
#1 [en] 

This is an Idea, if not a question for the Dev team and responses from community. But as i peruse through the 'Ideas' threads, i notice upwards of 29 pages of some pretty good ideas (some not so good), and i am wondering how seriously they are considered by the Dev team. I know you are busy and all, but i suppose it would be nice to have a little more feedback, the info i am suggesting is: How many of you are there, so we have an idea of how busy you are, What you presently working on, what is going to get fixed currently, what your thoughts are on a certain Idea suggestion, the problems it would pose. if the idea is feasible or would be way to hard to implement to even consider, (not that it isnt a good idea or whatnot, just dont be offended when it is not considered, lol). But if considered to be implementable, give an estimation when something like that could be included if at all?
Im not saying you have to reply to each and every suggestion, but do you read every idea? appreciate improvements lately!

#2 [en] 

I just wanted to add: I appreciate improvements lately on communication, especially from Tamarea. I was just wondering about seeing a little more communication about the Ideas the community puts forward i guess.Thanks for all your hard work. Ran out of letters on last post, lol

#3 [en] 

Great that you brought this up Naema, as I have been wondering the same thing ;) It would be good to know these things to give some direction to the ideas proposed.


#4 [en] 

+1 ,I Was thinking about the same , it would be great to know what "Dev team" is up to, besides trying to fix the current bugs.
Many wonderful ideas have posted , but unfortunately most of them still not get applied....
As Nae said we really appreciate improvements that have taken place lately but would be nicer to see that somone's idea has applied so we feel that "Dev team " is here and reading our suggestions :))

#5 [en] 

This is a good question, and we are finally getting back to it. We apologize for the delay.

First, there are not all that many of us in the development team, and only a few more in the Event Team. We do have one volunteer who reads the English forums and who summarizes the ideas and suggestions that are posted. This introduces a delay while they read the responses and wait for there to be enough responses to get a sense of what the players really want or if the idea is popular at all. We do intend to answer all ideas, but it may take a while; we certainly cannot look at them all at the same time.

At this point we would be able to add the comment [has been read: will be studied] to each idea posting, but it wouldn't tell you very much -- most specifically it wouldn't tell you *when* it would be studied. You can be sure, however, that ALL ideas are read.

Once the volunteer has summarized things, the idea has to be evaluated as to how easy or difficult it would be to implement. Some things simply cannot be done, no matter how desirable they may be, but it's not always obvious which those are. Other ideas might be possible, but would involve more effort in implementation than they are worth in added value. In addition to technical problems there are also problems of game balance and those are even harder to evaluate when it comes to subtle effects. It is after this evaluation that we post the responses back to the forums.

As to schedules for implementation, we don't like to publicize schedules because maintenance and bug repair always takes priority and we are never sure how long that will take.  As the English saying goes: "When you are up to your ass in alligators (voraxes?) it is hard to remember that your original purpose was to drain the swamp."  We have set up the Developer Roadmap to help with some of that communication, but like all tools it is imperfect.

Please keep posting ideas.  Please keep them to one idea per post. We ARE reading them. Some of them will be implemented. Some will not. Please remember that [Will Be Used] does NOT mean [Will Appear in the Next Reboot]. There are also other things that we are working on.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 [en] 

Wow Tamarea, Thanks for replying to this post. I assumed from no reply after 9 months that not all the suggestions are read let alone considered seriously. But now i understand more clearly the situation.
I like the Idea of adding the comment of: Has been read: will be studied. This lets Homins know their ideas have been considered. Then maybe follow up later with another comment on it as to the conclusion.
Thanks again

#7 [en] 

Naema (atys)
What you presently working on, what is going to get fixed currently

You can have an idea of that by watching the Ryzom core activity. Sure, it's only about the public part of Ryzom, nothing specific to the game itself, however it's handy.


Markanjio di Segafredo
Noble Gardien des Matis - Noble Matis Guardian
Fléau de l'Empire - Scourge of the Empire

#8 [en] 

Unfortunately Naema even when you do get a response ideas are still not put forward or considered. 10 months ago I started two threads proposing several ideas here and here.

10 months ago I received a reply letting me know some were set for implementation, some weren't and the others would be considered. Since that time I have posted several times asking to know about the progress of these ideas and whether the ones being decided upon had been done so. No reply has been made to any of my questions.

More recently I asked for the ideas under consideration or for implementation to be moved to the dev roadmap. I would consider such a simple thing to be easy enough to do but yet no reply has been made.

After reading this thread I came to understand that the devs were slowed down due to only one volunteer passing on forum information to them. Having read this I actually sent an email volunteering myself to read the forums and help them and so far no reply has been made.

It saddens me to see the lack of progress being made despite my many attempts to put forward new ideas and offer to help. No reasoning for such a lack of response has lead me to believe that the devs are hiding behind a facade of "we are slow because we only have 1 volunteer". I understand that many people who are working for ryzom are volunteers themselves- my main disgruntlement is with the people who are seemingly taking our money and putting forward a fake barrier that is the forums to make us believe things are moving forward when really the vast majority of the forums is just a sinkhole to make people feel good when hardly anything gets done.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#9 [en] 

Well 10 months isn't much in ryzom Virg, nothing has changed in the past 10 months at all, sad I know then again nothing much has changed or was added since merge. Only stuff been taken away during merger, that they now try to reimplement and let it sound like a big patch (KPs, app invites, app decorations,....).
If I rember correctly Februari-April is patch time (atleast it was in the past), only thing we kind off know for sure is that we gonna be able to invite ppl back to our app and that we gonna be able to redecorate it again (it was fun once or twice after that I never did it again). If that is all and no real changes are made that add content I'll most likely gonna go F2P (but that's me).


#10 [en] 

stagnation is doom, adding back old stuff is not "new content", knowing there's something going on, isn't clear, they recruit for csr's writters translaters, why not do the same for people to read the forum for the ideas that get good following, then if the idea is getting good responses, have an open public poll much like the pr mat's poll was after merger, and let the entire server regardless of language vote on the idea, then they would really know who wanted what, the only problem with them doing that is that they would be FORCED to act, no more sitting back and saying this is getting done. i understand there's alot to be done, but how long is too long to get it done?

on topic and off topic, normal for me.



Remickla (atys)
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