Do you agree marauders should be able to buy marauder armour?
Yes I belive they should be able to 25 (8)
No I don't believe they should be able to 27 (2)
Other 2
Abstain 1

#40 [en] 

This is dragging on a fair bit.. just to sum up for me and I am done here (maybe):

Dappers are easy to come by in this game. They are tradable and earning 10Mill in 1 day is not hard to achieve. To put marauder armour up for sale for dappers would see pretty much every marauder wearing it very quickly.

PvP points are not tradable. They are a long grind unless you illegally farm which the devs should be preventing. They require killing members of opposing factions which fit perfectly into RP of "earning" the right to wear such decent armour.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#41 [en] 

For Marauders it is much more difficult to grind dappers, and 10mil is essentially impossible under normal standards.

But as long as people are able to grind PvP points - it wont matter since they will still be easily achieved.


#42 [en] 

Many marauders have other accounts where they can grind dappers, and as i already stated dappers are tradable. You could even sell your gear for dappers to others.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#43 [en] 

Prolly one might end the discussion which does not yield any new aspect. I agree to Virg so far as the idea overlaps somewhat with his proposals for distinct PvP armor. A feedback from the side of the devs would be great once they find the time for.

I have stated my views more than once (not generally negative towards the proposal as long as it does not grant privileges and creates imbalances, preferrably a marauder skin should be somehow open to all crafters without the need of becoming marauders).

So I think we all should wait for the feedback and not pick on one another.


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