
#16 [en] 

on the p.s. part thank you so very much bitty i would have never known about that, and i'm very grateful,

Eruv, i'm very sorry i've gotten so off topic on your idea, but you know me and talk alot with me, do i not offer to support virtually (i think all) the ideas you've had that we've talked about in game?

but eruv i do love this idea and i would love to see it in game, because this really would be useful, and it's an option those that don't like it are not forced to use, they can just keep doing what they always did, so imho it's good. so i'm all for it as i've said.

Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago) | Reason: edited down to revelant information


Remickla (atys)
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#17 [en] 

Well Talkirc, i really did like and agree with your thoughts about seeing what is in your own Apt. without haveing to go there. I dont think your work-around will work Bittty for those of us with Macs, if they will, please explain how. Plus, i have posted a message asking the Dev team to tell us how busy they really are, how many of them there are working on things like bugs and stuff, and if all ideas get read or even considered. I'm sorry, but i will look up the location i can't remember where at the top of my head, but it was a few months ago. I still haven't gotten any reply. :(
As for Eruvs suggestions, im personally happy with the way things are. i can quickly look through GH inventory and find what i need. if i want to filter out stuff, i hit the tab at the bottom to make items dissappear, and its good enough for me. But you know, if the majority of players wanted something like that, i would of course give it a shot. Who knows, maybe i would even like it. :D

#18 [en] 

Naema -- Go to System > Keys. In the window that comes up, scroll down to the section labled "Windows Keys".  At the bottom of that section should be some greyed out lines that read "Switch to Desktop #  ... N/A"  If you assign keys to "Switch to Desktop 0" and "Switch to Desktop 3", those being F1 and F4 in the Win OS version, you should be able to make the trick work.

By the way -- for what it's worth.  I actually support the idea of filters in the GH and Apartment, provided it doesn't take away resources from more important things.  I'd love to have the functionality, but not at the expense of bug-fixes and content.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#19 [en] 

thanks naema for the +1 on that, it's along this topic's general idea but not totally on the same "train" i've edited a few of my posts because so much of it was not on cue with this thread, for that i'm sorry everyone, i want you all to be my friends, we need eachother in game, and need that support to keep ryzom better htne the other mmo's.

bitty, i'm sorry i ranted, perhaps you and i can talk ingame indepth about things, i realize there's alot i can learn from your knowlage and i don't want to "butt heads" over things, perhpas a little in game chat will help us both see points on the same issues, and maybe we can do the adult thing and try our best to meet in the middle somehow. and really thank you very much for that tip on the inventory view of the apt, that's really helpful, and not i don't have to write down how many seeds/ambers i have waiting in my apt for my next big jewel craft grind, now if they only had a "sell all to merchant" button, i wouldn't have to run around zora naked with nothing more then a jewel crafting tool in my hand and a bag of "junk" jewels, just one way to make a few dappers while doing craft grinds, don't drop the items sell them to the merch's. (3.5 full bag's of jewels between q90 and Q151 netted a little over 37k in dappers, so while it's poor, it will pay for the tools used to make them)

eruv again sorry to post like this on your awesome idea, and from this point on it'll only be posts that go with the #1 post, less bs more support i guess you could say.


Remickla (atys)
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#20 [en] 

There's a different approach that everybody can take if it's about generic feature requests to the client (in some cases even if it involves the server) - Thanks Bitty for unintentionally reminding me of that with your comment that in your opinion this filtering should be prioritized lower than bugfixing or adding content.

Remember that the Ryzom core engine is open source. Other games are written now with that engine, too. So there are a few more developers out there, not having Ryzom in their mind whose code changes can still make it into our game.

The way this works is that Winchgate who is running Ryzom can decide - at least to some extent - to include certain features developed on the open source branch of game development, or to not include others.

So if you think your enhancement is generic enough that it could be of interest to other games as well (such as this filtering of items in GH and Appartements), then go to Then go to the "Issues" menu, and search if someone already had that idea proposed. If not get an account, file your idea as a new issue.

I still believe discussing it here first, is the best approach because here we'll all have an experienced playerbase to provide feedback. But ultimately, filing an enhancement to helps to get more developer attention: Especially if it's a localized thing (like having North show always in compass or this filtering idea), it may be a good starting point for someone who's just starting to look into helping out on Ryzom development...

Don't expect wonders, though. People who develop for mostly are volunteers and don't get money for it. But: The stuff winchgate employees are doing is also released back to that open source project.

#21 [en] 

thank you for that last bit of information, very handy and useful idea to add to our base of tools to have minor things added. to the game, any route to something new is much liked.


Remickla (atys)
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