
#1 [en] 

This letter was sent to all the Matis Nobles:

Deles Silam!

The Royal Academy will dispatch the botanist Cuiccio Perinia to the site. He' is a well-known long time researcher, and he will undoubtedly find some explanation for this matter.

You can meet him near the outpost of Fearing Fen Farm on Prima, Floris 13, 2nd AC 2573, at midnight (*).

Matia Aiye, Jena Aiye!

The Royal Academy

(*) ooc :Thursday, 23 May 2013 19:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

A notice can be found on the public boards of the Kingdom's cities:

Regarding the expedition of the Chamber of Nobles and the Royal Academy of Yrkanis it was taken into consideration that not every interested homin is able or willing to reach Fearing Fen Farm on his or her own. Therefore it was decided to offer a short treck to the destination.

Those interested meet well before midnight (*) at the main gate of Yrkanis. The time is calculated generously to make sure that Fearing Fen Farm gets reached in time.

(*) ooc: Thursday, 23. May 18:30:00 UTC

Last edited by Salazar (1 decade ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#3 [en] 

This was posted to Assemblies of the Circles of Hoi-Cho (German Zoraï) a little whie ago: #64
Letter to Hoi-cho Circles

Deles Silam Umaenai

I have to warn you that my sisters have discovered a trafic of contamined Igaras

One of us was killed in Loria while enquiring, be cautious please.

Igaras are transported asleep in covered cages, always by night time.

Departure is close to Black Circle, delivering point in Heretic's hovel, close to Folly farm, supposed to be received their by Darkening sap.

Of course this may have changed now...

Expecting this help the Theocraty for inquiring.

Best regards,

Zendae from Hamazans

If this is true it reveals the Igara Mystery as a conspiracy involving (but not necessarily limited to) two tribes who are Karavan aligned and with a history of studying the Goo.

The Hamazans of the Dead Seed are well known for challenging goo worshipers and have helped in stopping a previous experiment into the Goo by the Black Circle [OOC Sage Missions; Nature Under Threat].

However we proceed, we must be cautious.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#4 [en] 

Lately I have not heard of any changes or progress in understanding the Igara mystery in Fearing Fens, so i thought I would investigat on my own the latest information. I visited the OP and found the number has seemed to decrease in goo infected Igaras! I estimate there is probably around 45-50 there now, and they all seem to be 'Mortal' Igaras. Could this be because Homins have been interrupting the secret importing of them by secret Caravan? I am a bit puzzled. :)

#5 [en] 

Having arrived, thanks to the cover of night, a small detachment of warriors settled at the entrance of the camp in the Hidden Source. A mix of members from the Marauder's Clan of Ashes and the Rebels of Nations, the troops were discussing under the overhelming heat of summer:

"Anyone knows what we're waitin' for here? I need to let off steam on homins, not stay here doin' nothin'!" grumbled a first Marauder.

A second one was chewing a piece of meal without conviction, "More than that, the grub is vile! Let's hope we don't get stuck with Cuttler's meat for too long..."

A Matis from the Council of Dissent brought some information to the lackeys, "Didn't Akilia tell you that it was to help us?"

"No...we ain't in the 'confidence'; we are underlings, the necessary..."

"In any case," added a third Marauder, "the instructions are clear, 'have sharpened weapons and solid boots.' There's rumour that a long walk through the forest awaits us."

The first Marauder shrugged, "Thus, at the moment, nothin' concrete. I hope the orders come soon, so we finally get action!"

Grudgingly containing his fury, the Marauder grabbed a small scorpion which came into his reach, cut away half of its legs with the point of his sword and then started contemplating as the arachnid twisted itself poignantly.
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