
#1 [en] 

A new announcement was available in the Cities of Intuition, and the news were spread over all nations through the ambassies.
Kamia'ata miko-ito,

The 7th Mystia, 1st AC 2572 JY, there will be a seminary taking place in Jen-Laï about Zoraï History, presented by the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, for the attention of any Initiated and any homin or homina curious about culture and history of the Theocracy.
This seminary will be presented using the languages of Min-Cho and Jen-Laï. If an interpreter was volunteer, it could also be translated into the dialect d'Hoï-Cho.

May wisdom enlight you.

(HRP : Monday, 4th march Monday, 4 March 2013 21:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago), at the bar of Jen-Laï
Languages : english and french, maybe german if translator)

Last edited by Feylin (1 decade ago)


Fey-Lin Liang

#2 [en] 

(OOC) Here you can find the english version only, which means you won't read the french translation by Paolen, but this was a cooperative presentation.
Seminary about Zoraï History
Krill bows at Elyndia.
Vous dites : Let me introduce Paolen laï-ko (intiate) to you
Zhoi shows her respect to Salazar by bowing deeply, Zhoi verbeugt sich respekterweisend tief vor Salazar
Paolen s'incline respectueusement.
Paolen dit : Kamia'ata fuuho
Vous dites : She will tell my words in the language of Jen-Laï while i speak in the Min-Cho one
Vous dites : The story of Zoraï people begins a few years before 2200. In these times, our people were not wearing masks, didn't know writings and were not living in cities.
Salazar smiles and nods at Zhoi.
Vous dites : Prehistoric Zoraï, which means, before history may be written inside amber cubes, were a nomadic people.
Vous dites : Our ancestors were settling somewhere, taking what they needed from Atys, and then leaving in order to let local nature regenerate itself.
Vous dites : The Respect of Nature has always been one of the foundation of our culture, dictated by Wisdom, itself a condition to Spiritual Accomplishment.
Vous dites : The time of the first encounter with Kami is evaluated as year 2199. This is the story of the Tears of Serenity, that Paolen is going to tell us.
Feylin liang Paolen miko (Fey-Lin écoute Paolen)
Vous dites : A long time ago, when Kami were smiling, watching their seeds acquire their own will and consciousness of the Void and the Creation ...
Vous dites : while gibads were enjoying themselves in a mostly preserved jungle ....
Vous dites : ... and while the Goo was mysteriously growiing on the Sacred Bark .. a nomadic tribe with blue skin and dark eyes settled near a high tree.
Vous dites : This tree must have been even more beautiful a few seasons ago, but the Goo had already drain a part of its vital strength
Vous dites : The leader of this tribe was called Cho, and following the tradition, as there is within us, Zoraï'i, he suddenly felt the urge of a meditation under the protective branches of the tree
Vous dites : He lie down at its base, watching afar the dancing flames of the campfire his brothers hade made
Vannox s'incline respectueusement.
Vous dites : The night covered slowly Atys, and the land of Dreams was calling the nomads.
Vous dites : suddenly, Cho felt a great calm, as if his body was absorbed byt the elder tree
Vous dites : He was no longer very young, and felt that if Jena was maybe calling him back to her, and in her glorious magnanimousness, showed him the Way that would lead him to her Realm.
Clintya bows to Kami'sAltar of Jen Lai.
Vous dites : Atys was wrapping him all, and he was feeling such a fulness inside him taht his heart was radiating well-being. As he let himself being snapped up by the calm of his atysian origin, he heard like a child's voice
Vous dites : Struggling to leave the sweet contact of the protective bark, he looked up and searched in the night.
Vous dites : A leaf noise shaked the close bush, and a strange form emerged
Vous dites : Cho stared at the creature, lookinng in its eyes and all his body graduately warmed up
Vous dites : It looked like a small horny animal with bright fur and whose clear eyes seemed to reflect the whole creation of Jena
Vous dites : With a cristal clear laugh, he brushed against Cho, and hid between the elder tree
Vous dites : Cho then understood that he should perserve each of the jungle trees from the scourge that threatened to grow up day after day.
Vous dites : The child's voice rang again at Cho's ears : 'Kami hunger !"
Vous dites : Cho then put his hand on his heart to show he was hungry of love too : "Cho wants to deserve your love, divine Kami !"
Vous dites : Cho knelt in front of the Kami, his head at same height at the creature's one, and all sorrow left him as he felt he took his place in the Great Desing of Creation
Vous dites : He felt relief and happiness, and tears of serenity falled on his cheeks
Vous dites : Back amongst his kind, Cho told them about what he just experienced
Vous dites : He told them to protect Atys and its vegetation, and to honor the sacred Bark, its genitor Jena and its guardians the Kamis
Vous dites : Around the tree, the tribe of Cho erected the first zoraï temple where for long times were venerated Jen and the Kamis
Vous dites : this first build temple-city was Zoran
Vous dites : This is how Zoraï people left nomadic behavior, and found the Path to Enlightment
Vous dites : Ari'kami Paolen
Paolen dit : Kami'ari Li'Laï-Ko
Thorthehammer stretches
Zhoi dit : thank you both. It's always a pleasure to hear these stories of old
Bastien is grateful toward Feylin.
Vous dites : This encounter marks the beginning of the history of the Theocracy. Cho, as first Ma'Kwaï (Great Mask) founded the Cho dynasty and our people began to build Temple-cities, where they could take communion with Kami, and organize their struggle against the Goo
Astarth is grateful toward Paolen.
Clever is grateful toward Feylin.
Vous dites : The encounters with Kami grew numerous, and Zoraï people grew spiritualy
Vous dites : Noticing their progress, the Kami made them a gift : the Kinship Mask.
Vous dites : Each mask is sacred and means that Kami and Zoraï adopt each other as relative.
Vous dites : Since then, year 2201, each old enough Zoraï child pass a rite called Adoption Ceremony, only accompanied by other children of same age, and the Kami, in a secret place called the Eternal Tree.
Vous dites : The Kami also taught to Zoraï how to use Magic. All this took place between years 2199 and 2205.
Vous dites : During same years, zoraï people learned about the extermination of the Momos by the Matis people, ordered by their first king Zachini.
Vous dites : This massacre, which hurted our sense of respect for life and diversity on Atys was the reason of the separation between our both peoples.
Vous dites : In order to keep this barbarity away from our people, was the Great Wall build, separating Zoran, the capital temple-city, and the Jungle from the other lands of the Ancient Lands
Thorthehammer wonders what Momos are, with a look of bewilderment
Salazar purses his lips.
Zhoi whispers to Thorthehammer: Momos were a primitive tribe like Fraiders, Gibads and Cuzanes
Vous dites : In year 2207, the Karavan made a contact with Zoraï people.
Vous dites : Their sedentary, and no longer nomadic, organisation is supposed to have draw their attention.
Vous dites : The Karavan taught the writing to the Zoraï. This knowledge allowed to pass from pre-history, with oral traditions often roughly transmited, to history and written traditions.
Vous dites : The Karavan kept making gift in order to gain the Zoraï people to them, during a hundred years before giving-up, or changing approach. This is how the science of Magnetism was taught to Zoraï.
Vous dites : Later, under Min-Cho's reign, Zoraï knew raids from fyros warriors. During a pillage, they set a city on fire, which destroyed a big part of a library.
Vous dites : Those attacks led to the decision to extend of the Wall in order to block the Fyros.
Vous dites : It was the reason for a progress which is told in the tale of the Stance of Daïsha.
Krill rolls her eyes and wonders about the love of Zoraïs for walls
Vous dites : There is few to say until year 2329. Indeed, Ancient Lands history was mainly wars from which the Zoraï stayed carefully away.
Vous dites : Pursuing they spiritual growth, Zoraï designed and built a great sphere in the heart of the temple of Zoran, where the high council could make communion with the kami.
Vous dites : At the Great Sage request, Kami used magic to render the sphere impregnable.
Vous dites : Only members of the high council wearing a kamic symbol could enter the sphere.
Vous dites : This way became definetely Kami a part of Zoraï society, and Ma-Duk, the Great Kami, became the center of their life.
Vous dites : During 2435 occured the events called under the name of the Fire of Coriolis.
Vous dites : Though the spark were lighted in the fyros desert, the fire itself had consequences for Zoraï Theocracy, from then to even today.
Vous dites : The Matis took advantage of the fire to attack the Fyros, take back the city of Karavia, and then send their armies against Trykoth in order to enslave trykers again.
Vous dites : Some fled the matis armies until they reached the great wall, which stayed closed.
Vous dites : In year 2481, the Great Swarm happened under the reign of Min-Cho, and again trykers went at the bottom of the Great Wall and died there, but the wall didn't stop the Kitins.
Vous dites : The Great Mask Min-Cho died, and the Great Sage Hoï-Cho succeeded to him.
Vous dites : The Karavan tried to take advantage of the destitution of zoraï survivors and tried to convert them, until every peoples leave the Prime Roots in year 2483.
Zimbo s'incline respectueusement.
Vous dites : This is where modern history begins, and i won't talk about that now.
Phaozhu bows deeply.
Phaozhu dit : ata ata
Paolen waves at Phaozhu.
Osquallo waves at Phaozhu.
Fitis is grateful toward Feylin.
Vous dites : What happened during and after the first Swarm is way too complex.
Fitis bows deeply at Feylin.
Phaozhu is out of breath
Krill raises her hand
Vous dites : Yui Krill ?
Krill dit : May we hear more about the stance of Daïsha?
Vous ciblez Zimbo.
Vous dites : i was afraid of such a question ....
Feylin smiles
Vous dites : Let's hear Paolen again then.
Krill smiles : i have a reputation
Feylin smiles : But there is very few beer to sell here
Phaozhu laugh
Paolen dit : Comme l'a dit Fey-Lin, bien avant le Grand Essaim, sous le règle de Lin Cho, les Anciennes Terres ont connu la fureur de la guerre.
Krill grimaces and looks her empty glass : Oy. That is true. And the bamboo-ka, ain't the same
Vous dites : As Fey-Lin said, long ago before the Great Swarm, under Lin-Cho's reign, ancients lands knew the wrath of war
Vous dites : The Fyros Empire led its troops until the gates of Zoran where the dynastic army repelled them
Vous dites : When the imperial warriors left, the zoraï national library was turned into ashes
Vous dites : Under shelter behind the new Great Wall, the council of Sages stared at the loss of writings and decided to better protect the precious knowledge of our people
Vous dites : A stance was then discovered by the greatests mages of the Theocracy, in order to turn scrolls into spheres
Vous dites : Those allowed to transport easier a lot more of knowledge
Vous dites : but something was required to hold thoses spheres and protect them form time and fire
Vous dites : On decision in the Ma'Kwaï Lin Cho, craftsmen from the whole country were invited to a competition to find a new and durable mean to preserve the elder's wisdom.
Vous dites : Fifty craftsmen, the best appliants in the whole jungle, came from all temple-cities with their appreentice, to the little village of Taï-toon where the competition would take place
Vous dites : They all were giving a final touch to their ingenious inventions to hold the knowledge sphere : urn, bowl, magic box
Vous dites : From all different size, shape and color
Vous dites : Among those inventors, a young craftsman called Hari Daïsha, coming from the far village of Din-tin, had in his hands a simple bodoc's horn, hollowed out so that it could contain until five knowledge spheres
Vous dites : the day before the competition, sitting in front of his tent, Hari was puting a fire-proof potion on the horns when a well-known city craftsman stopped and looked at him with fun.
Vous dites : "What's this yama (young homun) ? The musicians quarters are closer to the exhibition, close to the podium !"
Vous dites : "Né master Seng, this horn is my craft. See, it can hold knowledge spheres in this hermetic compartment, is fire-proof and above all, can easliy be hidden in cas of barbairan raid"
Vous dites : "amazing ! A heap of bodoc's horns, how deceptive !" exclaimed Seng
Vous dites : "Heed my words, sages will always enjoy a pretty design. If you want them to cast so much as an inquisitive eye at your effort, I'd brighten up the coarse exterior!"
Vous dites : With that Seng continued on proudly to his own camp where his chela was giving a last polish to a magnificent box of amber.
Karrael waves at Fitis.
Karrael bows at Astarth.
Vous dites : Hari Daïsha meditated a long time on what he just heard.
Vous dites : "Mmm, old Seng may be right, tomorrow the jury must study many innovations and then pronounce their verdict before the great assembly. I'd better add a little extra sheen to it to make it stand out a bit!
Vous dites : Huh, I may not be able to afford amber but there's plenty of sap in the river yonder."
Vous dites : Jungle Night was closing in as Hari, fatigued and irritated at Seng's chaff, squatted down to his chore of boiling down some sap to produce a firm jelly which he could then use to rub into the receptacle to give it a green sheen.
Vous dites : The night lamp attracted all the fireflies of the night, Hari grumbled at yet another that danced between his eyes.
Vous dites : he groused waving a sap sodden hand, and imagined a spell and cast it on one of the insects.
Vous dites : Looking at the green sap ball, he realized that he managed to trap the insect inside.
Vous dites : HiOn retrieving the translucent green ball of sap, he was able to marvel at the intricate anatomy of the creature and behold the full beauty of its highlighted wings that no homin had ever seen before.
Vous dites : "Any sage would give his book of stanzas for that," he thought, and an idea was borne into his head.
Vous dites : All night long he practiced zapping and dezapping fireflies to perfect the power words of the stanza until at last, in the small hours of the morning, a firefly was able to escape from its spherical prison and flew away totally unscathed.
Vous dites : Only at that time had Hari allowed himself to rest a bit.
Vous dites : Hari, still under the effects of the sap fumes and a hard night's work, had fallen back into deep sleep and slumbered on and on.
It was the distant sound of horns signaling that the judges had reached their decision that finally stirred him from his dream
Vous dites : No sooner had he opened an eye than he was running with his beads of sap over to the podium where none other than Master Seng was proudly holding up his box for all to see.
Vous dites : "Amber," he intoned, "will last forever and this box will give lifelong protection to anything stored inside it."
Vous dites : He then turned, according to tradition, to give the box to the master sage in exchange for the winning medal.
Vous dites : As the Saage was ready to reward master Seng, Hari piped "Wait ! "Your reverence, my piece has yet to be judged." squeezing himself out from the front row of spectators.
Vous dites : "W… what do we have here?! Silence, the winner is chosen…"
Vous dites : "My lord, if I may," interrupted Seng, who then pulled the sage aside. "I recognize this lad, he has an uncommon mind, one of a fool or of a genius. To discourage his efforts now, could mean killing a bright bird of fancy in the egg later."
Vous dites : "Yes, Seng, I see your point, it takes every twist of nature to make the world whole," agreed the sage then motioned to Hari who brought out a bead of sap form his bodoc horn and held it up to the sun for all to see.
Vous dites : The sage examined the sap-bound fly not without wonder.
Vous dites : "It's a new process, your reverence." Then, with a wave of the other hand and an utterance, Hari conjured his reversing stanza releasing the firefly which took to the air amid the "oos" and "ahhhs" of the surrounding spectators.
Vous dites : "Is there anything more fragile than a firefly?" asked Hari .
Vous dites : "Very interesting," conceded the sage, "but sap won't resist against the first drop of rain let alone the ravages of time!"
Vous dites : "No, but amber will," put in Master Seng stepping forward to Hari offering his beautiful creation in one hand and a sphere in the other.
Vous dites : "Come, young homin, take the amber you need from this box and show us what your magic can do with this sphere of knowledge. If you succeed, you can pay me back with your winnings!" chuckled the great crafter.
Vous dites : In the twinkling of an eye, the young crafter had dissolved a portion of amber which he then directed to seal the sphere of knowledge. The whole crowd clapped and cheered as the sage, muted by the clamor of praise, took young homin by the arm and raised it to the canopia as sign of victory
Vous dites : The balls of amber were thereafter perfected into cubes for easy storage with the help of Seng, who, incidentally, also made the first great Chest of Wisdom to store them in.
Paolensmiles at Krill.
Krill smiles at Paolen : Grytt... Euh... Ari'kami
Vous dites : Lao, lao; anymore question ?
Krill turns her empty glass over : An. Y thik the time has come
Feylin asked for a cup of thea, too much speaking ....
Astarth dit : ari'kami laï-ko Paolen y Feylin
Zhoi sighs, remembering the rite about the amber cubes of wisdom long ago
Paolen is grateful toward Feylin.
Osquallo dit : it was very interesting, but i have to leave you, thanks for those interesting tales.
Osquallo bows to Feylin.
Osquallo bows toPaolen.
Feylin bows to Osquallo.
Vous dites : Mata
Paolen bows to Osquallo.
Astarth bows deeply to Paolen.
Astarth bows deeply to Feylin.
Krill stands up and stretches : Grytt ad sulem. Ari'kami
Krill dit : Seelagan
Krill bows deeply.
Vous dites : Seelagan Krill
Vous dites : Everyone seems as calm as a firefly traped in a sap sphere
Paolen smiles.
Astarth smiles: we are feylin
Vannox feels like a firefly trapped inside a sap sphere
Vous dites : Too bad, i have no amber box to put an Astarth of Wisdom inside
Zhoi chuckles
Astarth giggles
Vous dites : Well, if there are no questions about this history before the first great Swarm , i may as well speak a little about more recent history
Astarth dit : please continue Feylin
Elyndia bows with respect.
Vous dites : The Ma'Kwaï Hoï-Cho led our people to the witherings.
Vous dites : The Sage Fung-tun showed him places of great magnetism, where cities could be build for Zoraï people
Vannox bows with respect.
Vous dites : Zora was built in 2483. Jen-Laï in 2487, then Hoï-Cho and Min-Cho in 2488
Salazar murmurs: I'm sorry ... Deles necat.
Salazar bows with respect.
Vous dites : During the times of exodus in the prime roots, a new belief grew among Zoraï : that Jena was the name of the Great Kami.
Feylin bows at Salazar.
Vous dites : This is the base of the second religion in the Theocracy, though their adpets say its way older than that.
Phaozhu raise a hand
Vous dites : This is called Jenaïst kamism, or ancient religion.
Vous dites : yes Phao-Zhu ?
Phaozhu dit : né, guzu
Astarth bows at Phaozhu.
Vous dites : This is important, because it was what the Sage Fung-tun believed, as many Zoraï after leaving the Prime Roots.
Zhoi scratches her head as if in doubt
Vous dites : But in 2495, Hoï-Cho met Ma-Duk, and learned the Revelations
Vous dites : He then rejected officially the theory of Jena as Great Kami.
Vous dites : This is the birth of the Order of Ma-Duk.
Thorthehammer raises hand: how did Ma-Duk present himself/itself to a homin?
Vous dites : As a form of Kami, probably.
Thorthehammer dit : ari'kami
Vous dites : Ma-Duk and all Kami are one.
Vous dites : Hoï-Cho took the young Mabreka Cheng-Ho as disciple
Vous dites : but did you know that he had another disciple before the Great Swarm ?
Astarth surprised: no, i did not
Zhoi dit : Muang Hoi-Gi?
Vous dites : Who do you say Zhoi ?
Zhoi dit : oh, I just heard some rumors about that one... but I forgot a good part of it, so I asked if you meant that one
Zhoi dit : that disciple, who was it?
Vous dites : We may know him under another name ....
Vous dites : We call him Marung Horongi
Astarth dit : what became of him?
Zhoi dit : ah... maybe. We know of an old scholar named Nung Horongi, and another very dangerous Zorai, Muang Hoi-Gi who was with the Marauders
Vous dites : Marung Horongi and Nung Hrongi were brothers.
Zhoi dit : is that so? Now that's interesting!
Vous dites : They both stayed in the ancients Lands instead of fleeing through the gates from Elias Tryton
Zhoi dit : it might be so, we might just have never found out about that. Our history has holes as you can say
Karrael dit : from or with?
Vous dites : They survived and came to the New Lands, after the death of Hoï-Cho, and event of Fung-Tun.
Vous dites : It is said that Marung claimed the power in the Theocracy as the real disciple of Sage Hoï-Cho
Vous dites : Him and Nung were involved in the death of the Governer of new trykoth.
Zhoi nods: yes, I heard that Muang claimed that the Cho-dynasty should in reality be the Horongi-dynasty
Zhoi dit : so it is the same Zorai, just a little difference in the pronouncation of his name
Vous dites : Yes probably.
Zhoi dit : well, Mabreka Cho was formerly known as Mabreka Cheng-Ho, as his brother, the Sage Sens, is still called Gangi Cheng-Ho
Vous dites : Mabreka took the name of Cho in purpose.
Vous dites : But you're right, its real name is Cheng-Ho.
Thorthehammer is slightly overwhelmed, and excuses himself for the rest of the lesson
Thorthehammer dit : mata né'puké, Feylin - Paolen
Feylin bows to Thorthehammer.
Paolen dit : Mata
Zhoi waves goodbye to Thorthehammer
Zhoi dit : so it is not unusual for us Zorai to wear many names...
Vous dites : Well, it is unusual.
Vous dites : Talking back about Hoï-Cho ... he died in year 2504, with no descendant.
Vous dites : Thus, the dynasty Cho ended with him
Zhoi nods
Zhoi dit : in principle yes
Vous dites : The sage Fung-tun became the Ma'Kwaï.
Vous dites : he introduced again Jena as Great Kami.
Zhoi dit : there is another difference I heard about... that Jena was worshipped long before the idea of a Great Kami came to be known...
Paolen nods.
Zhoi dit : but as a goddess ... of the Kami
Astarth dit : seems to be that way after hearing the story of the tears of serenity
Vous dites : This is indeed the story as told by the adepts of the ancient religion.
Zhoi dit : it will be very interesting to put the pieces of our legends together to find the whole truth
Vous dites : Some other way to tell it exists, without the name of Jena.
Vous dites : As well, the story of the Great Sphere built in year 2329 may only talk about communion with the Great Kami, and not specifically Ma-Duk
Zhoi nods slowly: perhaps...
Zhoi dit : also stories about Ma-Duk differ...
Astarth listens carefully
Zhoi dit : some stories name him as the Great Creator, others say he came into existence long after the creation of Atys
Zhoi dit : normally Ma-Duk is referred to as a "he", but not always
Vous dites : Well, this referrence is a choice that is not relevant in Taki Zoraï
Paolen dit : Il y a la première des références qui désigne un principe féminin : Kami-Ko de l'Equilibre
Zhoi dit : some even say that Ma-Duk was formerly an unusual Kami and then became Ma-Duk in the heart of Atys when uniting with the consciousness of all creation
Paolen dit : C'est le terme qui désigne parfois le Kami de la première rencontre
Vous dites : en fait, je me suis aperçue que dans Kami-Ko, le -Ko n'est pas le principe féminin.
Zhoi dit : all in all we are talking about mysteries, and maybe the higher meaning of mysteries is to accept that we cannot understand them
Paolen nods.
Vous dites : Paolen talk about how the encounter designate the kami that was met by Cho : Kami-ko of Equilibrium
Zhoi dit : ah... as an ending of miko?
Paolen dit : I thought...
Vous dites : It's a way to understand that, but i think it's a mistake.
Vous dites : Think about our heavy armors
Astarth dit : hard to tell, when this comes from oral tradition
Vous dites : Tan-Ko
Vous dites : Anyway, let's go back to the Theocracy, and Sage Fung-Tun
Vous dites : He allowed slavery in the purpose of struggling against the Goo, allowing then the Hamazans to settle in the Maiden Grove, with tryker slaves.
Vous dites : And especially to help defense against the Masters of Goo, this tribe that was founded in year 2503
Vous dites : Fung-Tun became corrupted by the Goo during the year 2505.
Vous dites : Do you know how ?
Astarth dit : did he tried to manipulate it?
Vous dites : Manipulate ... in a sense ...
Vous dites : Fung-Tun was a member of an order called Mé-Smèr.
Paolen dit : Son fondateur même.
Vous dites : Its members were proficient mages and magnetism scientists, that were working along with Karavan to study Goo.
Vous dites : Yes, Paolen says he even founded this Order.
Vous dites : They were working in a nearby place : the Research center of Jen-Laï, an outpost of the Knot of Demencia, that is now just ruins
Vous dites : It's during those experiments that Fung-Tun was corrupted by Goo, and then slowly became insane until dying in 2506.
Vous dites : When Mabreka-Cho became the new Ma'Kwaï, he decided to put an end to the Order of Mé-Smèr.
Vous dites : Any experimentation with Goo was then forbidden.
Vous dites : A subject that is related to recent discussions in hoï-Cho Circles
Zhoi nods enthusiastically
Astarth dit : well i heard a rumour, years ago that maruader zinuaakens might be product of goo experimentation
Zhoi whispers to Astarth: please read the open letter I posted on your notice boards, and hopefully the Monks of Atys will as well...
Vous dites : It is possible, though it's not each purple thing that is related with Goo
Zhoi dit : that rumors might have to do with Muang Hoi-Gi or Marung Horongi, as you know him
Vous dites : Or i would be afraid of my own hair
Clever dit : (ari'kami Feylin y Paolen for this thrilling story, and enriching informations, I must leave)
Zhoi dit : Nung Horongi told a weird story about Muang/Marung, that he had reached the heart of Atys in or even below the deepest levels of the roots
Clever dit : Mata yume
Paolen dit : Mata
Vous dites : Mata yume Clever
Vous dites : A weird story ? Of which kind ?
Astarth dit : mata yume clever
Zhoi dit : Nung told it to some homins personally
Zhoi dit : and he told them that Muang has brought secrets from the heart of Atys to the surface of the bark, including resurrection without needing Kamis nor Karavan
Paolen dit : Shikyo-nélaï...
Zhoi dit : and as Muang/Marung was in contact with Marauders for long (Melkiar the Black Varynx as we heard) they might have access to these secrets, including the Zinuakeen
Zhoi dit : well, it is late, and I just wanted to mention some little bits of the things I have heard
Zhoi dit : no need to dig further into all of this
Vous dites : Yes it's late.
Vous dites : The most important things have been told.
Vous dites : Astarth kito, you have a lot to meditate about now, in order to prepare yourself
Zhoi bows her head in consent
Astarth feels tired but grateful for Zhoi, feylin and paolen patience and effort
Paolen dit : Ari'Kami Fey-Lin Li'Laï-Ko
Paolen encourage Astarth !
Paolen bow with respect.
Paolen dit : Mata Yumé
Vous dites : Kami'ari, y ari'kami Paolen.
Vous dites : Lao zenui
Paolen smiles to Feylin.

Last edited by Feylin (1 decade ago)


Fey-Lin Liang
Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 10:20:35 UTC

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