There are several "effect weapon plans" for every country, 1h and 2h melee and range, additionally shields and bucklers. On might choose the 2h weapon, similar to the generic weapons, as the special one (just an idea), i.e. sword - Tryker, axe - Fyros, mace - Zorai, and Pike - Matis. Or let the player choose.

Yet, one should not forget the Marauders, I think they should be entitled to something, say a crystal sword of Melkiar or so once reaching, say 2 times -100 fames. They might even be entitled to additional stuff when reaching all -100 fames which is a way with nearly no return at reasonable effort. They would have to pay in PvP points (maybe giving Dappers as well) as they have no way to earn civ points.

Extra damage of the special weapons should be significant but not likely to break balance which will be a tricky task for the designers. My idea would be that the plans for those weapons may be bought by every crafter from a teacher, but a plan requiring a special token similar to an op mat weapon plan. That token would be given to the player reaching the fame limit, he could give it to the crafter to get the weapon built. This token will be given once per player as long as it or the weapon built from it is not destroyed. Only players with the according fame were able to wield such a weapon.

ad 3) Here I am a bit hesitant. One should be wary not to cause inflation of civilization points. So I doubt in giving civ points for craft missions, Citizens already get a shitload of points (7k per day) compared to neutrals (1750 per day). As to the camps, I loved them and will be happy when they come back. But please mind that the camps have been erected after an event chain following the joint decision of the leaders of the 4 nations to erect these Kitin surveillance camps. This happened in an event chain with some digging and fighting as far as I can retrieve from the archives. I would like much when the camps are not carelessly placed at the old locations but be generated by the homins of all peoples.

ad 4) I fully agree.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#4 [en] 

I know of each racial weapon and the effects. The reason for my choice of those 4 particular weapons is that the skins and graphics for them have already been designed. Therefore it would take minimal effort to set them as a reward. I am unsure if there are any other skins on bucklers that look better than the current craftable ones.

Would agree on the marauders having a weapon also, however not additional items. The rewards available to marauders should roughly balance that of a religion and a civ. I fail to see why they should get items because going from -100 to 0 fame is difficult. Many will not take that journey and actually going from -100 to 0 is a lot easier than 0 to 100. To reach -100 fame you simply need to denounce your faith (ie clicking a button). In some towns they get guard aggro however some civs they can denounce without being attacked. I agree on the PvP point payment for marauders.

I think the token system for crafting such a weapon you are talking about seems a lot of hard work to implement and it would be a lot easier to just put the weapon up on the civ merchant as they have done previously with civ, gen, kara, kami and marauder rewards.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [en] 

I take your point concerning the weapons proposed. And you are right as well that getting high negative fame is more boring than hard (did not think of, sorry ^^), so I agree that marauders, too, should get no more than one weapon.

But fame +100 in a nation is not hard either. At the times of the NH fame bug I had +99 fame in 3 countries (in the fourth only 50 or bit more as it defaulted to regular fame due to overseer missions).

As to the crafting with a token or whatever I fail to see that it is hard to implement as the plan could inherit all major properties and attributes from op mat or Eroukan plans. So it would not be so much additional work to implement.

I do not like the idea of buying ready weapons etc., and crafting plans would open a lot of flexible opportunities from just getting a nice looking weapon to having a maximum quality one from the best materials made by a master crafter. I think it would be more fuss to get the right weapon from the merchant. A level 20 fighter already could obtain fame 100 in a nation, should there be q30 weapons at the faction merchant? More realistically, many f2p have high civ level. So there had at least to be q50, 100, 150 .. until 250 qualities. A crafter could build the fitting weapon, be it a q70, q160 or 210 or 250 one.

But I won't insist ;)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

I do understand your crafting token system now and it does have its advantages. Just in terms of putting forward ideas for implementation I always go for the easiest so it has more change of being put in. The weapons could match the same system as the picks and kami/kara/marauder/gen skirts and sheilds; going up in increments of 50.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#7 [en] 

I am just here to say that expanding options is what this is going to do, not saturate faction points.

right now having ONLY new horizons (which doesnt work so well anyway) as the ONLY way to do faction points (even if it IS 7000 per day for 99+ civ toons) is not enough.

ryzom hails itself as an mmo where you can do what you want, where you have options.... there are no options here. this is a forced and inefficient mechanism, that i love only because i HAVE to use it if i want my lovely sap crystals (sorry pvp points better spent on other things)

now for anyone who wants to contest my statement that it is forced and that i have to do it.... by saying hey you can just not-do it, i call you a troll and will not even reply to your words because i will not pass up one of the useful advantages in ryzom just because it is the only way to do it.... i will continue to do it, YOU can not-do it if you don't want to :P

i advocate increasing options for all (aligned non aligned whatever) more options are always good, as long as balance is maintained. i see no issue with a fair amount of faction points awarded for dapper missions hunting missions messenger missions etc, on the contrary i am sure it will make more homins try these things.

about 100 fame:

it is easier to get to +50 in 4 civs than 100 75 25 0 as an aligned homin, i have done both multiple times i am sure (not picking on anyone) but i agree it is not super hard to do either. so civ 100 rewards that are unique to that civ 100 are nice, but 200 total fame can have a reward too, (example, hominist unique faction reward) why not, you worked for it anyway. (yes someone may say hominist isnt a faction but don't be a troll :))

about balance and new content IF added:

there are some armor in merchant that are , as far as i know considered as junk by anyone with any sort of craft knowledge. they are 35% precraft armors with no HP/focus etc, boost.... so if you add any rewards for fame please don't put things like that.... i don't want a 35% precraft burning axe, it would be useless

fair stats, sure. whatever fair means, but not the fear of unbalancing ryzom by adding over-powered content, should not be so great that it produces junk items that only look nice and have little to no practical use (all the armor in the merchant) (anyone who wants to contest that it is useless... i will make you some armor :P)


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#8 [en] 

About the 4 new weapon :
No, no no. Definitively no. The 4 special weapon have a strong signification (IC-speaking), and if only the 4 leaders are wearing them, it's for a good reason. No player should be able to get them, even if it's only a skin and not the same stats.
And about others ideas :
I think the nation point have enough content. If there was some content (somehow fame-related) who should be added, it is with the tribes. They are mostly unknown, it's often very hard to level up your fame with them, and there's tons of special skin for various weapons specific to some tribes (if you wanna check, everything is in the client data). And tribes are really, really cool actually.

And +1 to Eruv. Having more ways to get faction points would be great !


#9 [en] 

Icus the 4 leaders have these weapons because they have earned them through their deads and fame within their nations. Why should homins not be given the chance to match these achievements? Why should such homins equaling the fame of the leaders be exempt from obtaining such an item? Many homins I have spoken to would like the opportunity to display their affection for their faction more than just wearing a title. This is the perfect opportunity to display this.

They have enough content? The one thing this game is severely lacking is content. If you are happy with the content that is in the game then you need not purchase new items, but I along with so many homins would like items that have already been added into the game made available to the playerbase. I want more diversity within this game and this would not be difficult to implement.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#10 [en] 

Why are people so against change all the time? Do you think this game is fine the way it is? Look at the constantly declining playerbase! The issue is so many people are so fixed and don't want anything new. They are too busy worrying about the implications of adding new items that they can't see this game is going downhill. Who cares if an item causes a slight imbalance (not saying this will- far from that) but thats a hell of a lot better than having no game to play at all because everyone left. Stop holding this game back and let it achieve the potential it has. Sick of every new idea being posted having people whining about imbalance.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#11 [en] 

I will have to agree that the "Mabreka's mace" is special and should not be available :P

virg will be able to admit, some things should be uniquely unavailable

virg will probably also be happy with a simple electic mace or, something new that isn't "Mabreka's mace"

i think the general theme here is, more is good... within reasonable limits. As i am interested in RP, that mace is off limits in my opinion so i agree with icus, however...

i do not agree that there is enough content with faction fame, from the perspective of, my 100 fyros fame only gives me new horizons bonus points, anyone can still get faction points with 50 fame and they can use more than one toon and trade the sap crystals... it does not feel unique enough

the fame is needed sometimes for political RP like awakened in zorai, need to have kami and zorai fame and be in a kami zorai guild and do the test and all that... but that does not affect actual gameplay very much

i didnt know about the tribe weapon skins i will go see....=)


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#12 [en] 

I have to agree with Virg about that. Some players are fully committed to Ryzom for all the great things it does offer and will never leave. But most players who start the game quit after 1 master. I have seen this 100's of times. Once you have mastered and killed a few bosses most people get very bored because there is no new content. I personally play to be the best pvp player possible. I level skills to get better at pvp. I dig sup mats and kill bosses to make better equipment for pvp. In my opinion what other reason is there to play? If you're a crafter you want to make the best equipment right? Why? Do you need amazing equipment to kill mobs? NO. The best stuff is made so players can be better at op battles or just everyday pvp.

In short any new content would make things more interesting. I think new weapons and armor sold for pvp points/Faction points would be a good place to start. Right now there are 2 items sold at mercant. There should be 100's of items.

Flame away:P

#13 [en] 

more is more within limits, it's good :P
not the same stuff in every different faction merchant....
special/unique civ-fame-only items should be sold by faction merchants, period.


What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#14 [en] 

Don't forget we need white sand in the desert.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#15 [en] 

Drezar (atys)
I personally play to be the best pvp player possible. I level skills to get better at pvp. I dig sup mats and kill bosses to make better equipment for pvp. In my opinion what other reason is there to play? If you're a crafter you want to make the best equipment right? Why? Do you need amazing equipment to kill mobs? NO. The best stuff is made so players can be better at op battles or just everyday pvp..

I personally play to be the best pve player possible. I level skills to get better at pve. I dig sup mats and kill bosses because its pve. In my opinion what other reason is there to play? If you're a crafter you want to make the best equipment right? Why? Do you need amazing equipment to kill mobs? NO But I do it anyway to assert my dominance over these creatures! The best stuff is made for players like me to assert my dominance over player controlled mobs.

(PS. Drezar is bad)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Firstdo (1 decade ago)

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