buy bulk upgrades for apartment (with dappers, not real money)
yes 87 (14)
no 18 (2)
Other 5
Abstain 9
Poll is closed

#60 [en] 

I guess I'm tainted by having the role of dumping all the trash outta GH. Really don't need 245 bits of fine what nots .... that 6 HP LA set that's missing boots and sleeves .... or "grind anything". If ya can fit 2 of every weapon, 2 LA, MA, HA, 4 sets of jools..... , all the NPC armor sets, enough great mats to craft 2 or 3 of everything what else ya need to store ?

I also trying to figure just what ya wanna store..... I never use merchant storage ..... when grinding a craft, I fill me bag, fill me packer, visit a hawker and craft / sell till we empty. Rinse and repeat ....I also kept a set of Haddo jools and a other items for sentimental value.

Not a fan of dapper sinks.... gets too boring running the same missions over and over and over again as they the ones w/ most money. The less profitable ofc get ignored which diminishes the gameplay also.


#61 [en] 

i've been a homin that sells out the junk in a gh as well, though i don't choose what goes and stays much (but i'm sure i could). i do like the idea of having the ability to hold in reserve in the GH the mat's needed to craft everyone in the guild full set's of everything they could want at one time (though that's not likely to ever be needed, i will admit) as for my apartment, i'd like to store enough mat's (500k) to do massive grinds crafting, at least till all the mat's are items which i will then spend hours running in and out so i can sell them to the merchants for meger amounts. I'm a jewel crafter, and sure they only require 2 types of mats, but the limited numbers i can store mean that i can't dig like crazy for a week or two non-stop, then craft in the same fassion, rather i have to do it a day or two of one skill, then a few hours of the other.

since i'm a jewel crafter, there are NO good paying missions to start with (oversight of the dev's) but i make dappers none the less, doing other missions that i can, and i can vary those to keep them at least remotely interesting. there's so little to spend dappers on, so at some point wealth becomes pointless, so a dapper sink is not a bad thing in the end. i too like to save things that are special to me, but with the limits on storage we have, and the fact that i like to use my apt to do grind crafting, that means my packers hold all my good stuff, thus limiting what i can save for personal reasons and what i have for pratical use.

i can agree that gh's don't need to be limitless on bulk and slots, but it would be nice to see them hold a much larger amount then they do right now, by a factor of 10 would be good i think, by 100 would mean that would be the end of my wish for more space for a GH.

but unlike a GH i would like the possibility to have a limitless upgrade path for my apartment, i gave pricing ideas, and amounts per buys. i really don't see how the limit on a apt would change much if anything gameplay wise, other then i could spend a few weeks collecting mats and then do a massive craft grind that would gain me 50 levels or more in a single craft, and with enought bulk and slots, i could perhaps dig enough mat's to go from 51 to 250 in one massive craft grind, which would be nice, though i doubt i could stand to dig non-stop that long.

anyway, for a apt the possibility of near limitless storage isn't game braking (and anyone that says that's not real like, it is a game for one, and for two, when someone needs more storage, they buy it one way or another.

sorry it's a novel again, but i really like my idea and defend it. (apartments on this thread, guild halls has it's own thread)



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#62 [en] 

look at all the support i've gotten on my poll, that should say something about this idea.


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#63 [en] 

Ryzom is full of hoarders. Bulk upgrades in apartments would encourage and facilitate this even more and I for one do not want to make it easier for these people.

Hoarders gain their mats in many different ways- camping is one of these ways. Every second a haorder has to spend switching accounts to store away mats is a second they (hopefully) won't be camping.

I mean, I get what your saying about crafting Talk, but would it really be any different for you to dig less mats, craft, dig again, craft? You might want this upgrade for ease of crafting but some others will just exploit its ease to hoard - and I've just read through the previous posts by Fyrosfreddy and couldn't agree more!

In my opinion, there will never be enough space - the more people have the more they will want, Ryzom is brilliant at creating a balance with regards to many things and storage is something I believe to be balanced (and I'm talking from the perspective of having at least 2 - usually 3 packers free for launcher).

Last edited by Elvanae (1 decade ago)


#64 [en] 

still want this. so they switch accounts, they're not wasting a single second, that's what they have army's for, lolx.

i want the OPTION, and a good dapper sink that has a permanent reward to show for the effort.

i refute your claims about hoarders, we'll have them either way, there is no excuse for this, it's always going to be, that's a fact.

I want to spend 3 months digging all the mat's i need for a massive craft grind, one that i can get 50 level's without leaving (other then to sell the full bag's of grind crafted items to the merchants).

i want to fill it with grind mat's, item's i have that i want to keep because of msg's friends wrote on it, more so for the one's that don't play anymore.

not only that but everything in ryzom will respawns, so it's not there's a finite amount of anything in atys.

i want my apt with 1,000,000 bulk please. then i won't need to keep filling f2p alt's and their mounts with keepsakes.

my thoughts to all the nay sayers, when i get what i want i'll stop, until then i'll keep bringing this back up to keep it alive and i'll keep defending it until the server goes down, there's no reason you can argue with me that this is unreasonable as an option.

and once again, look at the poll, over 70% want this upgrade, that's more then 2/3's of the ppl that voted.


Remickla (atys)
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#65 [en] 

i hear a call for bulk upgrades in personal storage systems again.... seams that idea is already here.... and a few other places as well, check the old forums for things like this...


Remickla (atys)
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#66 [en] 

ok, due to recent things happening in game i've taken the time to hit this forum again with clear reasons

limited storage options have lead to other methods being used, and some of those methods are under fire for being "bugged" for over 9 years, after 9 years, it's very hard to call it a bug, bug's get fixed, features are not fixed because they aren't broken.

i'm posting today here to help promote the bulk upgrade idea once again, because based on recent actions it's only again proving that larger storage options are needed.

some people want to say it's only going to promote hoarding, regardless of this upgrade option hoarding will always be a possibility.

here's a couple things that would be helpful:
less alt's thus less server load from repeated log-in and log-out.
less individual database files for the server to keep track of and save

many players have put in alot of work on subb'ed alts, they're not likely to do away with them simply because of this upgrade, i know i would not.

other games have given this option to the player base, some use in-game money to get the upgrade, others have charged a one time cash fee, but in both cases it was used only by a portion of the game's player base, and they also were able to promote something that many other games did not offer.

it's very clear that storage is an issue with the player base, some claim it's fine the way it is, and for those players the option would not be used; for others it's not fine the way it is and they would be happy to have an option to improve things in their case.

the option doesn't have to be used by those that are happy with the current status-quo, but would be very welcomed by those that are not happy with the status-quo.

this would also reduce the use of merchant based storage workarounds, which i'm sure keeping that database smaller would improve the server load (the merchant lists are kept loaded and running on the server every day 24 hours a day, where as the player's apt only is active while the player is online in game, with a guild hall it would be only if there's at least one member of that guild online.)

i'll stop here for bit and think and dwell on this for more time while i wait to see if we get what we're asking for... i've vowed to keep this alive untill it's given, after two years it should be clear that i mean to keep my word :)


Remickla (atys)
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#67 [en] 

ok so here's a thought to go along with this, could be options to give the upgrade path

allow a player to buy one apt in each land, the inventory should be linked (up to 8k bulk)

allow a player to buy one apt in each city of a land, the inventory should be linked (total of 10k bulk)

allow a player to buy 5 (five) apt's in EACH land, all linked together through-out (up to 40k total)

each of these options would require you buy one in the capital of each land.
these are some valid options, it's not too insane for these numbers, i think this would be valid, the cost is there to help curb usage.


Remickla (atys)
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#68 [en] 

wanted to bump this thread because now everyone can vote on the poll, not just the english reading and speaking players.


Remickla (atys)
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#69 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

je pense qu'il pourrait suffir d'avoir différentes taille d'appartement ou de hall de guilde de disponnible.
comme pour les Toubs


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Aelyne (1 decade ago)

#70 [en] 

i promiced to do this in the past and now here it is, links to posts related to bulk upgrade request of the past.  (really starting to feel ignored by the dev's about this much requested feature)

old forum link (player wish list)

old forum link (this one also has a poll with over 70% support of upgrades, sound familiar?)

old forum link (player speaks about buying extar apt bulk)

i could find several more on the old forums, but thought that this was a good start.  there are several on new forums, but for the last two years my two have been the active ones.  (not sure on the non-english forums, as the results were limited to english; if there are similar thread in other languages, i would love to have links posted here by anyone willing.)

it's very clear that bulk and slot's are importiant to a large number of the player base, i'm not the only one.  i'm true to my word that: I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THIS PATH BECAUSE IT IS A VALID REQUEST!! (nay say all you want, it's clear that more of us want it then are against it, even historically proven with the old forum's poll)

ya know, this shouldn't be that hard to do, based on some reliable sources i've spoken with, it's not something that would take much work or effort to really offer us.  (when i have 1m bulk and 50k slot's in my apt i'll shut up about this, till then, the talk will not give up.)


Remickla (atys)
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#71 [en] 

+1637329947 I agree with more bulk fully


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#72 [en] 

Talk, you would think that after this many years that the "answer" of the dev / event / whatever team would be crystal clear: We aren't going to get it. No point in further spam .


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#73 [en] 

well then, i can sure say that customer satisfaction really isn't that big a deal to the company. regardless i won't stop trying until the server goes down for good. i also like to look at the majority of people that think positive, and focus less on the negative minority involved (because they don't have to use it).

also, quitters never get anything, but those that refuse to give in or give up may one day persevere.


Remickla (atys)
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#74 [en] 

That was meant to imply that perhaps you should ask for something else good rather than concentrating on something that while popular may have negative game balance issues that cause it to be rejected. For instance people have been asking for their fires back for some time and it now appears that they will be getting them soon.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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