
#1 [en] 

Just as I have packer1 packer2 packer3 tabs, option for tabs in guild hall

no competent filters exist to sort out the massive amounts of items that may be in a hall

example, i would have one tab for:

1) very important items such as equipment that has specific recipient or instructions in description
2) mats that are used to make grind gear, + grind gear already made
3) sups
4) PVP or NPC gear
5) tab for things that need to be moved out / sorted / dapper-crafted
6) if many tabs exist, one tab each for LA MA HA

(i have not given deep thought to what tabs i would really want but these are some ideas, i am sure if this was implemented it would be put to good use and probably would have better set up after some practical use, so don't pick on my tabs!)

alternatively filters would be nice. since i am not a programmer i do not know which one of the two is more difficult to add but i am sure someone has been asking for something like this, if there is a post about this some where else, i apologise but i think this one is worth a double post anyhow

Last edited by Eruv (1 decade ago) | Reason: changed title of post to suit favored idea of the two suggested even though it was not my preference :P


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#2 [en] 

I have also beem thinking some kind of filter would be nice.
I like your idea Eruv.
I was thinking more along the lines of what merchants have. (Item type/lvl range/quality)
I would think the merchant filters would be easier to implement as they already exist ingame.

Anyway lets see that other ppl think, but im sure it will have some support.


#3 [en] 


A grade/quality/type filter would be awesome indeed, having multiple jewel or armor sets gets tedious to sort through very fast.


#4 [en] 

Aye, and since doing it for guildhall means you might as well do it for all the inventory, that would help massively in my apt and packers as well.

Merchant filter for inventory! Merchant filter for inventory! *tries to get the mob started*


"It's shite being tryker! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of Atys! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the Matis. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Marceline, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ****** difference"

#5 [en] 


Last edited by Ember (9 years ago)

#6 [en] 

Maybe we should be able to filter all inventories like we can at the merchants (already suggested here). And then be able to "solidify" that dynamic filter and convert it into a tab, that will be persistent across logins. The persistent filter would be bound to the type of inventory _and_ the login, and could be stored in the character config file.

Imho a better solution would be to store some of what's in the character config at the server: map flag locations, and this proposed filter settings. But that would require another change, and these things could be done separately.

#7 [en] 

this would indeed be very nice, sometimes looking through inventory for that one mat or item is a real pain in the neck, quality filter, grade filter, type of mat (jewel, setting, blade, counterweight, ect) would be very nice and very welcome, and i agree if it can be done for one inventory it should be done for them all, that way one can find exactly what they want when they want and need it without wasting time searching through a packer, apt, gh, or merch for 20 minutes to find one or two mats or items.

i'm +1 +1 +1 on this one too. (and imagine if we got that bulk upgrade and could really keep stacks of mats, then we'd have a chance to fill all the slots in an inventory tab, lolx)


Remickla (atys)
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#8 [en] 

Don't we already have this option with the 'Filters' at the bottom in your inventories, or something close to it? Maybe i am not understanding your question/suggestion. Or, are you asking for 'Sub-categories' in the filters?

#9 [en] 

We were meaning the filters like you get on the merchants. To make finding stuff in Guild valts etc easier.


#10 [en] 

like the quality and grade and price, not just weapons, gear, mat's, mission mat's, teleports, tools ect.

we're looking for a little fine tuning to the hunt (and price would be nice in there too so if it's gear we're able to see what it would sell for.)


Remickla (atys)
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#11 [en] 

+10000s of 1000

I always thought it would be awesome to be able to compartmentalise guild hall and apartments, they could have filters (grade/quality) or tabs but I think tabs would be more practical for type of mats.. If only one or the other was possible, then keeping the current filters (armor/loot/etc etc) would probably serve as "tabs"..




#12 [en] 

Aleeskandaro (atys)
+10000s of 1000

I always thought it would be awesome to be able to compartmentalise guild hall and apartments, they could have filters (grade/quality) or tabs but I think tabs would be more practical for type of mats.. If only one or the other was possible, then keeping the current filters (armor/loot/etc etc) would probably serve as "tabs"..


glad to see you on board with this alee!


Remickla (atys)
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#13 [en] 

i have deleted this post becasue it seams to cause issues with players, though i did learn from it and the education is still posted below. i don't want to leave this up. my response below i will also delete after i know that those i'm replying to can read it, i think in 24 hours.

my new post here is this:


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago) | Reason: DELETED original post due to portion of it being off topic


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#14 [en] 

TalkIRC -- it's bad form to blame the CSRs for something they *might* have done without checking with the Original Poster to make sure that they have actually done it.  In this case, I don't remember seeing a poll -- Eruv can tell us for sure.

For a while Tamarea was commenting on the EN Suggestions.  The fact that she has stopped suggests to me that there is a shortage of help, not that there is a conspiracy to keep things from being added.  Given the results of your own poll on the matter of paid storage, I don't think they're worried about overwhelming responses.

Part of the problem with responding is that any response may well be taken as a promise, and the CSRs and devs are allergic to committing to a timeframe for events and changes. This is a good thing since it means we don't get vaporware, but is bad for customer relations.  The other part is that crafting a suitable response takes *time*, and CSR's have day jobs. I would be very surprised if responses didn't have to be vetted by someone like Tamarea (i.e. high level) so that mis-communication doesn't happen.

You don't get anything from being a CSR (according to those I have talked to), and in fact your options are limited even more than your options as a private player.  You'll never see a CSR trek a newb to a new location or give a newb some low level jewels so they can do some more hunting.

The real problem is that there aren't a lot of programmers as far as I can tell.  If they are busy on real content (i.e. events), something like this is not only a distraction but a waste of their time (imho, ymmv).  There is no such thing as a "simple change" to a running program.


By the way, you can see your apt or GH any time you like by using a simple bug/exploit/feature involving the various "desktops".  I use desktop 4 (F4 by default) -- your normal "desktop" (UI choices, etc.) is desktop 1 (F1 by default).  Start on desktop 1.  Enter your apt.  Go to desktop 4. Open your inventory window.  Pin it (not strictly necessary but helps avoid re-doing this). Go to desktop 1 (THIS IS CRITICAL).  Exit your apt.  Now, outside your apartment at any time, hit F4 (or other key to go to desktop 4).  Viola.  You can see contents and manipulate your filters.  You can't take anything, of course. :)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

Thanks Bittty!

Last edited by Aleeskandaro (1 decade ago)



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