
#1 [en] 

Lordoy, nair-homini,

Sorry for my poor english,

The Federal Assembly of Fairhaven and the Assembly of akenak have accepted the principle of a road of water between Fairhaven and Pyr, on march 16th saturday.

The hour of launching the caravan of water is not fixed because we want to allow to a maximum of players to participate (so, Americans and Australian, say here which GMT hour is the better for you, knowing this event can last 4 hours and that European prefer to play during the afternoon, so 15h GMT).

The way we are going to use will be secret until the departure to avoid attacks (but who can say if baddies can attack even at the last minutes).

The caravan master is Luth macFay, taliar and water-carrier. Nevertheless, Luth don't wish to be alone as master of the caravan because aggreing to the tryker value of Share, he wants to share the responsabilities. If you are tryker citizen with these titles : Water-Carrier, Magnetic Cartographer (i am not sure of the translation) or Voyager/Traveler.... but if u don't have these titles, we will try to give u a temporary title with the powers of the Animation.

The Water Caravan is opened to all the merchants. If some people want to protect the caravan, they are welcome. If you are a merchants, you MUST put your merchandises in a packer mektoub which will cross the world with us ;)

To launch this caravan, Trykers must gather :

- 2000 waters from the occupation of water-carrier.
- 3000 stingas mosses (qual. 100+)/
- 5000 fibers (qual. 100+, in fine).

In exchange, Fyros will gather and will give to the Trykers :
- 1000 tools from the occupation.
- 3000 shooki's buds.
- 3000 barks (qual. 100+, in fine).
- 3000 ambers (qual. 100+, in fine).
- 5 millions of dappers.

I will write a post about the tryker gathering and akenak Bardor will do the same for the fyros.

The exchange will do in Pyr, Gate of Cerakos.

A will : if all the merchants and protectors of the Water caravan coulb be in tryker armors, it would be great !

For more informations or for telling your participation, /tell Luth or write in this post !

Luth macFay.

Zuletzt geändert von Luth (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#2 [en] 

Irifidel grumbles "A good thing I went back to the jungle. Fibre will be even scarcer than before in the Lake Country. However, the availability of fresh Shookie Beer a cycle or so after this treck might be a compelling reason to visit the wise barmen of Fairhaven once more." A low chuckle escapes his throat. "Maybe something good comes out of that quarrelling Fyros after all."

I wonder what profit Luth and the bunch are making out of that. A 1:1 exchange of materials? Just 5 million dappers for water, the Fyros would not get otherwise? There must be more to it. A plan I cannot see yet. Anyway, there is nothing in it for a Zorai, but a bleeding packer. Let's see how they fare...

#3 [en] 

(ooc : for information, 5 millions of dappers is 5 times the ransom the Fyros paid in 2501 to liberate Dexton... So, a profit of 5 times the ransom of an emperor, in roleplay, it's huge. After, the gameplay breaks the value of this :().

#4 [en] 

Daomei has read the announcement with some approval. Delivering water to the homins of the dry lands is a just and honorable cause and deserves to be supported. She agrees with her sister Diwu that, if their services were wished, they would volunteer as guardians.

But then, she stumbles over a paragraph in the announcement:
Luth (atys)
A will : if all the merchants and protectors of the Water caravan could be in tryker armors, it would be great !

This alone makes her hesitate: We are warriors, not models, and a trek through dangerous lands is not a fashion parade. Much more as she has read this passage of the announcement in a different dialect:
Note aux gens faisant la caravane : il serait bien d'être vêtu en armures trykers, nous n'imposons pas de couleur. Mais un marchand ou un protecteur non-vêtu en tryker sera repoussé

This text is telling that guardians or merchants not appearing in tryker armor will be rejected.

Well, this settles the issue: Neither of us two is born in any of the four nations, and nobody will prescribe us how to clothe, at least not as long as we do not join the Atys Rangers' forces (which, btw. have no uniform so far). So if they don't accept us in our professionally built and well tended armor (which - at least the light armor - usually is a wild mixture of all 4 countries' artisanate), we wish them luck and success anyway.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#5 [en] 

Lordoy ad toll !

For the moment, with the generous help of the criai of the Tribu Talodi, clan macFay, Bai nohri Drakhani, les Justes and some members of Les Larmes, we have for the moment :

Moss of stinga : 3377/3000 --> the collect is over for the mosses.
Fibers : 802/5000 --> At your picks !
Waters from occupation : 1795/2000.

If some german of english guilds have some mats for the Road of Water, say it here to make the count right ;)

Luth macFay, Taliar of clan macFay and master of the Water caravan.
Last visit Mittwoch 5 Juni 10:18:00 UTC

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