
#1 [en] 

KARAVAN announcement
"By the Eternal Light of Jena, the Goddess calls Her believers! 

Before the second Great Swarm the homins built up Temples of Jena as a symbol of their faith and belief. Soon the time will come again when these holy sites will fill the hearts of Hominkind with the light and blessings of Jena.

Until then, the followers of Jena, the Karavan, do not want to leave the homins alone and have decided to build outposts, preparing the way for the reconstruction of Her Temples. While most of the materials for these outposts will be supplied by the Karavan themselves, some additional resources are needed.

Starting on 14h - Prima, Frutor 7, 1st AC 2572*, Kuilde agents can be found at the old temple sites near Yrkanis and Fairhaven to inform you about the materials and amounts needed for this task and to accept your donations. The Karavan will reward you for your contributions.

You can find the building sites at these locations:

The Outpost in Majestic Garden (Yrkanis) is north of the road leading west from Yrkanis.
The Outpost in Liberty Lake (Fairhaven) is south of Farely Farm, east of Fairahven.

May Jena's light shine above you!"

* [ooc] Starting from Friday, 22 March 2013 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago). The event will be accessible until all  materials are collected. This probably will take some days.

Note: The event does not involve PvP or necessarily  lead into PvP. To make hostile interactions between followers of Jena, followers of Ma-Duk and Marauders possible, we want to encourage you to deliberately activate  your PvP-tag. [ooc]

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

KAMI announcement
"Ma-Duk, creator and protector of Atys, calls all believers! 

Before the second Great Swarm the homins built up Temples to Ma-Duk as a symbol of their faith and belief. Soon the time will come again when these holy sites will be rebuilt to show the glory and truth of the worship of Ma-Duk.

Until then, the Kami, Ma-Duk's emissaries, do not want to leave the homins alone and have decided to build outposts, preparing the way for the reconstruction of the Temples. While most of the materials for these outposts will be supplied by the Kami themselves, some additional resources are needed.

Starting on 14h - Prima, Frutor 7, 1st AC 2572*,  members of The Company of the Eternal Tree can be found at the old temple sites near Pyr and Zora to inform you about the materials and amounts needed for this task and to accept your donations. The Kami will reward you for  your contributions.

You can find the building sites at these locations:

The Outpost in Imperial Dunes (Pyr) is north of the city in the Valley of Emperors..
The Outpost in Cities of Intuition (Zora) is east of Zora and north of Still Waters.

May the blessings of Ma-Duk sustain you!"

* [ooc] Starting from Friday, 22 March 2013 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago). The event will be accessible until all  materials are collected. This probably will take some days.

Note: The event does not involve PvP or necessarily  lead into PvP. To make hostile interactions between followers of Jena, followers of Ma-Duk and Marauders possible, we want to encourage you to deliberately activate  your PvP-tag. [ooc]

#3 [en] 

[i]As soon as the Seasonal Endowment of Jen-Laï ended, earlier than usual, Fey-Lin, Laï-Poko and Clever, from the shizu Talian-Zu, went in the Lakes of Liberty, east from Fairhaven.
There were things from the Karavan, and an agent from the Kuild was supervising and leading the homins coming to speak to him.

Laï-Poko and Fey-Lin began to speak in the languages apparented of the cities of Jen-Laï and Min-Cho *

Please listen to my words.
The Karavan ask your help to build an outpost, for your temples.
An outpost, consider this : It's a military term !
The Karavan sends you back on the way to conflict, as 40 years ago. A conflict that has cost many ressources to Atys, and many lives to hominkind.
So much efforts wasted to have us all fight each others, worse, weakening us against the kitin threat.

Please leave this fool project, the first temple for faith, is the homin. The Karavan is manipulating you because they follow their own agenda, with nothing in common with the goddess which is just a pretext for them.

I'm not here to ask you to abandon your faith, but to open your eyes on it's true meaning. If you keep obeying the Karavan, it will just be the chain that keeps you under slavery.

Few peoples were present, some from Clan Mac Fay, some from others guilds and clans **
All seemed nervous, but they just briefly mocked the "Kami demons". One asked if they came to dictate their behaviour. "You just hear us, and I hope you listen to us" simply answered Fey-Lin.

The little group then went to the Verdant Realm, and speaked again. More peoples were there, looking for informations. Once again, mockeries ... more. An homin woman gave explanation that according to her, this building operation was pacific, so shall she help...

'Today they can laugh, if tomorrow they think about it." said Fey-Lin. Then did the group leave.

* french and english
** Sorry, i didn't write down all guilds i have seen there, wrote from memory

Last edited by Feylin (1 decade ago)


Fey-Lin Liang

#4 [en] 

A notice can be found on the boards of all cities, signed with just the name of Salazar Caradini:


It came to my knowing that some disciples of the Ma-Duk faith addressed you regarding the Karavan and their prithee for help to build a temple for the followers in the belief of Jena. They told and tell you that the Karavan prepares for another War, that they are manipulating the homins into conflict, that they would just follow their own evil agenda to gain power; and their one argument for this theory is that he Karavan used the term "outpost" when asking for help, while this (according to those homins arguing) would be a strictly military term.


Those who can hear or listen - those who think - you, Homin! - reading this, can choose if the term "outpost", if used by the Karavan, is martial, while used by the Kami it is not. For the Kami used exactly the same wording when they asked their faithful followers to help them rebuilding their shrines. Also, if you were at the assemblys of Kamist and Karavaneer nations you might have recognised that Kamists used the term first. Now I ask you: Makes that the Karavaneers agressive, does that make them conquerors? Or what does the wording, and the conclusion, say about the followers of Ma-Duk and their ambition and faith?

Listen to your senses, homin, and to your heart. Decide on where any falsehood lies. And if you did, then also decide which God can be trusted, and which one is trying to manipulate you at all costs - even at the price of another War.

Choose wisely, homin, for Jena's light will only be with those obliged to truth, and she shares her wisdom with those who believe with convincement and are not blinded by lies.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#5 [en] 

A new notice appeared under previous one


I am the one who adressed you.
Don't misunderstand me : the order of Ma-Duk is obviously preparing for war too.
The thing that has to be precised is that it is the Karavan who began with this war long time ago, during what is called already the Temple Wars.
It is the Karavan who prepared a surprise attack, hopefully revealed by the Guild of Elias.
The Order of Ma-Duk only answered to the threat. And it is just logical and wise that the Order of Ma-Duk still prepare for the coming attacks.

Still, it is homikind that would pay the price of this war. Only those who started it can stop it.
I beg you all to think about it. Don't let the Karavan use you in this. Kitins lurks behind us all.

Fey-Lin Liang

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Feylin (1 decade ago)


Fey-Lin Liang

#6 [en] 

When Salazar received a copy of Fey-Lin Liang's statement, his face for a second blushed with anger.

"Indeed, they are either stupid or vile, these Kamists! What is this balderdash? There is no truth in it, not a word!" His soft voice sounded like a growl for a turn. "I have no idea where this homina was during the temple wars; but I remember the announcements of the Karavan and the Kami, and those of Elias vividly. I also do remember very well how the Karavan spoke about the building of temples in preparation for the coming of Jena, and how they pledged for the protection of the prospectors against threads by Kitins and others, while the ambassador of the Kami openly asked for help to attack the Karavaneers, to hinder their efforts to erect a temple, and to kill them for the false god - as if bloodshed would be the most sufficient gift to Ma-Duk, a sacrifice of many homins on his altar to secure the erection of their sanctuaries!"

"As is that would not have been perverse enough! Ma-Duk's disciples got into a kind of blood-thirsty rage, and while they enjoyed the slaughter of our prospectors and their guards and bathed in their blood, things became that bad that Elias spoke to the homins and more or less asked his followers to help us, because he saw the balance of power he so adores in grave danger. Imagine that!" Salazar laughed - a short, mirthless, bitter laughter.

"By Jena, Menthys - this Zorai is either out of her mind or looking for another excuse to start a war - which, no doubt, she will attribute to us later. As a Matis poet once wrote: There's an east wind coming, such a wind as never blew on Atys yet. It will be cold and bitter, and a good many of us may wither before its blast."

"But those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind, Menthys."

The slender Matis sighed and sat down heavily, as if a huge weight was put on his shoulders.

"Leave me alone now. There are many things I have to think about. There is no cure for this poison here -" - he tipped on Fey-Lin Liang's note - "- but we have to prepare for yet more lies in the times ahead."


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 23:14:23 UTC

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