Mutual GNU / Linux


#1 [en] 

so i found the ubuntu software center (32 bit LTS 12.4. something) then found ryzom in the dash home then got it to download, very quickly... then opened it on the , er, side bar? and now it has been saying "patching ryzom" for far too long, any ideas what i can do now?


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#2 [en] 

Software center copy failed for me long ago so I just installed through terminal. If someone has an updated source post for him but Ill post what I have now:
first: sudo apt-get install p7zip wget if you don't have already.
7zr x ryzom_client.7z
cd ryzom
you can then find the updater in your ryzom folder, just double click and run. This should work but if someone has an easier way please give him a hand because I'm still a bit of a noob.

#3 [en] 

hmm, for me the first time take loong time too, but second was faster. Sometimes it take a while launching ryzom, cancel and restart works for me in this case...


Kilor Tasmatican

#4 [en] 

thanks bones that worked i ran into many tiny problems, the first of which was ubuntu refused to finish installation after reboot if my wireless was turned off and it took me foerever to find that out but i got the terminal running with the commands you listed from old dev site and it works

grabbing the "core" code now and seeing how far i get =)

ps. patched to 2.1.0 easy enough but mouse did not work in full screen mode (well after leaving full screenmode on quitting had issues so patched then put to windowed mode seems to be ok now)

Last edited by Eruv (1 decade ago)


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#5 [en] 

I have followed you tips and advise,
but i cannot open the updater,
is there any advise on how i can run it?
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:32:42 UTC

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