
#1 [en] 

Hi there!

I have decided to remake and add to my previous post "PvP armour/shizzle" simply because it received so many posts that a fresh start was needed :) Hopefully more people can share their ideas about how to increase PvP within ryzom and add new fun things for everyone.

*If you like any ideas please post comment! *
The more people who want it, the bigger chance of it getting done.

Forest and Desert LA NPC's.
Currently there is LA NPCs in the other 2 regions but not these two. For them to be up would be fun for everyone. In terms of a crystal/crafting drop I think all LA NPC's should drop a crystal, a piece and a plan.

The NPC LA crafting scheme could be near identical to the NPC HA however I propose 1 big difference. An alternative route of using the crystal would be trading it into a PvP merchant with a certain amount of PvP points (eg 10k) to obtain a single piece of NPC LA with similar stats (maybe slightly better) than the dropped LA piece.

Kami/kara/marauder PvP items.
There is only 1 skirt available at the moment and the stats aren't even that great. Its a lot of killing (10-40+ hours of solid PvP assuming you always win) for little reward. I think the stats could do with a boost- or the PVP point price could do with dropping. Also a whole set would be great rather than just a single item.

PvP Trainer
It was suggested in my last forum topic that a PvP trainer could be implemented on silian or the mainland. There is already such a guy on silian just without missions. I think this would be a great way to show new players a little about PvP. Such a trainer on the mainland could teach more for example about the aim head stanzas etc.

I understand the devs have a lot on their plate however some of the ideas I dont believe will be difficult to implement. A new tough NPC LA boss would make ryzom a much more fun place! Finishing the PvP rewards I don't think would be too much effort and would be a great touch.

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

i agree! really wack that you can only buy a shield and a skirt, and the skirt costing 40k! Only getting 300 (or 350) pts per kill in tagged pvp is weak if the price is so high, and for ONE piece! weak sauce if u ask me..please finish the PVP rewards!
PVP trainer sounds cool too, never have i seen the arena on silan being used.. unless i camped till somebody ran through lol

Seems the game has been very quiet lately due to people being bored! We're losing players to other games! Let's make Ryzom fun again :)

Last edited by Bucshotz (1 decade ago)



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#3 [en] 

I'll support all of it Virg, provided of course that an alternate route to the same rewards is available via a non PvP route.


#4 [en] 

My reasoning behind more PvP rewards was that it has so little (a skirt and sheild).,Where-as PvE has so many (digging sup mats, NPC bosses, sup bosses etc). However if that would be the price to pay to have PvP rewards implemented then so be it :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [en] 


I'm not aware that PvP'ers were somehow prohibited from getting sup mats, NPC bosses, sup bosses, etc. If there are PvP only rewards, there should be PvE only rewards .... unless there's going to be a tiered subscription rate where PvE's pay less cause they get less content / reward access. Meybe each time peeps "tag up" should add a dollar to your subscription rate :)

Of cousre Im being facetious but even NH screws the Atys Citizen..... why does going to one NH transporter w/ fame = 100 net you more than going to 4 NH guys w/ fame = 50 ? Seems like w/ all the extra travel and TP cost, he shud do better, no ?

In the original temple wars, you could "build (craft) the temple" and earn points w/o engaging in PvP. I guess my point is, the number of lights on in friends list is shrinking every day. Accomodating as many play styles as possible, makes the game attractive to a wider audience and , hopefully, keeps it alive.


#6 [en] 

Im not saying we don't have access to these things. My point is in order to get them we have to do PvE. If there were PvP only rewards then they would be open to everyone. All that needs doing is taking part in PvP like I have to take part in PvE for everything i need.
NPC bosses are PvE only rewards. Where is the PvP in that?

I couldn't agree more that we need to be accomadating as many playing styles as possible. I love this community and this game- would hate to see it die out.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#7 [en] 

Whaddya mean "if there were PvP only rewards ? For example, is there PvE access to PvP Points and SN's ?

Let me try this analogy. You and I go to a restaurant where the deal is ya get a 3 course meal for $19.95. Waitress comes over and says .... would you like the prime rib, steak or chicken. I'm a vegetarian so I ask what I can have instead of the meat course. She says there are no substitutions. I then ask, well how much is it for just 2 courses and she says that t there is no price break for 2 courses "cause we offered you the 3rd course and you could have eaten it if you wanted to".

The position that "all that needs doing is taking part in PvP" is like asking the vegetarian to eat meat and then when declined, to pay for it anyway. Im not suggesting that there shouldn't be PvP only rewards, I'm just saying there oughta be another way to obtain equivalent (not same) items ..... to continue the analogy .... vegetarians oughta be able to eat to.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#8 [en] 

SNs there is access. You just have to avoid the PvPers :P Also you forget that whilst yes PvPers can kill you and prevent you from digging that thye have to actually dig themselves (PvE) to get the rewards. PvP points you can't get but then again currently they arent worth much.

You can flip the analogy back on yourself. You can PvE and have everything you need. I am unable to PvP and have everything I need without engaging in PvE.
You can get dug mats through PvE- can i get them through PvP?
You can kill bosses during PvE- can i get them through PvP?
I'm not saying I want dug mats- just saying its PvE only (although in SNs you mostly have to be able to PvP to get at them.

I still would accept PvE access to similar rewards- i just think it isn't neccissary.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#9 [en] 

Again, an argument that states there's an option that doesn't exist. Unless of course you are saying that I can go to the SN area and PvP'ers will respect my desire not to engage in PvP ?

As for the counter argument, are you really suggesting there is a PvP only "option" ?

Of course PVE access isn't necessary for you .... you have chosen to PvP and already have that path so it is redundant. And you are quite comfortable with others not having access (many feel, more for me ... yay !).

Then again, looking deeper, is it ? Recognizing the amount of people in each category, other games from the getgo, offer PvP and PvE servers so as to provide the paying public with the choice and thereby maintain access to multiple markets.

We all know Ryzom can't afford that . The merge was the result of a low player base .... if more people get frustrated about limited options for PvE players, and leave will the one server have enough player base to remain open ? Then where will the Ryzom PvP be ? .... but a memory.


#10 [en] 

i don't think there's a problem with anything regarding PVE. We just want the PVP rewards to be finished is the main problem imo.



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#11 [en] 

What I am saying is that there isn't a PvP only option where-as there is a PvE only option. You can happily spend your entire time doing PvE- where-as I can't do the same for PvP. In order to have a chance at PvP you have to have gear and weapons and these are got through PvE.

I am not saying that PvP should be completely self sufficient of course but I would like PvP to be more self-sufficient and have decent rewards. In a real life analogy if you kill someone you can take their items and I'm sure during medieval times after a battle there was a massive variety of gear on the ground and on the dead not just a skirts and shields.

PvP points is a great way of replacing this loot system and essentially protecting the gear of the player who died. There is currently one flaw with them- there are only 2 items as a reward. I fail to see why there shouldn't be an entire armor set.

I strongly disagree with the notion that just because PvP players get access to something that means that PvE players should have access through a different path. If that were true then PvP players should be able to get sup dug mats and sup boss mats through PvP points which is of course just silly.

As I said before if it meant the PvP rewards being added to then I would accept the fact that PvE players could have access to similar rewards through a different path however I would still disagree with it.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#12 [en] 

While I would tend to agree more with Freddy's view point than any other, I think you're all fighting a losing argument; the PvP/PvE lobbies will never agree with each other. Every thread that even mentions PvP rewards descends into the same tired old discussions.

How many times do we see the "I have to do PvE to get the same rewards but you don't have to do PvP" argument? There's a simple reason PvP doesn't get the same level of rewards as PvE, it wasn't originally part of the game.It wasn't part of Nevrax's original vision, it was all Jessica Mulligan's fault. You're not supposed to be able to supply yourself with gear through PvP; that's what the environment is for.

We've seen the same "why should PvP get exclusive rewards?" argument too. I don't have an answer to that, but I am tired of both.

Mostly PvP is a choice, PvE is the core of the game, Going after SNs in PvP areas ISN'T a choice, PvP is forced on you, which is why I CHOOSE not to go there. You can choose not to do PvE but then you're missing the point of the game and the bulk of the gameplay. To twist Freddy's analogy, it's like going into a restaurant world reknowned for its fish menu and asking for steak.

I played the game when it was purely PvE; when they brought in PvP, I tried it once, didn't like it and never did it again. Am I missing out? I certainly don't think so.

Yes the bulk of this game is PvE related, but that's the point. The whole point of Ryzom IS the environment; if it wasn't, why did Nevrax make it so damn good?? I'm not talking about the stuff you can bash or dig, I'm talking about the world, the flora and fauna. Try putting down your pick/sword and looking around you. Watch how the animals interact, watch the sunsets. This is a truly immersive world that Nevrax created, I kind of get the feeling that anyone who simply runs about digging/bashing is missing the point.

There IS a way that PvP players could get Sup Mats that makes roleplay sense, allow them to loot their opponent and take them from their lifeless body, assuming they have any in their bag. One final thought, an LA NPC would be PvE not PvP. ;-p


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#13 [en] 

This is a sandbox game. Here let me take something from the ryzom mainpage for you:

Overview of our MMORPG

A unique MMORPG Universe
Our MMORPG is based on Freedom
Our MMORPG is Role-play oriented
Multiplayer Consensual PvP
Strong Role-play & RPG Community

I'm afraid I don't see "PvE core, we don't like PvP so won't implement anything new".

Until that shows up I will keep pushing forward ideas to help grow PvP. I am not asking for PvP to get the same rewards as PvE. This game is on the verge of dying- the servers have already been merged due to that fact. I love ryzom and don't want to see it die. I believe decent PvP rewards would spark an interest in PvP and help build up the PvP community- I fail to see why so many are against this. Just because ryzom is mostly PvE doesn't mean that no other PvP elements should be added. This is just the same for LA NPC bosses- more variety, new fun and a new challenge.

People who run about digging/bashing are having fun doing it. Games are made to bring enjoyment (otherwise we wouldn't pay). I assure you I am getting the point simply by the fact that I have fun. If this game was made simply for you to go around enjoying the environment and staring at mobs it wouldn't have skills in the first place.

I'd love a looting option but I couldn't think of a faster way to kill the game- half the playerbase would leave. I assume you wouldn't be bothered by a looting option as you don't venture into these areas- how very NIMBY of you. Thats why PvP points are in place instead- lets just actually make use of them and add more decent rewards.

If you look at this thread it says "PvP/PvE rewards and ideas". The new LA NPC is my PvE idea. I just would like new content to this game to bring more opportunities for fun for everyone. Seems a shame that people are so dead set against PvP that they can't look past this and see there is a PvP community playing this game also and they would like some new content.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#14 [en] 

This post is an excellent example of why the Rules for suggestion posts clearly state:"1 idea per thread only. If you find that the idea of the thread brings you onto another idea, make a new thread."

This thread contained five ideas. The previous thread,, evolved to contain eight recognizably different ideas including these five. Please keep in mind the rule for suggestion posts and try to limit future posts to one idea (or perhaps two very closely linked ideas). In the future we may ask posters to take a forum thread and separate it prior to response.

IDEA 1 -Forest and Desert LA NPC's
Currently there is LA NPCs in the other 2 regions but not these two. For them to be up would be fun for everyone. In terms of a crystal/crafting drop I think all LA NPC's should drop a crystal, a piece and a plan.
=> The idea about new Boss NPC's is validated and set for long term development.

The NPC LA crafting scheme could be near identical to the NPC HA however I propose 1 big difference. An alternative route of using the crystal would be trading it into a PvP merchant with a certain amount of PvP points (eg 10k) to obtain a single piece of NPC LA with similar stats (maybe slightly better) than the dropped LA piece.
=> This will be studied: There are complex matters of game balance to be considered.

IDEA 3 - Kami/kara/marauder PvP items
There is only 1 skirt available at the moment (...)I think the stats could do with a boost-  or the PVP point price could do with dropping.
=> This will be studied: There are complex matters of game balance to be considered.

Also a whole set would be great rather than just a single item.
=> This will be studied.

IDEA 5 - PvP Trainer
It was suggested in my last forum topic that a PvP trainer could be implemented on silian or the mainland. There is already such a guy on silian just without missions. I think this would be a great way to show new players a little about PvP. Such a trainer on the mainland could  teach more for example about the aim head stanzas etc.
=> This idea is set for long term consideration because it is a lot of work for a start zone.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#15 [en] 

Thank you for the responses :) Good point next time I will stick to 1 idea per thread!



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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