

#1 [en] 

(Hello, this is the presentation of the french Taliari Assembly of the 2013 january 15, sorry for the poor translation).

Quinteth, Folially, 11, 3e CA 2571.

The first Taliari Assembly Taliari of Avendale was on the Quinteth, Folially, 11, 3e CA 2571. It was presided bye l’Aveugle (The Blinded).
These people were presents :
- The citizens Kaaon et Chenli of the Tribu Talodi‘s crya.
- The citizens Jazzy, Nymphéa, Faleana et Bastien of the Bai Nhori Drakani‘s crya.
- The citizen Carri of the Étincelle‘s crya.
- The citizens Luth, Enotacim, Hyugi, Atharius, Zvorax, Swan, Dwane, Mariwa et the resident Bulgo of the Clan macFay‘s crya.
- The citizen Kalean.
- The resident Krill of the Lune Éternelle.
- The residents StCentor et Anyume of Groupe StCentor.
- The resident Amore.
- The resident Hann.
- The visitor Fey-Lin.
- The visitor Geyos.

L’Aveugle (The Blinded) announced that the Federation changed a lot. Because the Second Swarm, the ancient Constitution wasn’t anymore effective and a transition government was created, the Thenkard’ali. Denen Toen (a friend of the now dead Still Wyler and one of the writers of the Homin Rights of 2518) was the Kard’al of Avendale, Shaley Nara (the chief of the Guild of Try) was the kard’ala of Crystabell and Ailan Mac’Kean (the heir of the Loria’s Company and secret heir of Loria herself) was the kard’ala of Windermeer. Ailan Mac’Kean was chosen to be the transition Governor of the Federation before the organization of new élections.

Denen Toen introduced himself at The Assembly as the Kard’al of Avendale. He announced many decisions :
- That the Taliari Assembly of Avendale would have the responsabilité of the Avendale’s 300 meters around the city area. The Avendalite Taliari and their cryai will be able to ask the creation of structure in this area.
That the Taliari Assembly of Avendale would participate at the National Taliari Assembly in Fairhaven with its représentants.
- That the Taliari Assembly of Avendale could function as it wants if it respects the tryker’s values (so, the talalochi can be re-created).
- That the ancient Constitution was cancelled and that a new one was writing et that so there wouldn’t be any nominations of Taliari because the function of the Taliari dépends of the Constituion who wasn’t yet promulgated.

The question of the writing and promulgation of the new Constitution provoked a lot of questions because Denen Toen said that the new Constitution would be promulgated by the Thenkard’ali in the next days. A lot of citizens were surprised not being incorporâtes in this writing directly or by their Taliari. Happily, Denen Toen said that there would be some amendements proposed by Citizens or Taliari. He proposed to send the Constitution’s project to the interested Citizen (write to Vradden).

Several citizens insisted to writhe the laicity’s principle in the Constitution.

After the exit of Denen, l’Aveugle (The Blinded) took again the presidence of the Assembly where the question of the commercial road, of the Tryker Academy and of the Great Conjunction were evoked. Kaaon was accepted as Avendalite ambassador to the Fyros Empire and to the Zorai’s Theocracy. Luth was accepted as Avendalite ambassador to the Matis kingdom. Luth was accepted as President of the Taliari Assembly of Avendale.
The Taliari Assembly of Avendale closed with these nominations.

Seelagan, nair-talai al nair-taly o’Lochli.
Tor Na Trykoth,
Tryka, Meer al sella !

Luth macFay, President of the Taliari Assembly of Avendale.

#2 [en] 

(sorry for the poor english).

Tria 21 Medis, 4e cycle, 2528 JY

The Taliari Assembly of Avendale debated for the second time.

Were present a lot of citizens and becoming-citizens (Jazzy, Eto, Synthax, Kaaon, Chenli, Luth, Zvorax, Pegaz, Zorroargh, un autre Talodi, Atisalea, Rubahn, Hyugi, Enotacim) of the cryai Tribu Talodi, Bai Nhori Drakani and Clan macFay. Carri of the Etincelle asked to excuse for her absence.

There were a lot of visitors too like Krill of Lune Eternelle, StCentor of Groupe StCentor, a lot of Justes (like Athos or Yragael) and other curious homins.

Were present too the Aveugle (the Blind) and the federal representative Shinder Salan.

These decisions were voted and acted :

- Kaaon of Tribu Talodi and Luth of clan macFay became Taliari.
- The Talalochi were created but the question of their powers were repushed to a next session of the Assembly.
- Yragael of the Justes and StCentor of Groupe StCentor became Talalochi.
- Kaaon, Jazzy et Luth became the représentants of Avendale to the Taliari Assembly of Fairhaven.
- The Tryker Academy was re-created.

The weak number of citizens in all the Lakes was mentioned during the Assembly.

The Tryker Academy was presented by Kaaon. It is divided in three branches :

- The scientific branch presided by Zorroargh.
- The cultural branch, presided by Nymphea with the help of Luth.
- La festivities' branch, presided by StCentor.

If you want to help the scientific branch, tell Zorroargh.

The cultural branch has two services : the linguistic one directed by Nymphea and the folkloric one directed by Luth.
The cultural branches propose lessons of the Tyll (the tryker's language). Tell Luth or Nymphea for that.

If you want to participate at the creation of festivities in the Lakes, tell StCentor.

Seelagan, tor lochi al Naow Trykoth al Trykeri,
Tyll'al Luth macFay.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Luth (1 decade ago)

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