On Hold


#1 [fr] 

As a crafter i have to move around lots of mats between different inventory tabs and quite often i run into situation when the stack i'm trying to put in doesn't fit, because its size is bigger than free space left. In this case i have to check how much space is left, double it to get the quantity of mats that can be put in, then split the stack manually, type the number etc. And sometimes it seems there are hidden decimals that never shown, like 499.7, while bulk indicator says it's 499 and i have to correct my math and repeat the process again.

Same goes with digging, when bag is almost full, the last portion of mats can't be put in and i have either drop temporary inventory or destroy mats in bag one unit per time until i can take the mats from temporary inventory.

My proposal is that in cases like these the game do the math itself and automatically split stacks accordingly to their bulk and free space left in container. That way i could grab a stack of ammo or mats and just drop it into packer, and if there are 20 units of space left in it, 40 mats from the stack go in packer and the rest moved back in bag. Same with temporary inventory, clicking "take all" button pulls amount of mats that can be placed in bag and the rest remain in temporary window. That would save a lot of fiddling while moving stuff forth and back.

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Yes please ;)


#3 [en] 


this is so annoying to do the math everytime...


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#4 [en] 

I agree.

On the other hand, if the reduced amount of items is put into the bag, and some are left behind silently - without any form of notification - then that could raise complaints as well. Imagine that you do want to take all of the mats of a stack in your appartement with you, but your bag is nearly full. The game would do the math after this proposal and move only e.g. 20% of the wanted mats into your bag, leaving the remaining 80% in the room. Without a warning, you might leave the room and discover only later that stuff is missing.

I do not want to propose an annoying pop up window that has to be acknowledged with a click on "ok". But maybe a message in the system info channel could already do the trick: "Note that only 45 of 136 fine Igara beaks could be moved into your bag." (Template: "Note that only <amount_moved> of <amount_wanted> <item_name> could be moved into your <destination_inventory>")

#5 [en] 

Second "bad" possibility. You are digging choice XXX in PR and suddenly the sup XXX pops. You dig like mad, not noticing that you were almost full. You have 16 sup XXX in the temporary (Take/Drop) box, you Take and four of them transfer...

At least with the current system, you have the opportunity to notice the "There is no room in your inventory" message and drop 16 choice XXX.

I would say that the above is sufficient reason for an "Are you sure" message.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [en] 

Good point. For this case we would not need an "Are you sure" requestor if the temporary inventory would stay open and you'd have to close it manually as long as there's still stuff in it. That way we have an easy to use default behaviour while you still have to acknowledge the loss of mats.

#7 [en] 

I think all of you are forgetting that there's normal loot as well and not only dig mats.

How would it react in your opinion if you loot eg. Manda and he's got eyes and nails - this might very well be a random find while leveling on Najabs or Kinchers or something like that. The one looting would have enough space for one of the 2 stacks in this example...

I suggest that the "Take all" one should work the same as now but when just selecting one stack it should use the suggested way.


#8 [en] 


Such a simple idea and, I would imagine, easy to implement. It would remove a major source of frustration for many players.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#9 [en] 

I rarely have this problem. As you note, it's an easy substraction and then multiplication. If I'm totally lazy, I just work with the multiples of 10 first, then a second time with the remainder.

Maybe added as an option to turn on for those needing it, but not a default.


#10 [en] 

Little annoying things like that is what can spoil impression about the game.

Take stacks that have to be splitted manually every time. Indeed, it's not a big deal. If you do that one or two times it's ok.  If you do that ten times a day it's annoying. If you are in hurry, that messing with math, typing and clicking is even more annoying.

Or mission window closing every time a mission is picked up. Again it's not a big deal. Unless you do fame grinding and run into this ten, twenty, thirty times a day. Then it quickly gets annoying.

Or crafted items not stacking. Two rounds of identical ammo can be stacked, but two identical rings or axes can't. Not a big deal, right? Until you craft about hundred or more of those rings and have to sell them all one by one, shift-clicking on each of them. By the time you end it, your hand is about to be cramped. 

Little things can be really disappointing.

#11 [en] 

Tumbleweed (atys)
Little annoying things like that is what can spoil impression about the game.

Take stacks that have to be splitted manually every time. Indeed, it's not a big deal. If you do that one or two times it's ok.  If you do that ten times a day it's annoying. If you are in hurry, that messing with math, typing and clicking is even more annoying.

Or mission window closing every time a mission is picked up. Again it's not a big deal. Unless you do fame grinding and run into this ten, twenty, thirty times a day. Then it quickly gets annoying.

Or crafted items not stacking. Two rounds of identical ammo can be stacked, but two identical rings or axes can't. Not a big deal, right? Until you craft about hundred or more of those rings and have to sell them all one by one, shift-clicking on each of them. By the time you end it, your hand is about to be cramped. 

Little things can be really disappointing.

+1 For the stacking of armour/weapons/jewellery I've always wondered about that one.


Wishing will get you nothing; Wanting gets you nothing; Hindsight is the root of all evil

Nebona Psykro

Jena's eternal devotee

#12 [en] 

Psykro, you've never tried to stack weapons, have you? Big lumpy things don't stack well; neither do rings or bracelets. (Just a little humor there.)

In terms of game if you are making jewelry of the same kind that you just took off... you don't want it to stack. If you want to actually sell it to people, not the merchant, you (or at least I) don't want it to stack. To sell of large amounts of crafted items to the merchant I hold down the Shift and Enter keys and click happily away.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [fr] 

This idea will be studied.


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