Entraide Mac


#1 [en] 

Hello ppl. I cannot login to Ryzom? I tried opening a new account but that still outputs the same error code. I reinstalled the mac app in case that might help, same error. I checked for software updates at the mac app store... none. Support is limited - as far as I can tell everything from the CEB chat software and even the in-game help (html malformed) can't work on my 10.8.2 Mountain Lion Mac. Not sure if I will be able to login again seeing as error [code 1] confirms an outdated client "after" an update...

#2 [en] 

server is down for a big update


should be down for several hours, we're all waiting don't worry

there will be a lot of people in CeB right now, chat with them :P

Dernière édition par Eruv (il y a 1 décénie).


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#3 [en] 

thanks - as said I can't use CEB it's an exe - glad to be back on tho - maybe Ryzom could consider a cross platform chat system for the future. Ryzom offers a mac app client so it makes sense.

Anyway - phew - back to the game....

#4 [en] 

Grafty (atys)
thanks - as said I can't use CEB it's an exe - glad to be back on tho - maybe Ryzom could consider a cross platform chat system for the future. Ryzom offers a mac app client so it makes sense.
Multi-platform chat client is available from



#5 [en] 

Awesome - thanks Karu - I'm hooked up to CEB now. Cheers.
Last visit dimanche 2 Juin 05:51:52 UTC

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