
#19 [en] 

Fyrosfreddy (atys)
-Earn enuff PvP points gats ya a vedice from an NPC
-Earn enuff fame points from each of the 4 races gets ya a vedice
-1 on both
I think people need to realise that these materials should be treated as rare, no one should leave the game because they are not able to obtain them, nor should players be able to just grind there way to outpost produce.

I honestly think that players left the game previously due to outposts producing cats and players not being to get them, not so much the cats.

Also Freddy, what do you do as a PvEr once you get gear (NPC or Boosted), how do you use it? The general trend I see is to use it for PvP... other then bosses I have no idea what you would use it for :)

#20 [en] 

if something really awesome is very hard to get, most people just won't use it for everyday use. you can grind just fine in exe dig/loot gear and boss hunt just fine, sure you could have a 250q sup sword to hunt bosses with but that's for surplus-- if you have it great, use it, if you have alot, great, if you only have 40 hp left on your fancy gear why use it for everything?

if mara bosses spawned every hour then everyone would use it for everything not just special occasions, just my 2 cents. i dont need the fancy stuff, but some players are from the era where comparatively more rare items than there are now, in that case many of them want to have what was had prior, im not from that time so it doesn't matter to me either way :P

im happy to help farm the rare things for others but for myself i need not

i favor digging so i like to use hp boosted focus set to dig, or maybe focus boosted focus set (never had one as of yet) i would love an hp+focus mara set but this doesnt exist, if it did i would use it for everything. similarly if sage missions were repeatable i would use the jewels for everything, the hp+sap npc set looks nice but no focus, no fun for me. well. actually i would use it to dig, focus jools = 4k focus, losing 125x5 focus for a gain in hp+sap would be useful for staying alive, running over to random boss invites and res's

so in summary, for a "PVE'er"
1) considering how long gear lasts when you dig with it, hp or focus boosted LA/jewels i would use always
2) if focus+hp npc set existed i would never take it off
3) since 2) doesnt exist i would settle for hp or focus boosted jewels + hp+sap npc set for all-day uses

it's a matter of abundance to me, if i had one id use it i mean thats why its there isnt it? some may say oh you really should use the fancy stuff for pvp but that will come when i feel like it =)


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#21 [en] 

PVE is actually avoidable but that's just when you are a slacker, since it's nowhere stated you actually need to lvl in this game.
- For instance you can visit the whole world as a lvl 1 (can't get all tp's since it's pve content)
- Events have never stated you need a master (can tag along most without having to kill, there have been ppl playing reporters in the past)
- Roleplay is perfectly douable at lvl 0, i have played on lvl 0 alts for light rp reasons (still have a payed lvl 0 char up i use for chats in the pyr bar atm when ppl pass by and send Suboxide a tell)

About PVE:
- you can avoid digging (I have)
- you can avoid crafting (I have)
- you can avoid fighting (I know ppl who have)
- you can avoid magic (not nice of you since a rez would be nice but it's possible to avoid)
=> You only need to do one of these things to be succesfull in this game PVE and PVP

About PVP:
- This is mainly Fighting and Magic but after every good PVPer that is a team of non PVPers (Like in the real world sports and bussiness)

All toughether:
If you invest in a char for a month you can master a skill and become a non PVE player forever but problem there is you are stuck just like a lvl0 char in roleplying since you can't have dapper, armor, weapons when you decide to just pvp and slack.
I have done it for quite some time I just sat at the stables chatting and had some pvp fun when somebody wanted to. I didn't kill mobs, I didn't boss hunt (ask Bina how mad I made her), I didn't lvl, ... => To be able to do this you need good ingame friends wich I love to bits and I did res when asked to (did ask some dapper for it, actually only Gasket).

But yes this game is impossible to pvp only in if you want to start a pvp guild for instance you need ppl with great pve skills to provide the gear.

Would a pvp only option be fun? Yup it would.

Would a pvp only option help the game survive? I don't see how it would hurt the game if the effort for PVP gear would be equal to that of getting great gear from diggers and boss hunters. With 'PVP gear' I don't mean killer stats they should be equal to the effort a PVE char puts in his gear

Is ryzom made for PVP only stuff? Just like above here I wouldn't see game dieing from it but not sure it's actually how the game is made. Like it's said before Ryzom is the community and if we split that community even more in PVP and PVE then it might get even more ugly.

ps. Just like kami/kara skirts and shields wich are PVP only content the fyros/matis/zorai/tryker have the same kind of rewards for PVE only but those sellers only sell picks wich is stupid aswell since the non digging PVE crowd doesn't get anything

Last edited by Subox (1 decade ago) | Reason: removed angry ps2


#22 [en] 

ok works now from ingame to post

Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#23 [en] 

i'm a PvE player, and i've tried PvP, not much to my taste, however, i do see where the more pvp playing toons don't have as many options as the pve players do in terms of rewards, i think the biggest point trying to be made is that the pve rewards outweigh the pvp rewards.

if there's 1 pve reward there should be an equal pvp reward, thus making a fair balance between the two play styles.

Further more making it the players choice which path to take, and regardless of the path chosen having rewards equal to the path not chosen.

it's not about "i like this" or "i like that", it's about balance between the two.

i don't care what the method of balance is, just that there should be BALANCE in the first place.

that would put ryzom back on the radar of MMO's, giving both types of play equal if different rewards.

why not make a toon that sells sup mat's pve players can dig/hunt to pvp players using pvp points? then pvp players can pvp to get the mats other players get from pve. that would offer a sort of balance i'm speaking of.

in the end, there is not a balance between pvp and pve, one simply has more rewards then the other right now, that's the issue i think, that the tables are not balanced between the two play styles.

sorry if this doesn't fit exactly what the idea of the thread is, but to me this is the base idea of everything being spoke of. (and remember i'm a PvE player trying to help the PvP players get more of what i can get with my play style WITHOUT having to choose my play style to get them.)


Remickla (atys)
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#24 [en] 

Hello, its been 5 months now- hoping a decision has been made?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#25 [en] 

*echo echo*



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#26 [en] 

My 5 cents....

I think the way Ryzom is setup right now is the best.. I mean, sure we can tweak some stuff.. but really, I love PvP and I love PvE, I think you should do both if you want to, I dont know... rule the Ryzom world!.

Learn to dig to get good mats, learn to fight to get boss mats, learn to craft to be able to make something out of them.. and learn to PvP to be able to have access to some resources.

They all go hand in hand, I dont think breaking this system is going to make it better.. if you only do PvP, yeah it can get boring, same as everything else I guess, ex: digging for 4 days in a row can get boring.

PvP doesnt stand for anything.. it is just something you do in order to get something else ( resources).

PvP for the sake of PvP should be allowed and it is... but shouldnt really get you "rewards".. for what? PvPing? Maybe for marauders, cause that's their RP.. but otherwise... no.. not really.



#27 [en] 

Had several pages worth of this discussion with daomei and others. Looking at comparing it to real life- you kill someone you can take their stuff ^^ Obviously stealing peoples stuff in game would cause outrage which is why the pvp point system is in place. Currently however there is nothing except a skirt and a sheild to buy with pvp points.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#28 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Had several pages worth of this discussion with daomei and others. Looking at comparing it to real life- you kill someone you can take their stuff ^^ Obviously stealing peoples stuff in game would cause outrage which is why the pvp point system is in place. Currently however there is nothing except a skirt and a sheild to buy with pvp points.

Im not talking about real life.. just how Ryzom system works right now.. it kinda forces you to do more than just PvP or you need to relay on others...

I agree the PvP shop can be expended... but it shouldnt provide you with everything you need so you can skip all the other skills :-)



#29 [en] 

I dont want it to mean you skip all other skills. Just maybe a full set of armour or something else would be decent.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#30 [en] 

Hello. It has been 10months since I started a double thread for the ideas posted here. I had to rigorously defend my view points, think of how to put across my ideas and attempt to keep my thread on topic which believe me wasn't easy.

Some ideas were set for long term implementation- can these be added onto the dev roadmap? I would like to be able to view the progress of them. Some ideas were going to be decided upon. Has a decision been reached? If so can I get an answer? If not can they be added to the dev roadmap under "verification of possible implementation"?.

I have come under a lot of heat on the forums and it gets extremely tiring but I believe the forums are the best way to communicate ideas to the devs. It is frustrating not seeing any progress from 10 months ago- and if there isn't going to be any progress there is no point in me fighting for the ideas that I think will make Ryzom a better place.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#31 [en] 

I support idea 3 & 4 obviously, It only seems naturaly to finish what you start, make a whole set! plus dont make it rediculously expensive.
Errr. this may have gotten plopped into the wrong thread, but had to do with getting all the pvp armor pieces, not just having a shield and skirt available. and also the cost of them

Last edited by Naema (1 decade ago)

#32 [en] 

Hello once again devs who are hopefully reading this.

I will ask again and hope a dev responds. Having thought long and hard (and argued even harder) for my ideas to be put forward and listened to I got 2 responses from Tamarea. I was initially thrilled. The forums actually work! 11months down the line I see no change. It was said they were set for "long term implementation". How long is a piece of string I guess springs to mind. My issue is not with this.

Instead I want to see the progress that is hopefully being made. I doubt it would take much to to add these to the dev roadmap yet my request was ignored. Why? I offered to read through the forums myself and help the devs out in this. That was several months ago. I was told the devs would get back to me but they haven't. Clearly the devs don't need help reading the forums then. So what is it? Why can't such a simple task of adding things, things that you agreed would be implemented, to the dev roadmap be done?

Furthermore some ideas were put under consideration. Can I have the results from these? Dare I ask have they even been considered??

Can these subjects be added to the dev roadmap please under the following headers:

In progress:
These ideas were set for long term implementation. As such I would like to see their progress after nearly a year.
  • New NPC bosses
  • PvP trainer

Verification of possible implementation:
These ideas said they would be considered. If they have been turned down I would, at the very least, like to know that. At the very best I would like to know why they have been turned down. If they have been accepted could they be added to the dev roadmap. If they are still under consideration could they be added to the dev roadmap.
  • Addition of PvP points as an alternative to crafting or dropped NPC pieces.
  • Improving the stats or dropping the price on the kami/kara/marauder/neutral skirt.
  • Finishing the kami/kara/marauder/neutral armour sets.
  • Special Civ faction armour.

Thank you,

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:50:53 UTC

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