Do you agree marauders should be able to buy marauder armour?
Yes I belive they should be able to 25 (8)
No I don't believe they should be able to 27 (2)
Other 2
Abstain 1

#32 [en] 

1) I said tribe fame because if Marauders do overseer missions at all then that is where they have to do it - at tribes. Due to the low fame Marauders are unable to do the Tryker/Matis/Zorai/Fyros overseer missions.

2) The NPCs such as Sergio and Pei are the First Lieutenants of Melkiar the Black Varnix, who is our Warlord. An attack on his Lieutenants would be like attacking him in turn.

3) How is that any different from the Karavan, Kami, Neutral, and Rangers who grind them all the time to get pieces of their armour? They aren't as strong - yet they have the armour too.

4) You got into the camp via a glitch that - what would you know, is illegal - and just ran around the camp healing each other waiting for most of the Marauders to leave before finally attacking. Also, tons of people camp PvP points - you can go around Atys and see it all the time.


#33 [en] 


well the guys being selling marauder pvp on uni daily have been marauders that farmed the points os first get your own factions shit tougheteher befor calling out ppl for doing something illegal if they got the points fair and scuare against your faction cheating uni daily to get some dapper

seccondly stop spamming uni for selling the marauder shield it really gets boring

3th I seel marauder 'alts' in dyron all the time doing the civ specific racial new horizon turnins with alts to get some of our free pvp points and dapper not daily but like constanly (even some are numbred so the marauders can keep track of their alts doing em all over atyt)

=> those are just some of my concerens if you gonna start accusing guildies of mine breaking rules by buying marauder gear in the marauder city by using pvp points they got fair and by sneaking into the city then maybe you wanna get rid of the real cheaters in your faction before accusing actuall ppl of cheating when they just abuse sstupid guards :D


#34 [en] 

1) You can sell stuff at black markets or whatever for dappers easily. Or even win dappers doing PvP. Dappers are so easy to come by- you know it, I know it.

2) Strange then I've seen a marauder wearing pei armour...

3) I have only seen 1 person farming PvP points and immediately asked them to stop. Who are all these people you are referring to?

4) I walk in through the front door. Stop crying about dying in PvP and blaming on a wall, its getting rather old and boring. The reason why you die is because you need to improve on your skills, not get a wall fixed. There are at least 5 different ways into the marauder camp and only 1 is using a wall glitch.

5) Earning marauder armour with PvP points fits perfecting into your RP. Earning rewards by killing kami and karat, or are you simply afraid you can't earn any points of killing kami and karas?

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#35 [en] 

Suboxide - I have no clue in hell what you said but from what I have made out it has something to do with Uni which I have muted and never go onto. Also when did I accuse anyone specifically of grinding the points? Somehow you conjured that out of thin air since I only said that I see people doing it all the time. As to the New Horizon, I've never seen any Marauders or their alts at the New Horizons while i run around regions and I never hear any talk of them doing such.

As to Virg
1) Dappers CAN be easy to come by - but they are not always, for things being sold it all relies on supply & demand. As to the PvP dappers - it all depends on time as well, not always are dappers provided to the victor.

2) It makes sense not to attack the Marauder bosses but some choose to do it for the armour since their is no other way to get it since we cannot purchase it.

3) I've seen far more people than just "1" person farming, all you have to do is look for them.

4) I think I've PvP'd against you twice, and I never blamed any wall if I did die. Also since when are you all high and mighty? Whenever I see you trying to PvP it usually ends with you on the ground face in the dirt with your Marauder armour and your OP mat weapons.

5) Like I have said - PvP points are one of the easiest things to grind in the game. As to the killing Karavan and Kamis - I have no trouble killing them at all, and are you having fun acting like your the best at PvP in the game when I've seen you dead more times than I care to count?

6) Please for heaven sakes learn how to count.


#36 [en] 

1) So you admit dappers are easy to come by? If so this would make your armour easy to obtain so basically you just want it by putting in as little effort as possible..

2) People farming are a different discussion- that is for the devs to deal with and I would hope they would take all farmed items.

3) You cry about us running through the wall constantly as if that is the reason you die. We do not run around waiting for the marauders to leave. We go to the camp to actually fight them. You just usually run to your GH and wait for more to come.

4) Not high and mighty. Just speaking facts. That you are not difficult to kill, that we have been doing 2v5s in the marauder camp and that we aren't the ones who end up dead.

5) Yes you have seen me dead after 1v3s etc and I have no trouble admitting that :)

EDIT: Yes I can see the number issue. You cut me deep saying I can't count

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#37 [en] 

1) They CAN be - but usually are not, so not as little effort as possible. You're talking to a person who has had no income for the past 2 months.

2) Its actually entirely to do with the discussion at hand, the fact that people can grind it so easily makes it a bad idea to use PvP points for it.

3) I go into my GH to wait for my PvP flag to go away then i port out, since the people at Asylum cannot clue into the fact that they are not wanted within the marauder walls.

4) Like I have said - I only remember fighting you twice, and I do not remember a 2v5. When Asylum does win at those numbers its by running around healing the entire time, not fighting at all, then when everyone has left they actually fight.

5) I have seen you dead after many 1v1's and 2v2's, stop trying to cover your tail by saying that you are always outnumbered - because we both no that is not the case.


#38 [en] 

1) People shouldn't be able to farm PvP points and I would hope the devs put an end to farming if they made PvP points worth something. The simple fact is dappers are easy to grind and tradable. This would make your armour instantly obtainable if you wished it. You could grind the dappers on an alt, do deals with other people etc etc.

2) Asylum love the fact we aren't wanted within the marauder walls. Thats why we go there in the first place for PvP. I was told by 2 HOs of clan to just go and attack the clan members whenever I wanted PvP and was told not to even bother asking.

3) You werent there for the 2v5. We dont wait for people to leave. I'm sorry you are saying we are boring people by healing? Healing is a vital element in PvP. If you don't know that I am afraid you should go back to PvP basics.

4) No tail to cover. I only remember loosing duels in the maro camp to kitane and acour. I simply made the point I have been winning a lot of battles and still finding the PvP points a slow grind.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#39 [en] 

1) Just because people shouldn't be able to grind PvP points doesn't mean they can't, they still do, and they still will. Also, dappers may be able to train for some - but most people do not have an alt grind up their craft, and most people dont try to get a tremendous amount of money from someone all at once. I just recomended a price that is rediculously high for one piece - not for just the whole set.

2) Good for you, and the fact that you go in is the reason why so many either de-tag or go into their GHs/apts. And how about we drop this bickering about the walls and whatnot considering it has nothing to do with the thread.

3) No I dont believe I was there, and yes healing is vital in PvP - but just healing and not actually fighting is not PvP - its being an annoyance and just proving why we dont want you to come in.

4) Regardless of that - the fact that one can grind up 960 pvp points from one kill at max - makes it an easy grind, you just need to know how the system works to get that many points.


#40 [en] 

This is dragging on a fair bit.. just to sum up for me and I am done here (maybe):

Dappers are easy to come by in this game. They are tradable and earning 10Mill in 1 day is not hard to achieve. To put marauder armour up for sale for dappers would see pretty much every marauder wearing it very quickly.

PvP points are not tradable. They are a long grind unless you illegally farm which the devs should be preventing. They require killing members of opposing factions which fit perfectly into RP of "earning" the right to wear such decent armour.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#41 [en] 

For Marauders it is much more difficult to grind dappers, and 10mil is essentially impossible under normal standards.

But as long as people are able to grind PvP points - it wont matter since they will still be easily achieved.


#42 [en] 

Many marauders have other accounts where they can grind dappers, and as i already stated dappers are tradable. You could even sell your gear for dappers to others.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#43 [en] 

Prolly one might end the discussion which does not yield any new aspect. I agree to Virg so far as the idea overlaps somewhat with his proposals for distinct PvP armor. A feedback from the side of the devs would be great once they find the time for.

I have stated my views more than once (not generally negative towards the proposal as long as it does not grant privileges and creates imbalances, preferrably a marauder skin should be somehow open to all crafters without the need of becoming marauders).

So I think we all should wait for the feedback and not pick on one another.


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