
#1 [en] 

Virg's PvP Shizzle thread got me thinking, even though I am not a PvP passionate player.

Now there must be a way of creating a mutual agreement for players to do PvP, similar to Daomeis suggestion of Kami and Karas meeting for bashing to get the points without being penalised or punished.

Question: Is it possible to create an item that will be dropped automatically when a char gets killed, and this item can be picked up by other players or will be returned to the starting position ready for another pick up. This item will also need to be visible.


I was thinking of a capture-the-flag kind of region. (most players will know such things from shooters)
Groups could enter the region and find the item in the middle of the region. This item needs to be carried to an area and then the group will get a bonus of points.

As chars can be easily devided by fame, Kara, Kami, Neutral and Marauders, it shouldn't be difficult to distinguish the teams in the PvP area. Well teams are teams anyway, but that would restrict it to only a max group of 9.

Points per kill of course and lets say 1000 extra points for delivering the item into the save area, which will be divided by the size of the group.

I know very basic, but I can't get my head around the item, it's dropping and visibility.

Last edited by Razrah (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Interesting idea of which i would have no idea about.

In terms of mutual agreement for PvP- that goes on a fair bit already. Just ask around if anyone wants some PvP and if you are able to get in on a fight. We usually do 2v2, 3v3 etc and sometimes you might find a 3v3v3 (marauder vs kara vs kami) which can be a bit messy :)

The only "rules" we generally stick to is having the same number on each side to make things fair and of course only starting the fight when all are ready. Its good fun and you should give it a go sometime- see if you can get a taste for it! Oh and we dont fight to get points- just for the fun of it :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:46:01 UTC

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