
#1 [en] 

Hi there!

*If you like any ideas please post comment! *
(even as small as "yessss virg is a genius- this should be done")
The more people who want it, the bigger chance of it getting done.

I really believe its time for some new pvp orientated armour. I am referring to LA mostly however can also be done with MA. There are several ways to implement this into the game, here are some of my ideas:

Forest and Desert NPC's.
Currently there is LA NPCs in the other 2 regions but not these two. For them to be up would be fun for everyone. In terms of a crystal/crafting drop I think these LA NPC's should only drop a crystal and a piece. You then could use the crystal and a certain amount of PVP points (lets say 10k) and trade it to a faction merchant for a single piece of NPC LA (similar stats to the reckless armour).

There is only 1 skirt available at the moment and the stats aren't even that great. Its a lot of killing for little reward. I think the stats could do with a boost- or the PVP point price could do with dropping. Also a whole set would be great rather than just a single item.

Faction armour.
I think would be a nice touch- burning fyros boots, electric zorai gloves, maybe black smoky armour for marauders etc etc :) Using civ faction points to buy them- maybe not amazing stats but at least average (but with 3 dodge?)

I'm not asking for all these to be done- but i think at least one? A new tough NPC LA boss would make ryzom a much more fun place! and also I'm dying to get my hands on some gear with similar stats to the reckless.

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

Considering how not much is being implemented at the moment, i'm down with anything new. So all three or 1 of the 3 will be great for me.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#3 [en] 

+3 dodge?  Not asking for much are you, Virg?

Good PvP armor is capable of being made from normal Atys materials if people are willing to work on it.  What you seem to be talking about is *looks* rather than attributes on the already high powered NPC armor.  Why not, instead, simply allow different appearance patterns to be used with the current NPC's and attributes?

IMHO, PvP players don't need better stats, just different appearance so they don't look like robots.  By the way, are you volunteering to do the modeling and skinning? If not, how about finding a friend who can so that you're not asking an already over-worked dev team to make pretty pictures when there are bugs to find and solve.  If they can't catch up on those, there sure as heck isn't time for them to do this project.

-- Bittty (feeling just a little grumpy this evening)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [en] 

I agree to Bittty, except that I do not see that any player in Ryzom looks like robots (I would like new armour skins and plans, sure, if there is somebody finding the time to implement. I would prefer more urgent reconstructions of still missing old content such as the advanced occupations, or the watchers' camps, much more). Anyway, I think that the idea of LA craft crystals (and plans) is not bad at all, allowing to reproduce Marauder LA similar to Eroukan HA. I would be opposed to grant that possibility to PvP players only, though, they should be open to any crafter.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#5 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
By the way, are you volunteering to do the modeling and skinning? If not, how about finding a friend who can so that you're not asking an already over-worked dev team to make pretty pictures when there are bugs to find and solve.  If they can't catch up on those, there sure as heck isn't time for them to do this project.

luckily the first suggestion wouldn't need this... "just" some major work on implementing 2 new bosses as the skinning for the armour is already in the game ;-)


#6 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
+3 dodge?  Not asking for much are you, Virg?

Good PvP armor is capable of being made from normal Atys materials if people are willing to work on it.  What you seem to be talking about is *looks* rather than attributes on the already high powered NPC armor.  Why not, instead, simply allow different appearance patterns to be used with the current NPC's and attributes?

Basically the first issue is that the best gear currently in the game is the Reckless Armour which is no longer available to obtain. This isn't just one armour set- the reckless gear covers LA, MA and HA. This people may not have worked hard/lost many masters- is this fair?

The second issue is that the PvP gear that is available to be crafted entails;
- A master digger for sups (must be PR)
- A master crafter to craft (+ occupations to reduce degrades)
- Possibly OP mats for boosted stats (the only element which caters for PvPers and which is subject to a great deal of politics and reliance on dappers which is a major issue as a result of the economy which has been implemented)
- And finally farming and timing the bosses (which many will struggle with and which will only require actual killing IF you are lucky enough to come across the boss randomly or else like I said, time and farm him successfully).

This method does not really cater for PvPers very much.

This means people who just want to PVP are completely reliant on other people.
Teamwork is an important aspect which Ryzom implements, however, there is teamwork and there is COMPLETE reliance on someone, for example, especially regarding the Master Crafter.

It is a matter of fact that many guilds simply have no access to the tools required to craft the gear. Supply is extremely limited and this isn't competition for resources- this is domination. The well supplied guilds get better and the small guilds don't get a look in.

Basically my suggestion opens up the chance for people to go through another route to get decent gear and further promotes PvPing! :)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#7 [en] 

Virg, I understand what you are meaning and wishing for, but I disagree. Your ideas fit to a game like Guildwars (1), where PvE and PvP are quite strictly separated and every PvP player receives top stats and top attributes equipment right away from start.

I don't criticize that scheme which allows for PvP on a completely equal base where only combat experience, reaction and skill decide about the winning or losing side.

The world of Ryzom is different. You have to earn your skills before you are a match for older, more experienced players who have a superiority in all stats you have to grind for quite a time. If they have mastered several branches of fight and magic if will even take longer to be at par. That is somehow the price of a persistent world and sandbox game.

You are complaining about good armors for reckless. Yet reckless players started from lvl 1 in all and have to grind a lot until they can even think of wearing the lower level (q100) armors given to them. If they want to use the q200 excellent generic material up to its full potential they need to raise crafting skills to 190 in any branch where they want to craft items from.

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#8 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Virg, I understand what you are meaning and wishing for, but I disagree. Your ideas fit to a game like Guildwars (1), where PvE and PvP are quite strictly separated and every PvP player receives top stats and top attributes equipment right away from start.

I don't criticize that scheme which allows for PvP on a completely equal base where only combat experience, reaction and skill decide about the winning or losing side.

The world of Ryzom is different. You have to earn your skills before you are a match for older, more experienced players who have a superiority in all stats you have to grind for quite a time. If they have mastered several branches of fight and magic if will even take longer to be at par. That is somehow the price of a persistent world and sandbox game.

You are complaining about good armors for reckless. Yet reckless players started from lvl 1 in all and have to grind a lot until they can even think of wearing the lower level (q100) armors given to them. If they want to use the q200 excellent generic material up to its full potential they need to raise crafting skills to 190 in any branch where they want to craft items from.

Firstly older more experienced players can be beaten with quite simple tactics- I have killed many marauders and "top pvpers" with unmastered skills (lvl 212 and 240).

I am not complaining about "good armours" for reckless. They have hands down the best armour in the game. Their q100 LA is better than dante LA. Some people went reckless who didn't even have masters- trading little grinding time for the best 3 sets of armour in the game, how ridiculous is that?

I am not asking for everything to be focused around PVP. In order to obtain NPC LA in my plan you would first need to kill the NPC LA boss and also have some PVP points. The armour in mind would only be slightly better than dante- and dante is extremely easy to get. This is just more PVP orientated.

You can't deny more NPC bosses would mean more fun for pretty much everyone.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#9 [en] 

Let's compare stats :
reckless LA : = boosted LA outside of dodge
+2 dodge, +1 parry 29% 246 protect 150 sap/hp
Reckless MA : = best MA ever
+2 dodge and parry 44% 391 protect q200 (+100 hp) +150 stam/hp
Reckless HA = average marauder boosted rubbarn q200
+2 dodge +4 parry 64% 585 protect q150 (+150 hp) +200hp/+150stam

Silver pack HA : = Average q200 marauder boosted rubbarn
+2 dodge + 4parry 64% 585 protect q200 +150 hp/stam (=reckless HA)

Pei ruz armor
+3 dodge +1 parry 25% 224 protect +150 hp/sap
Sirgio armor
+1 dodge +4 parry 60% 532 protec q200 +150hp/50stam

So yes, they have best armors in game, outside of LA. Dante LA is still better, because of dodge modifier. And some of them were just beginners or alts. So what? This armors get used pretty fast, believe me.

And Dante is not that easy to get... he has to be up first, before being slained, and he is over checked so i'm not sure many guilds have entire sets yet

Anyway, i would gladly accept new LA NPC, or even MA. But with stats equals to actuals LA NPC.

But as said Daomei, there is things that come 1st, like fixing the encyclopedia, adv occs, almati access...

#10 [en] 

I am personally against most of these NPC boss stuff and ideas, mainly based on the loss of fun for crafters.
I am not saying that balance could do the trick but just demanding more superior NPC boss armour or products, e.g. next time round someone asks for NPC boss jewels, is bad for crafters.

See, currently getting a decent amour with good attributes for PvP is prettig difficult, hence getting boss-mob-loot and sup mats, plus using the awful-chance-faction-tools to get the most out of it (again, more rare mats and time is required).
On the other hand, bash a NPC-boss frequently enough, taking 20-40min depending on team and you got your armour.

So whats in it for crafter? Getting not near enough close to the NPC-boss equivalent and still not looking "cool" like it either.

Most armour crafters craft for the style out of these reasons, but beyond that? Not much.

If at all I would rather see an empowerment of the crafters by introducing new styles, mixing of colours, options of bumping up the attributes of the armour or else, then another NPC boss.
There must be plenty of other ideas out there for armour crafting, e.g. attaching amber or eyes to the armour to reflect magic, I dearly hope so.

I acknowledge that yet another NPC is "easier" to implement and boosts more PvP competition, but ultimately it pushes crafter more and more out of their jobs.

#11 [en] 

Razrah (atys)
I am personally against most of these NPC boss stuff and ideas, mainly based on the loss of fun for crafters.

The crafters have plenty of fun and have plenty to do. Currently the PVPers have next to nothing. A balance is needed. This armour would not put crafters out of jobs- this armour is already in place with dante and pei- I'm just asking for 2 more LA NPC bosses (in forest and desert) like there is with HA NPCs.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#12 [en] 

Timna (atys)
So yes, they have best armors in game, outside of LA. Dante LA is still better, because of dodge modifier. And some of them were just beginners or alts. So what? This armors get used pretty fast, believe me.

So the best armour in the game shouldn't be as easy as clicking a single button to get.
Timna (atys)
And Dante is not that easy to get... he has to be up first, before being slained, and he is over checked so i'm not sure many guilds have entire sets yet.

Dante takes 15-30minutes to kill and his spawn time isn't too slow- as people get bored never finding him they will stop checking and he will be found up more often.
Timna (atys)
Anyway, i would gladly accept new LA NPC, or even MA. But with stats equals to actuals LA NPC.

This makes sense- I was however after the armour to equal or better the reckless armour. However the implementing of a new LA NPC boss is my main goal regardless of stats.
Timna (atys)
But as said Daomei, there is things that come 1st, like fixing the encyclopedia, adv occs, almati access...

Bugs will always be prominent and always need fixing. This shouldn't get in the way of progression.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#13 [en] 

Completely agreed with the thread starter. Ryzom PvP shop looks like a junkman's store. One skirt, one shield, some crystals, useless mat and a pick (oops, no mat and no pick for now) with slightly better stats and different appearance. How exciting. Buying anything of that stuff feels like wasting of hard earned PvP points. Sets of faction armor? Faction weapons? Faction ammo? Faction consumables? There is none of these. How come that PvE players can get the best gear in game through their favourite activities, while what PvP folks get looks like a sheer mockery. 

Let be honest, Ryzom is a gear-centered game. In order to obtain proper gear, to have fun and be successful in their preferable activities PvP players are forced to do lots of PvE  - digging, crafting, occupation runs, hunting bosses and even such boring occupancy as digging supremes. I don't want to do neither of these, i want to fight other like-minded players. Why i can't be properly rewarded for my gameplay? Instead of this i have to waste weeks with pick in hand.

Also why it is so when there is PvE being discussed, everybody takes it as granted that boss hunts or PR harvesting yield best rewards, but when PvP items being on par with them are mentioned, there are always some people popping up in the thread and angrily demanding this being ceased? If you like digging and crafting it's fine that you may get rare materials for your hard work and craft unique gear. If you like PvP you are supposed to be rewarded alike. There are supremes in PR - there also should be generic supreme material in PvP shops. One can make or trade crafted supreme items - one also should have the ability to buy equal items with PvP points. So everybody does whatever he or she likes more, whether it being digging dirt or killing others. Two different ways to obtain top gear with one way not prevailing over another one - this is called balance. But, when it comes to PvE vs PvP, there is no such thing in Ryzom.

#14 [en] 

Tumbleweed- you speak my mind. I could not agree more.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#15 [en] 

Tumbleweed and Virg: What I frequently criticize with such approach, is the attitude of the complaint: You want to be rewarded for doing PvP, why? What is the reward for roleplayers? There are no RP shops, no RP mats, no RP points. Those liking RP are "wasting" hours and hours for no other reward than their own fun and that of their peers. Though, RP is up and alive and is attracting many.

Quite similar with diggers and crafters. Do you really believe that one masters 16 branches only in order to have best gear, or 5 ecos only to dig for others, and not simply because it is fun, because it is a lot of satisfaction to craft good gear from apparently moderate mat by a tricky recipe, because even the grind has its calm and satisfaction?

Where is your enthusiasm for PvP which may convince an at least PvP skeptic like me who after some experiences refrained from practising it completely, that it is a good thing, that it can give fun and thrill, that it is motivating in a way enthusiastic diggers and crafters motivated me when I was about to give up? Granted, I know some players who apparently have fun with PvP as a value in itself. Those are not complaining about missing rewards, and those and only those would be able to convince those like me.

In my eyes, PvPers opposed to RPers have a lot: playgrounds like LoU, Nexus, the Arena, tagging, duel proposal, OP battles. Those who don't do PvP are excluded from OP mat, something you both liked to "forget".

To me it looks much like spoiled brats who got the factions, the tags, the PvP areas, the Outposts, and get tired of the old toys soon crying for new toys. What I miss, are player organized PvP events which make PvP in Ryzom lively and attractive. I might think about schools of Martial Arts (possibly nation based academies) where experienced PvP players teach the younger, develop agendas for examinations and contests, tournaments national and world champion contests etc.

Simply giving the next toy to the bored brats will not help. Definitely not.

Edit: What I expect from "real" PvP players: That they be enthusiasts and experts of the fighting system, exploring any corner and any possibility of it like I am exploring any corner on and under the bark for digging spots, creature movements and behaviour, boss spawns etc., any mat for a better recipe, no matter how long it lasts and how often I die. The really good PvP players I met were of that kind. If they had to fight naked and unarmed, they did, and were frightening foes even then. If PvP is not more than a way to get nifty gear, it can be dumped.

Edit 2: It is true though, that the PvP merchant could have a better assortment, a full armour set would not be bad. And the pre merge faction items should be available again if they aren't yet. That is on the restoration of lost content agenda or should be.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit Friday, 20 September 16:44:03 UTC

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