is the time limit to be on the forum with a web browser stupid to have?
YES 13 (2)
NO 3
YES, yes, and even more yes 11 (1)
you mean there's a limit to how long i can be inactive on the forum? 1
you type too much or too long and don't need to say what your thinking with such detail or information. 0
Other 0
Abstain 2

#26 [en] 

I'm not forcibly logged out of the forums. Like Bitty suggested, please check first that the countdown timer in the lower right corner (dark grey on grey) indeed counts seconds. If it does not, check javascript settings.

#27 [en] 

found the error, it was related to my browser changing a setting related to the cookie and that cookie was related to the timer, my cookie manager was deleting the cookie when the timer reached 0.

thanks everyone for the replies and sorry to bump this thread without need.


Remickla (atys)
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#28 [en] 

Glad you found the problem! And no need to apologize: Having the added info that a cookie is required for the counter to work is good to have.
Last visit Thursday, 13 March 10:09:58 UTC

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