
#1 [en] 

(having died twice by Raj in 2 days and barely escaped a third time ..)

An anti-achievement would be a counter, yubo-points not awarded for it:

- death by Aggro Named
- death by Herbivore / Plant
- death by gassing yourself
- death by explosion
- death by 5 or more aggros following you (would analyze sys info and award if 5 hits are taken in a cascade)
- etc

Maybe threshholds in increments of 100, so as to not make it too easy or too much of a *thing* measuring contest. Nameds could of course each have its own subcategory for more fine-grained details. Certain milestones could maybe unlock titles for the person - dying 1`000 times by gas would give you a 6-month title of Gas-Inhaler, or whatever funny title you can think of.

(actually, giving time-limited titles based on achievements would also be nice .. but it's a different topic)


#2 [en] 

Great idea Mjollren- could even be extended to Mastery of Anti-Achievement! I might even have some talent for it ;D


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