buy bulk upgrades for guild halls (with dappers, not real money)
yes 66 (10)
no 9 (1)
Other 4
Abstain 5
Poll is closed

#16 [en] 

i'm not knocking the renting part of the idea, any way would be better then no way, but what if the bulk of the guild memebers all take the summer seaons off and no one's there to pay the "bill" they come back to missing all the stuff, however if it is rented, for dappers, and when the rent's not paid the items are locked from removal untill the bill is paid, that would work fine in my book.

in the end i'd just like to see players and guilds NOT need 10, 50, 100 guild halls;

some say a bulk upgrade would promote hoarding and hurt the econ, i beg to differ, at least on my side, because i'm not going to share 50 of the 100 sup mats i've got in my GH because i need them, but if bulks not a limit and i can store a stock pile, say one stack, i'd be more apt to give 100 to that person when they only needed 50.

not everyone plays ryzom to dig or hunt, some like to dig, others like to hunt, and yet other's will like to craft things; with good stock piles i think the better more friendly guilds and players will start sharing more with eachother, because they know that have it to spare, with alt GH's it's kinda hard to know for sure what you have stored, so you might have 25 of a mat in each gh because they all have so much stuff in them, at least if it's all in one gh, you can see your true inventory with just one toon.

but thanks everyone for adding ideas, i want to hear everyone out, and try to offer ideas and answers to everyone, i'm in favor of this, and in the past others have wanted this as well, i'm going to look for the old threads to show this is not the first time someone's thought of this, but i refuse to just let this die, as it's one thing i really think more ppl want but feel that asking is a waste of their time.


Remickla (atys)
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#17 [en] 

also, i'll be starting a "slot's upgrade" as our guild is not trying to handle both a bulk issue and a slots issue, what's with the limits and now path to grow as we grow? let's get on this together as a team, even if you don't want this, what does it hurt for those of us that do to get it? please stop always trying to shoot down an idea just because you don't want it, jump on the train and go with the one's that do, i support good ideas weather i would use them or not, look around and you'll see that i do, both in votes and in my posts, i'm not here to bring anyone down, i want to try to help everyone get things, because as far as i'm concerned if it's an optional thing, then the only answer is to say yes, because that gives more freedom to the players to make choices.


Remickla (atys)
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#18 [en] 

i'd love to see the status of this idea on the dev road map, since the over-all feeling (70%) is that this is a good idea.


Remickla (atys)
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#19 [en] 

I would like to see this implemented as well It IS a pain to have to have several accounts with alts to be able to store Items in various Guild Halls. Sometime the Computer just can't handle it! So in my opinion this would be a SMART move to implement, because it HELPS to retain players or even give new interests to new players.


#20 [en] 

it's been quite some time since i bumbed this idea, but after reading this recent line:

[quote=Tamarea (atys)][quote=Neela (atys)]
Tamarea (atys)
In fact there are more than 1000 guilds registered since merge. Even if we ignore inactive ones, there would be also storage guilds etc which all need its textures (which you would have to download also) for their armors, (maybe) weapons, flags, ..
So it is unfortunatelly not in the hands of the Ryzom Forge team, but needed dev team (Ryzom Core or Ryzom one). We'll need to talk with them about this question.

i'm once again pushing this idea back to the top, having read that there are over 1000 guilds created since the merger, tells me that storage is still an issue, and while some people would complain about hoarders, i'm more concerned with un-need load on the server.

each guild requires at least one alt toon account, thus there's 2 more databases for the server to keep track of, if there is an upgrade path we could cut those down, sure they're already there now, but it would prevent creation of more in the future. and would give us something else to waste dappers on.

better for the server to have to just save ONE larger database for a guild then saving 20 small databases, in the log run it would be less work on the server.

(who know's perhaps those guilds willing to admit they have 20 alt gh's can get a special deal on the upgrade, and after having time to move things from the alt gh, they can turn in the name of that alt guild into the csr's and the guild can be deleted from the server, thus reducing the numbers of the databases the server has to keep up with.)

there's some good points here i think. and for those of you out there reading thing, go ahead and let me hear your thoughts as well, i love it when someone doesn't think this is a good idea, after 10 years of people asking for it, it would sure seam to be something people want as an option.


Remickla (atys)
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#21 [en] 

20+ of those guilds are my stupid name guilds :D

+1 for the idea, then again ryzom would loose some active subs with ppl having an extra sub to access their alt GH easy


#22 [en] 

as long as they don't give us the apt bulk upgrade, there will be sub'ed alt's with gh's that players will use as personal apt's, since apt's are very limited.


Remickla (atys)
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#23 [en] 

This has likely been brought up before but why not use the building space available in OPs as storage extensions. Lose the OP, lose the stuff geared there. (Could be a tab like the guildhall currently is, owner of the OP sees the tabs).


#24 [en] 

i hear a call for bulk upgrades in personal storage systems again.... seams that idea is already here


Remickla (atys)
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#25 [en] 


#26 [en] 

ok so here's a thought to go along with this, could be options to give the upgrade path

allow a guild to buy one guild hall in each land, the inventory should be linked (up to 40k bulk)

allow a guild to buy one guild hall in each city of a land, the inventory should be linked (total of 50k bulk)

allow a guild to buy 5 (five) guild hall's in EACH land, all linked together through-out (up to 200k total)

each of these options would require you buy one in the capital of each land.
these are some valid options, it's not too insane for these numbers, i think this would be valid, the cost is there to help curb usage.


Remickla (atys)
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#27 [en] 

and what about marauders with this new idea talk?

We only have one city and can't enter the others easily.



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#28 [en] 

well virg, i did have a thought about that, there could be 2 options, option one would require the help of myself and a few other cookies, we could heal a mara until they were close enough to the npc to use invul and buy it (not the best option, but i would be willing to loose fame and die to help the mara on this.) option two would be to make a special trigger to allow mara's to buy them all at once.

while one option would be a pain for all invloved, the other may be a pain for the dev's to code.

my inital idea that the npc's we buy apt's/gh's from would offer a new menu option that would just allow buying of more bulk for said apt/gh.

i agree that these would make it harder for mara's to do, (and i hate to do anything that would give one group an advantage over another) the mara way of life is a harder one and as such would require more risk and more effort to get the same things as civ neutral or civ aligned players.

i would like to simply see the option to buy more bulk, but i thought the more options i offer the dev's the more chance there will be for us to get them.

(also virg, i'm sure there's at least one player in syndi that has an alt that's not full mara, and anyone could make a f2p alt to buy the extra space, after all for a guild they need only be a member of that guild to buy the extra space, cause f2p's can make and own gh's)


Remickla (atys)
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#29 [en] 

wanted to bump this thread because now everyone can vote on the poll, not just the english reading and speaking players.


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#30 Multilingual 

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see the question about apartments

Last edited by Aelyne (1 decade ago)

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